Alright.I've decided to gather up the courage to make a new RPG.This is the kick-starter thread for a new RPG i will be making.Take in mind,this is the first
REAL rpg i'm making,and yes it does have a kick-starter.Without further ado,let us hear the story about a kingdom under; Vampire's rule:
Once upon a time,There was a kingdom named Hartaan.It was prosperous and rich and wise,Making it attract the envy of many kingdoms.
Hartaan:A kingdom with such wealth and riches and the best tech and smarts around?Hartaan has it all.Yet,it's past is long and gruelling.Let me explain the kingdom of Hartaan before the events of this game:
60,023-12,120,B.C,(Hartaan years)cavemen inhabit the land beyond the land bridge connecting the present-day kingdom and the islands of the west.They encounter intellegent high-elves,(they exist long before men,)
Ferocious dragons,And much more.
12,199-10,564 BC:Hummans began settling down from small tribes to tiny hamlets.they produce food without slaying or killing.
10,563 B.C-0 A.D- Hartaan discovers bronze-working,fight some ferocious vampires (for the first time in a million),and the great war vs dragons begins.
1 - 3.453 A.D-The great war vs dragons ends in a peace treaty with dozens of the beasts killed and thousands of men dead.May all of them rest in peace.
3,454 - 8,999;A long,grueling campaign of wars made by the orcs aganst Hartaan nearly subdues both the hummans and many other races,includng dwarves.
9,000 (presesnt day) Vampires attack basically everyone.All are captured,putting the vampires immediately in the throne.THE GAME BEGINS.[/b]
Now with THAT out of the way, Letsee.
A long,grueling war between everyone else vs the vampires apparently proves fatal,allowing the vampires to take over the whole continent,with the land bridge next.
However,there were a group of pepole who could stop them.
(Will do charachter sheets as soon as i can.)
(also:suggestions allowed)
Current charachters
Name: Nivlac
Bio: Raised in the depths of a jungle just outside of Hartaan
Race: Elf
Type: Humanoid
Class: Rebel archer
Blood: 56/56
Energy: 56/56
HP: 3
STM: 3
STR: 5
SPD: 7
STL: 7
XP:0/5 (lvl 1)
Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol)
Equipped:Rebel uniform,Rebel loincloth,Rebel boots,Shortbow,(15/15 arrows)Dagger
Swift shot:Basic arrow shot.Base dmg:5-7,requires 1 arrow
Aim:Increases accuracy for your next ranged attack by a number or 2.
Stab:stab the enemy with your knife.Better than nothing.Base dmg:3-4
Bio:Tor's parents were killed by vampires, since then he has sworn to eliminate all of them.
Race: Humman(did I spell it right?)
Looks: Tor is tall, thickset but not fat. He has black hair and green eyes, and has a deep tan.
Class:Rebel Swordsman
StatsPool of:25)
XP:0/5 (lvl 1)
Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol)
EquippedI fill this in)
Squadi fill this in)
SkillsI fill this in)
NameCharacter name) BioKeep it resonable ) RaceWhat creature your charachter is) LooksAsletics on your charachter,may or may not boost stats) TypeDepends on race) ClassDepends on type,see below) BloodBasically HP) Energy: (Basically MP) --------------------------------------------------------- StatsPool of:25) HP:Increases Blood STM:Increases energy STR:Increases base dmg,as well as weight of objects you can carry SPD:Increases chance of dodge,as well as movement speed,and STLecreases chance of being caught by vampires --------------------------------------------------------- XP:0/5 (lvl 1) Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol) EquippedI fill this in) Squadi fill this in) SkillsI fill this in)
NOTElease don't mind if i triple post,There's so mutch information to fill in ;-; )
If you picked a hummanoid race (Humman,Elf,Orc,Dwarf,ect)Then you can get the following classes:
Rebel swordsman Base blood:75 Base energy:25 Equipment:Rebel leather uniform,Rebel leather loincloth,Rebel leather boots, Metal shortsword Skills: Slash;Basic attack.3-6 base dmg Impale.Uses 5 energy,causes 3hp bleeding for 1 turn,4 - 6 base dmg
Rebel archer Base blood:50 Base energy:50 Equipment: Rebel uniform,Rebel loincloth,Rebel boots,Shortbow,(15/15 arrows)Dagger Skills: Swift shot:Basic arrow shot.Base dmg:3-6,requires 1 arrow Aim:Increases accuracy for your next ranged attack by a number or 2. Stab:stab the enemy with your knife.Better than nothing.Base dmg:1-3
Rebel Mage Base blood:25 Base energy:75 Equipment: Tattered rebel robe,Leather boots,Apprentance's orb of magic (allows user to use magic) SkillsSmack the enemy with your fist.Very weak.Base dmg:1 A attack spell from any spell circle other than white magi,if you want white magic you get minor heal instead
TAMED ANIMAL races:If you happen to be,say,a dragon,then your class determens... slightly less.
