ForumsWEPRThe Israel and Palestine War

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198 posts

In this thread let's discuss about the war that is going on right now against Palestine and Israel.Do you guy's think what Israel is doing is right? I don't think so,lately i have been reading about it and there is even a page on Facebook of a guy who used to live in Gaza and so everyday he post's pictures about what's happening and how bad Israel is but nobody is not helping them and he posted this recently :"Israel has broken 65 U.N resolutions with no consequences. Iraq broke two and got invaded, bombed and destroyed." This is quite unjustice and even nobody is helping Palestine,Anyway's whoever want's to read more just go like his page called Mohammed Zeyara. Now let's discuss further more.

  • 92 Replies
198 posts

If Israel isn't as bad as you say then why are they trying to cover up their war crimes?

They told i think the BBC washington new's channel that the Hamas fired a rocket into a very crowded Hospital Al Shafa but a reporter what present there and said that Israel Defence Forces indeed fired it and if you need proof i got all the proof you need.

198 posts


If i cannot condemn Israel for the mistakes of a lot then why do people keep the Exclusive title Terrorist* only for Muslims?

Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions with no consequences however Iraq broke 2 and got invaded bombed and destroyed

8,256 posts

but think about it,in July it is the Holy month of Ramadan and they are getting bombed and dying yet still they try to celebrate

Please excuse me but I don't see how this is relevant to the discussion at hand.

If i cannot condemn Israel for the mistakes of a lot then why do people keep the Exclusive title Terrorist* only for Muslims?

Do they? Sure enough the media and politicians are using, overusing and misusing the term 'terrorism' as they see fit, but non-muslims have already been called terrorists too. Think of the Ukraine for a recent example.

And even if they did, it doesn't make it right to condemn a whole nation just because the government cares more about the votes of the extreme right than about human lives. You can criticise the people responsible for killing or contributing to the killing of innocents, but generalisations like "I hate Israel" hardly contribute to any discussion constructively as it ignores all the people that are against it.

And try to limit your multiple posts. There's an edit button in case you didn't notice.
1,773 posts

@Haiha - Netanyaho dosent "started" a war to get votes. Unlike befor, we didnt wanted this operation (Its not a war. We dont fight a country).

3 kids were kiddnape by Hamas free lancers. Hamas didnt wanted it, rhe west bank autonomy didnt wanted it. They didnt supported it so we cought tham very quickly. Meanwhike, while Israel did a massive arresting of peoples who are known to have ties with Hamas in attempt to rescue the kids, some crazy guy who claim to be the messiah murdured an arabian kid. Israel arrested him as well, but the palestinians in thebqest bank began to riot.
Hamas didnt stoped the other organizatiosns in Gaza from shooting at Israel (Hamas is not the only terrorist group in Gaza. Its like a hornet next inside there. Al-Quaida, GAP, even some flags of ISIS were spotted in a funeral).
Israel hit the rocket launchers and other facilities, so Hamas began to rain a rockket storme at us. We have Iron dome so we manage to almost stop any rocket.

After Hamas declined a cease fire, we Entered by land to Gaza. Hamas is using tunnles in attemt to masace civilians living in towns near the border, and of course keep on shooting rockets to Israel cities.
And just to show how careless Hamas is - one of the three killed Israeli civilian is Beduian. Yea, a muslim. Another rocket hit an arabian village near Jerusalem.

So for last, Netanyaho is not the monsterous right-winger you belive he is. He is central-right wing. And this Knesset (The Israeli congress) is one of the more central-left for a long time. We negotiated with the Palestinians for half a year befor it, many rules in favor of the LGTB community were made, the Beduian are getting more economical support and in general there is much less tolrencse to racism. So dont tell me he do it for his voters. You dont know how much hwat he get for agreeing to EVERY CEASE FIRR REQUEST from the UN just to get some suprise rockets in the middle.

Remmeber the 72 hours cease fire? That was supposed to begin today at 08:00? Apearently Hamas kiddnaped a Israeli solider and staryed a big offensive.

8,256 posts

Netanyaho dosent "started" a war to get votes. Unlike befor, we didnt wanted this operation (Its not a war. We dont fight a country).

