So, im going to be making this game, calling it After The Storm, and its gonna be a big series. Its going to include at least 4 different maps, including New Beginnings. Metro, Subzero, and Sandstorm. More game maps might be included later.
In the distant year of 2046, a 3rd world war broke out. it was just like everyone planned it, those with the most nuclear weapons won, but no one made it out. Everyone was hit in some place or the other by a Biological warhead, and it devastated the earth. Only about one tenth the worlds population left, it began to rain. Heavy rain. It wasn't normal rain however, but it carried large quantities of radiation and biomass from the warheads. Every thing and Everyone who drank it or touched it died, a horrible, painful death. But somehow, the chemicals and stuff fused with the human tissue, becoming a super-chitin, and also giving them False Life, which is basically zombie, but you don't have to hit in the head. (Zombie = only destroying the brain to kill, Mutant/Infected/Whatever = Harder to kill than normal) So with these bandits everywhere, along with even more Mutants, made life tough. Do you think you can survive in this waste alone? You probably wont, but you can try...
If you want to test this game out, you can go ahead and reply.
Also, this is loosely based off of a game I play on another site that is for role-playing, it is called ATF. It'll be the same 'concept' Open world, WW2 era things with VERY few modern guns, lots of factions fighting, over-all Free-Roam RP.