Noble steed: Base blood:+15 Base energy +15 Base str:+1 Equipment: Saddle (allows wearer to be ridden by a hummanoid)
Battle beast Base blood:+30 Base energy+30 Base STR:+5 Equipment: Rebel Monster armour (+10 HP)
Name: Nivlac Bio: Raised in the depths of a jungle just outside of Hartaan Race: Elf Looks: Type: Humanoid Class: Rebel archer Blood: 50 Energy: 50 --------------------------------------------------------- Stats: HP: 3 STM: 3 STR: 5 SPD: 7 STL: 7 --------------------------------------------------------- XP:0/5 (lvl 1) Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol) Equipped: Squad: Skills:
Bio:Tor's parents were killed by vampires, since then he has sworn to eliminate all of them.
Race: Humman(did I spell it right?)
Looks: Tor is tall, thickset but not fat. He has black hair and green eyes, and has a deep tan.
Class:Rebel Swordsman
StatsPool of:25)
XP:0/5 (lvl 1)
Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol)
EquippedI fill this in)
Squadi fill this in)
SkillsI fill this in)
This alright? Also, please forgive me if when you start this I do not respond for a little bit. I try to remember, but with my own RPG, it's tough.
Name: Grom-Gil-Gorm Bio: Born to the Gil-Gorm family Grom was trained early on to wield an axe/hammer and use it well. He learned the anatomy of his enemies before he could read or wright. Somethings were more important then others. He gladly drafted into the Orcish army at the age of twelve. Since then he has been fighting the vampires. He married when he brought home his first vampires head, to a local bakers girl. Grom returned to the army two weeks after his marriage. There he continued his fight against the vampires, his shield-brother, Nahrl-Gil-Wohrl, at his side. It's said that he once lifted an old oak tree off of his shield-brother in battle their bond was so strong. Unfortunately Nahrl was slaughtered by vampires to allow Grom to escape, this is his greatest shame. Race: Orc Looks: With a heavy muscular frame Grom stands at 7 foot tall and 238 pounds. He looks like someone carved him out of a mountain and is praised for his size and strength. Black corn-crows cover his skull that reach to the nape of his neck while he is clean shaven. Type: Humanoid Class: Swordsman (Could I be an Axeman instead? Or a Hammerman? Swords don't fit with my character.) Blood: 75 Energy: 25 --------------------------------------------------------- Stats: 0/25 HP: 6 STM: 0 STR: 11 SPD: 3 STL: 5 --------------------------------------------------------- XP:0/5 (lvl 1) Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone lol) EquippedI fill this in) Squadi fill this in) SkillsI fill this in)
Bio:Orphaned as an egg, has fought for many years in attempt to survive.
Looks:Young adult, Green, Long and slender, Weighs: 738 pounds (regular adolescent weight). Four legs, Long spiked tail. Silver sharp talons.
Type:Animal (not yet tamed)
Class:Battle Beast
XP:0/5 (lvl 1)
Backpack:X1 Life potion,Jewel of communication (equivalent of a phone)
EquippedI fill this in)
Squadi fill this in)
SkillsI fill this in)