Age: ( 13 up)
Character Description: ( Eye color, and others)
Slot 1: Name:
Exp: 0/6
Slot 2: Same as above
Slot 3: Same as above
Slot 4: Same as above
Slot 5: Same as above
Slot 6: Same as above
Name: (Nickname if want)
Exp: 0/6
Type: ( Psychic, fire, grass, water, poison, flying, dark, fighting, ghost, fairy, steel, dragon, and bug)
Move slot 1: ( Name) (Power) (Accuracy)
Move slot 2: ( Same as slot 1)
Move slot 3: ( Same as past 2)
Move slot 4: ( Same as all of the above)
Spc atk:
Spc def:
Name: Sean Deane Age: Mid-20's Character Description: Standing over 6 foot tall, Sean looms over most people he meets. His broad shoulders can carry boulders and his tanned skin is the result of this hard work. He has a white scar that crosses his face from a sever burn when a fight got out of hand. His golden eyes are always watching for threats. Party: Slot 1; None Slot 2: None Slot 3: None Slot 4: None Slot 5: None Slot 6: None
you don't make your mythicmon you choose between 3 starters
Name: Sean Deane Age: Mid-20's Character Description: Standing over 6 foot tall, Sean looms over most people he meets. His broad shoulders can carry boulders and his tanned skin is the result of this hard work. He has a white scar that crosses his face from a sever burn when a fight got out of hand. His golden eyes are always watching for threats. Party: Slot 1; Flameataur Slot 2: None Slot 3: None Slot 4: None Slot 5: None Slot 6: None
Name: Sean Deane Age: Mid-20's Character Description: Standing over 6 foot tall, Sean looms over most people he meets. His broad shoulders can carry boulders and his tanned skin is the result of this hard work. He has a white scar that crosses his face from a sever burn when a fight got out of hand. His golden eyes are always watching for threats. Party: Slot 1: Name: Flameataur Type: Fire Move slot 1: (Punch) (40) (95%) Move slot 2: (Attack up) (none) (100%) (raise your attack 1.5x) Move slot 3: none Move slot 4: none Stats: Hp: 24/24 Atk: 14 Def: 12 Spc atk: 9 Spc Def: 10 Spd: 8
You awake in your room vary excitedly because it is finally the day were you can start your adventure in mythicmon! you go to the lab and see your freindemy ever since you were a little kid choose a mythicmon that looked like a sea serpent. When he walked away you went up. a man told you to pick between a fire minotaur. a grass basilisk, or a water sea serpent. you pick the minotaur and walk out you see your freindemy there waiting for you he asks you if you wanted to fight than without a answer he sends out his miythicmon you quickly send out yours and a fight breaks out.