I never claimed he started it, but he would lose support if he stopped the attacks and just relied on the Iron Dome and better defenses against tunnels. And don't tell me that continuing the expansion of the settlements is for the good of everyone...
2,825 posts

Question: Why is Israel not using precision munitions?

1,773 posts

@09philj What make you think we dont? Last war we used them and there were almost non-civilian causlties. But now Hamas learnd our weakness - we try to not kill innocente civilians. So they build their headquarters under hospitals and schools, and shoot from houses.

8,256 posts

But now Hamas learnd our weakness - we try to not kill innocente civilians. So they build their headquarters under hospitals and schools, and shoot from houses.

I don't see the Israel military trying not to kill civilians. They did shoot at the hospital, they did shoot at schools where people were seeking refuge, despite other governments imploring them not to shoot on those schools. Just because a Hamas rocket was launched in that region? Do they really think that the people that shot the rocket actually stay there and wait for the response from Israel? And meanwhile the civilian casualities are accepted by both sides, resigned and willingly?

And concerning the precision, didn't Israel claim they didn't aim at the school but at a building next to it?
2,825 posts

In any case, aren't dangerous missions against specific targets what special forces are for?

1,773 posts

So you suggest that Israel need to suffer more causlties of our soliders in order to make the world more comfotable? We need to bunker down, hide in shelters until Hamas run out of rockets? Why do we have to suffer for them? I dont know about you guys, but my town is under fire. The fact that we dont die in masses dosent mean we dont suffer.

Every country need to be able to protect itself. You just forgot what war is. I am a solidsr. My friends are soliders, some of them are now in Gaza. And even that i wish there will be peace, vote to the parties which will make it happen and go to protests, I wont agree to this Chamberline idealism.

And @Haiha, all the SMS's, the fliers we drop, and the "knock on the roof" acts are what? The fact that we enterwd by land rather than flatening the entire steip by air and navy show you that we realy try.

2,825 posts

So you suggest that Israel need to suffer more causlties of our soliders in order to make the world more comfotable?

No, I'm suggesting that well executed infantry attacks will be better for everyone, as there would be less collateral damage. If Israel risks it's soldiers to protect civilians, this will send a more positive message.
58 posts

Edited: Removed Post.

8,256 posts

No, I'm suggesting that well executed infantry attacks will be better for everyone, as there would be less collateral damage. If Israel risks it's soldiers to protect civilians, this will send a more positive message.

^this. Danielo, I know you don't think much of the media, but still I've just read an article that is interesting. It talks about how the Palestinian children see the situation, and beneath all the pathos of the article there is a grain of truth in it.
1,773 posts

Read it.

The writer realy think that this all think that Hamas is a democratic ressistence forces. He dosent went to a school in Gaza and opend a book, did he? Does he know that the Hamas news channle say that they win, that they kill thousands of Israeli soliders, and that we bomb them because we are evil? Does he know that the kids in Gaza are tought that being a Shaid {martyer suicider} Is the best thing they can be?

"Israel grow a new generation of hate". so the previous generation liked us? DIdnt eygpt still dont agree to play football with us? dosent Jordan still blame us for half the things that happen in there for almost 50 years?
Every generation hate us. Even in times where Gaza was open free, had trades, peopels from Israel whould go there and peopels from Gaza whould come to work in Israel, The smallest &quotrovocation" {A car accident} and the entire area got in flame.

I do belive that the best way to destroy radicalism in the palestinian population is by giving them better life. But when organization like Hamas are around, which their goal is to keep the statues like it is today {Stealing the aid money, closing banks and burning water parks} it will stay like this. Around the world peopels protest against their government if they have problmes. Here they blame us and keep supporting the peopels who got them into this mess. Or if they do protest they get shot {20 peopels got shot by Hamas as they protest against the war. I read it in hebrew but couldnt find it in english}.

The UN demand that Israel will provide Iron dome to Gaza as well. What do you say? And what do you say about Iron dome in general?

8,256 posts

The UN demand that Israel will provide Iron dome to Gaza as well.

I'm not sure I understand. Do Hamas rockets land within Gaza?

And what do you say about Iron dome in general?

In my understanding, the Iron Dome is an effective defense mechanism against rockets. It saves lives, so, yay.
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