There once was a peaceful kingdom that ruled other kingdoms in the region. The Head Knight had gone missing and at the same time a new knight was recruited with unusual skills in battle some of his rival knights said they saw him use dark magic. One day the King decided that he be made Head Knight. But after the ceremony he realized the armor he was wearing was the old head knights. So he arrested him... or so you think he immeadiatly made the king locked in the throne room and made TAOF. All knights would battle and the winner would battle the King to Death or not. There was a new faction formed the Freeists they wanted to go into TAOF and free the King by getting to him and finding a way to escape. There was another faction, the Deroyalists. They wanted the King to be rid of so they went into TAOF like everyone in the region that was a knight.
Char Sheet:
Team: (Set one up before you go into TAOF with at least 2 or more people and cannot be of different factions)
Faction (Good=Freeists Evil=Deroyalists)
Stats: (5 points to spend)
LuckSUPER IMPORTANT, the higher the better chance of having a good effect)
Intel: (The higher, the better chance of knowing what will happen)
Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break
Class: (Depending on class different effects see class choices)
Arena Rank: Has Not Applied
Gold: 10 (Use it to buy weapons and get into the arena itself)
Bloody Nightmare [Good] (Needs more people)
Darknessa [Evil] (May now go into the Arena)
TAOF Info:
TAOF is a luck based RPG, you will be in different rounds with random things from LionSerpents to Falling Gold. There are only 2 stats because your weapon is the only source of attack it will have high attack and shields will be your defense or some classes don't have shields.
Class Choices:
Warrior: Basic Class with Sword no shield Stronger sword ability
Knight: Basic Class with sword and shield sword DMG is shield DEF
Lancer: Basic Class with Lance and a mule can do LOTS of DMG but can also DMG himself
Spearman: Basic Class with Spear and Shield 50% of weapon DMG = shield DEF
Advanced Classes:
Executioner (Evolves from Warrior, standard weapon is now Sledgehammer or Battle Axe)
Broadknight (Evolves from Knight, standard weapon is now Mace or Broadsword)
Horserider (Evolves from Lancer, standard weapon is now Longsword or Lance)
Gladiator (Evolves from Spearman, standard weapon now Broadsword or Javelin)
Legendary Classes:
Destroyer (Evolves from Executioner, standard weapon is now Sledgemace (Large Spiked Sledgehammer))
King Knight (Evolves from Broadknight, standard weapon is now Large Broadsword)
Sir Lance-a-lot (Evolves from Horserider, standard weapon is now Proper Lance (Large and Better Lance))
Roman Knight (Evolves from Gladiator, you have a choice of becoming a Broad Roman Knight and then Roman King Knight, standard weapon is now a Olympic Fighting Javelin)
Name: James Mountfist. Team: Darknessa. Faction: Destroyalests. Stats: 5 to spend. Luck: 3. Intel:2. Weapons: Wooden sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break. Class: Knight. Arena rank: Has not applied. Gold: 10
Name: Nivlac Team: Darknessa? (see below) Faction: Deroyalists Stats: Luck: 4 Intel: 1 Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break Class: Spearman Arena Rank: Has Not Applied Gold: 10
Name: Tetkuro Artch Team: Bloody Nightmare (Find one more person) Faction: Freeists Stats: Luck: 3 Intel: 2 Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break Class: Warrior Arena Rank: Noob Gold: 10
Name: James Mountfist. Team: Darknessa. Faction: Deroyalists (Did you read the story? It is Deroyalists) Stats: Luck: 3. Intel:2. Weapons: Wooden sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break. Class: Knight. Arena rank: Noob Gold: 10
Name: Nivlac Team: Darknessa Faction: Deroyalists Stats: Luck: 4 Intel: 1 Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break Class: Spearman Arena Rank: Noob Gold: 10
Everyone who has a succesful team/group may join an arena! Voyage2 must make a succesful team/group
Name: Sean Deane Team: Faction: Mercenary: Loyal to nobody but the employer. Luck: 4 Intel: 1 Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break Class: Warrior. Arena Rank: Has Not Applied Gold: 10
Name: Sean Deane Team: Faction: Mercenary: Loyal to nobody but the employer. Luck: 4 Intel: 1 Weapon(s): Wooden Sword with string binding 25 AtckDMG Has a chance to break Class: Warrior. Arena Rank: Has Not Applied Gold: 10
Proclamation at the local tavern where the factions drink, "I will work for either side in this dispute, whomever can give me the most gold shall receive my services. It will be a bidding system so the first bid shall be for 2 gold pieces, cheap, very cheap for the work, you will be able to increase the bid as much as you want, but no halve pieces."