ForumsGamesWhy do we keep getting BAD MMO's?

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2 posts

Im fed up with AG giving us virtual trash, if you dont know what im talking about look at Seafight, Pirate clan, Cyberpunks vs Syndicate, Those are some of the games and i know i havnt mentioned much more,

Anyway, Unless their Business model is to release bad games so that good games will get Extreme attention and recieve alot of money then i see No reason as to why they are doing this.

AG knows that games like Deadzone and Rise of mythos and Battle-Conquest were huge hits with players and aswell as Astroflux and Super mechs were also huge hits

So why do we keep getting bad MMO's?

  • 15 Replies
4,170 posts

Because they make money.

(Note: Accidentally reported your post, whoops!)

18,319 posts

Like Sal said, ArmorGames gets money from these games.

Also, you may find these games terrible, but there are other people that also like these games.

33 posts

Some MMO's are quite decent despite the pay to play/win model some games tend to give off.

I get it people don't want to spend money, However some of the comments I've seen basically sum up to "How dare you try to make money Devs, BAD DEVS BAD!!!!!!!!!!"

At least that is what I get from those comments.

The problem I personally have is clear ripoffs,clones, etc. It seems to me that all they do is try to clone the last successful MMO in order to try and score a buck. I'm sure there are some sincere ones out there. Please name them if you want.

By the way Wartune was a major hit here and on Kongregate It gave stuff for the free players to do while waiting on buildings to finish or waiting on that last 30 minutes for event resets. Despite the clear music ripoff from Last Remnant, I enjoyed that game very much. I got to lv 42 before quitting because I ran myself into the ground with gold issues that I created myself from splurging way to much on Astrals.

Crystal Saga was by far my favorite. It wasn't really pay to win/play, Unless you wanted to be #1 which I never cared for personally. I enjoyed the game for what it was and even made some good friends there.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

*Note: I am a mod, yes, but i have no intels, so im only guessing here*

OK, not all is guesswork, i know that AG only host these MMOs, they don´t develop them. If somebody spent real money on this games AG get an interest... the majority goes to the devs.

... and now my assumptions: i think AG have contracts with studios about hosting their games, if a game dont break AGs terms in general they can´t refuse the title, because this is sinply against their contract(s), if they do (because its a "bad" game) this may end up in a loss of a contract, and also could repel other devs to work with AG.
All in all AG loss money, and AG need money to run the site, pay the bills... you don´t have to pay for the use of AG.

Besides my assumption: everyone have its own likes (and dislikes^^) in ... well, everytihing, this includes flash games and MMOs.
If you dont like a game... don´t play it

And one thing is sure as eggs is eggs... as long as people play crap and willing to spent money on them the devs will develop this crap.

56 posts

Because AG needs money.

This model won't last so might as well squeeze out as much cash as possible. Screw the players right, we got ours. What's the contract that lets these games get up? "Give us cash and we'll put it up?" Rip off, poorly designed messes? Games that lie to the playerbase that somehow eats it up? Hell, Wartune and League of Angels are advertising themselves as porn games. Sure they aren't but meh, guess it doesn't break the contract.

I come less and less to armor games due to these games. Why should I come here any more when I'm being pushed into playing trash? I'll just go to newgrounds or another site that doesn't push MMOs at me.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

Newgrounds also host MMOs... even Wartune and League Of Angels... so, as mentinoed before:

If you dont like a game... don´t play it
56 posts

I haven't been to Newgrounds in awhile since Armor games filled it for me.

And you're right. I don't like the game, I don't play it. However I'm sadden that this isn't Armorgames this is MMOgames. At least that's what all the ads tell me. It's thanks to Wartune and League of Angels that I GOT Adblocker in the first place. Which leads to Armor games having to take money from anyone who gives them money.

And the cycle continues.

2 posts

... and now my assumptions: i think AG have contracts with studios about hosting their games, if a game dont break AGs terms in general they can´t refuse the title, because this is sinply against their contract(s), if they do (because its a "bad" game) this may end up in a loss of a contract, and also could repel other devs to work with AG.
All in all AG loss money, and AG need money to run the site, pay the bills... you don´t have to pay for the use of AG.

Hrm, That is true, however how did games like Deadzone and Battle conquest get on AG as they have no prior company behind them to send them off to AG if it were to be published,

I do understand AG needs to make good money to run this and Adblock certainly doesnt help, Im okay with AD's so far as they arnt directly in my play vision

And one thing is sure as eggs is eggs... as long as people play crap and willing to spent money on them the devs will develop this crap.

While that is true, Games like Deadzone and rise of mythos and dawn of dragons have had Extreme amounts of plays while games like Seafight and pirate clan have less plays and are much worse quality.

Perhaps it is just that there are few Innovative and good MMO companies out there and if there are the chances of them signing a deal with AG over say Kongregate is lesser and thats why we have Deadzone and Battle conquest in that ag was only place that would accept them
421 posts

Actually @Winner10 ConArtist (The dev behind last stand series) Has a Last Stand series that started on here and let's hope finishes here. Now on to the issue at hand. Game gets submitted, no reason not to accept it, "Go ahead and accept it, oh our MMO category is filled with trash, whatever no big deal right?" There is as little reason to deny their release on this website as their is for them to be released peroid.

56 posts


No reason not to accept it indeed. Cool I get to tell my friends that armor games has complete trash for games now, pay to win MMOs, and hosts wanna be porn/rip off games.

But hey, AG gets payed in the end so.

9,808 posts

I heard that AG might be getting WoW and that Star Wars MMO =oooooooooooo

6 posts

I kinda doubt they'll be getting either as actual AG games, pangtongshu. I know I've seen SW: The Old Republic under the promoted games category but that looks more like an external site game that pays AG to promote the game and send players their way.

Ultimately AG needs an income source. If they're going to keep offering games folks can play for free, they need to make money. The AG store gives a source of income, but I doubt it's enough income to keep the site free to play. And even though there are games on here that ask you to pay to get the better items (MMOs), their developers aren't being greedy by having a free play and asking you to pay for the better items. That's old school shareware/freeware type thing to me. I can remember being able to go out and buy "Commander Keen," "Pharoah's Tomb," "Duke Nukem," etc. back in the late '80s and early '90s and the developer's encouraged you to share the first episode with your friends, but then you each were supposed to pay for the next three episodes in order to finish the game. That's really where they made their money to keep their company going was the non-shareware episodes. And that's what's going on with these games, the companies will go out of business if they make everything for free. And by making them free at the basic level without setting a time limit on that free play makes for good advertising.

7 posts

Dirk i agree i like most mmos but about 1/5 of AG's mmo are the same type and suck and another 1/9 are crappier than crap.

note this is just my opionin.

2 posts

Some people make these games as a hobby and don't care if the games earn any money. It's easier to put together something that is of inferior quality and put it out on the market than to make a high quality product. Most of the MMOs I have played, either everyone was dissatisfied with the game, or they were positive about the game and worked for the game company. Sometimes the game developers say their ow games are bad. It seems like the people who develop these games as a hobby like to alienate people by making games with frustratingly annoying game aspects and flooding the chat rooms with equally annoying comments.

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