Alright finally, here is the game thread, The dice roller we will use is Rolz, For nickname either put your character name or your AG name, the room name is "GURPSAG" no quotes, all caps. The game uses 3d6 for most rolls, with your skills showing the number you have to get UNDER to succeed.
If you don't have a character GO TO CHARACTER CREATION THREAD! Otherwise post your sheet here to start.
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
To save on space, you'll copy the sheet in your replies, and i'll only copy the sheet to edit it.
So Oceanus: You've been on the march for at least 5 days now, "South" the commander keeps saying, but with the amount of moving you're doing you might as well be going into the **** sea. You've left Venusium a few days ago and the sun is starting to set yet again, but rather than make camp Commander, one Iunius Vespasianus Is not of Samnite birth, but commands over 3 centuries worth of Samnites, plus Roman auxiliaries, Veles and Rorarii who make it an example to stay far away from the Samnite camp, with the commander. You're the only century of Milites , otherwise it's two centuries of Samnite Hastati. They are all disaffected and unhappy about having to march so far for so long.
You've nearly lost feeling in your legs and suffer -6 FP, But finally you see it, a massive siege camp around a roman city, It flies many banners and torches light up the night. The commander along with his Equites Consulares gallop out, leaving the captains to rein in the men, your century captain Junius Tiberius a real Samnite, stands in front of the Vexillarius, shouts "Forward March!"
You continue on to reach and settle down to make camp, but before you could even take off your armor, a messenger on a horse rides into the Samnite camp, "Orders from Iunius! Make ready for battle in two hours!" before spurring his horse and speeding off down the lines.
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 4/10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
"Mars give me strength..." I mutter to myself as I look around for some food and wine to satisfy my hunger.
Oceanus: You carry your basic rations, since a mess hasn't been set up for you yet. Many of the men share theirs in a large pile so the hungrier ones can gain strength
It's blazing hot this day, as is usual for Ptolemaioi. But today is not about the heat, as the mortal enemies of great king, or as the natives call him, "Pharaoh" Sadly today you are one of the few real soldiers out here, but you get the honor of holding the right flank, while the rabble of Machimoi, in their white cloth armor hold the left, and the native egyptian Phalanxes hold the center. You can't quite make out the enemy in front of you as the haze of the heat makes them fuzzy and hard to see. But you know that behind you are more true greeks, Heavy skirmishers who start to move past your lines, along with the skirmishers clear on the other side of the formation to attempt to disrupt enemy lines.
a half hour later the haze has cleared as the enemy draws near, in front of you, they're odd, not greeks, perhaps arabs. They wear no armor other than a regular pot helmet, and a large wicker shield, like a Scuta. They continue to advance quickly, outpacing their own phalanxes, but not the similar spearmen on the other side of the formation. They're getting closer and closer, and the Skirmishers loose javelins, then again, and again before retreating past you. They're at least 100m out, but their lines are ruined, men lay wounded and dead, many of the survivors lack shields as their wicker ones were destroyed by heavy javelins. But the commander eggs them on in an odd language, he shouts at them and they start moving again, slowly reforming. they're within 50m now.
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 4/10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
I move over to the pile and grab a little food, I then move away and begin munching on what I grabbed.
With a decent meal you have, you sit and by an hour you feel back to normal again. Leaving you with an hour.
Leonidas: Whats the range for a throw of your javelin (strength multiplied by your range in meters) , also you charge, just by yourself? Against 120 Parthians?
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 4/10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
I look around for the squad that I will be joining with.
Oceanus: After a short search you find your Decanus, He's with the 9 others drawing straws. You watch quietly as they all go, and Captain picks one, which is markedly shorter than the others
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
I lean toward one of the men, "What are we drawing for?"
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
Name: Oceanus Poseidon Player: JACKinbigletters Point Total: 85 Ht: 6 foot 2 inches Wt: 200 pounds Size Modifier:0 Age: Mid-20s Unspent Pts: 0 Appearance: Tall and broad, with a deep tan. With a shaved head and green eyes. He isn't beautiful but he is certainly good-looking. A strong jawline frames his rugged face. Light brown stubble seems to constantly be shading his face even just after shaving. --------- ST: 12 (20) DX: 10 IQ: 11 (20) HT: 10 (+1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below) ---------- HP: 17 (10) Will: 11 (+1 against intimidation or anything attempting to cause fear) Per: 11 FP: 10 Total: --------- Basic Speed:5 Damage: Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2 Basic Move:5 --------- Languages: Latin (Native) [0] TL:2 Cultural Familiarities: Roman (Native)[0] Total: 0 ---------- Reaction Modifiers: Appearance: Attractive Status: Normal Reputation: Slightly infamous (-5) Wealth: Comfortable (10) --------- DR: 10 Dodge:8 Parry:7 Block:7 --------- Advantages&Perks: Acute hearing and vision (Level 1) Night vision (Level 2) Hard to kill (Level 1) Combat reflexes (Never "freeze in a situation, +1 to all active defense rolls, +2 to Fright Checks and +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental âstun.â) Total: 23
Disadvantages&Quirks: Mild dyslexia and dyscalculia (Makes reading, writing and mental arithmetic slightly difficult.) Sense of duty (Toward those he is indebted to.) Dislikes heights. Code of honor: An enlisted man should look out for his buddies and take care of his kit. Every soldier should be willing to fight and die for the honor of his unit, service, and country; follow orders; obey the ârules of warâ; treat an honorable enemy with respect and wear the uniform with pride. Total: -18 --------- Skills: First aid (Level 1) IQ/11 E (1) Shield (Level 3) DX/12 E (4) Swords (Level 3) DX/11 A (4) Tactics (Level 1) IQ/9 H (1) Survival (Level 2) IQ/11 A (2) Total: 13 -------- Hand Weapons: Kopis, Dam: Sw (cut), Thr-2 (imp) Reach: 1(m), Parry:0, WT:8 lbs
Weight Total:62lbs Encumbrance with all gear: Medium Move = Basic Move x 0.6. Dodge -2. Cost:- Remaining:- --------- Character Notes: Oceanus was born in a fishing village South of Rome. He wasn't from a rich family, more of a comfortable one. Due to him growing up on a rather flat area Oceanus never liked heights, he just wasn't comfortable with the possibility of falling. His mother worked as the local medical woman and he learned a few skills from her as he grew up. His father valued the ability to survive in the wild and brought Oceanus and his brother Magnus, into the local wilds and trained them in the basics in surviving the harsh winter months and the scorching summers. When he came of age Oceanus joined with the local army station where he learned how to use a sword and shield, he learned fast and was moving toward the top of his class. He began to learn the basics of tactics before he was shipped off.
I stay quiet and ensure I have all of my kit before following my squad.