ForumsWEPRThe Greatest leader your country has ever had... and the worst.

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2,825 posts

This should stimulate a lively debate, I think. Who is the greatest person ever to lead your country, and who is the worst? I'm leaving the question vague, because I want to see how you define greatness in a leader.

In England, there have been a few good leaders. Winston Churchill led us through the second world war. Harold Wilson gave us the national health service. Lord Grey expanded the electoral roll, and abolished slavery. Overall though, I'd have to go with David Lloyd George, who led Britain during the first world war, and laid the foundations for the welfare state.

As for terrible leaders, there were some really terrible ones. Lord North caused the American Revolution, and then lost the ensuing war. Oliver Cromwell was a totalitarian religious zealot/military dictator. But the worst has to be either Margaret Thatcher completely screwed up the closing of the heavy industry, and used excessive force in the Falklands war or Tony Blair, who decided to go to war over Saddam Hussein's imaginary WMDs, and basically became George W. Bush's willing doormat.

  • 10 Replies
697 posts

I will be honest and say that in Argentina all leaders (if you can call them that) are the worst , our economy is really bad this days and its getting worse all days .

9,504 posts

Out of all 43 presidents we've had in the United States, I'd say the worst we've ever had was Herbert Hoover, who looked at the revolting and homely conditions of the Great Depression and said "everything will be just fine--let's keep going."

The greatest leader of the US is obviously Millard Fillmore who blessed us with video games and Anime.

413 posts

"your country"... Living in Europe, Hungary this term is hard to define actually.

Some people consider "your country" as a "nationalist nation concept", where all "hungarian" to the beginning of time were hungarians, wether they were hun-relatives, sumerians, jews, or even ufo-aliens.

Historically it is also problematic, as once the country got stated it was ruled for a time by germans, partially turkish, got divided three way, one never reattached, after WWII a large proportion officially removed what some people (including one of the current government-parties - important to note from the many government-parties only one party is actually governing anything) still consider part of the country, and even during the constitutional democracy (in title only most of the time) its name got changed at least twice (so it had at least three names, what means three separate countries technically).

Concentrating on the "constitutional democracy" period (as told above, it is and was mostly in name as the first country was a one-party dictatorship albeit a mild one, and the lastest is a one-person dictatorship) the best leader...

Wait a second, what means "leader"? As there is a prime minister and a constitutional minister, as well as several parties in the government at the same time, what means "leader" for this question? As when things do work as they are supposed to, the various groups lead by consent!
Not to mention the country (whichever we talkin' 'bout) is always part of some international web!

Still can name the worst, even if not a best:
the current regime. It is a totalitarian dictatorship of Victor Orban, who managed to:
- violate the constitution by without the sufficient mass exchanged it to another law, stripping the country entirely from a constitution
- violate freedom from religion
- criminalised poors
- criminalised atheists
- criminalised non-christians
- criminalised anyone who does not agree with the governor
- criminalised homosexuals
- continuously violated international laws
- drastically incrised inflation (even if it currently not seems by the statistics, as it is derived to other coloumns)
- removed the separation of the three pillars of power
- openly commits crimes (like there is a video-recording from a party-member who sniffs coke from a brick, and they still ordered the jurisdiction to decalre that was "someone unidentifiable", but also could mention a ton of other things, starting with the monopolysation of tobacco-selling to themselves and their relatives/friends)

People actually wish someone would send some tanks already or something what works, preferably the EU rising their *part they are sitting on*.

1,266 posts

Eh... I'll have to go with Harold Wilson (NHS, yay) for best and Tony Blair as the worst.

1,708 posts

One of the worst presidents of the Philippines, I'd say Ferdinand Marcos. He tried to create a perfect society by means of a dictatorship and assassinated those who dared to defy him.

The best leader of the Philippines, in my opinion, would be Corazon Aquino. She advocated Filipino culture and better agricultural practices and helped relieve some of the debt crisis in the Philippines.

I would've mentioned the best and the worst presidents of the US, but Freakenstein beat me to it.

485 posts

For Denmark, I'm not sure who the best has been.

But the worst was definitely Chrisian IV, 'cause he waged a lot of our land and lost. He did build some beautiful buildings in Copenhagen, so that's that.

16,587 posts


Ferdinand Marcos was actually both the greatest and worst leader in my opinion. He was so great before he became a corrupt. When he was in leadership he was so great that our Philippine peso was only half the value of the american dollar at the time. He was also so smart that he literally had the highest score in his bar exams, he was sued as well and defended himself and won. Apparently Marcos inspired singapore to become how great they are today (so much so that if you step into a taxi in singapore and tell them that youre a filipino they will ask about marcos). But through all these good things, he left a terrible legacy. He turned the country into a dictatorship and stole billions if im not mistaken. He started the trend of corruption here and even till today our governments are corrupt. He was in power way too long. I guess he was one of those stories of living long enough to become the villain.

4 posts

(America) I would say the worst, George Washington (cause you know slavery...) and the best. Barrack H, Obama (for things like killing Osama Bin Laden, various strides in gay rights, he's probably gonna get net neutrality okayed and he just seems like a cool guy.)

*please don't hate on me these are my opinions*

6,400 posts

Canada's worst prime minister is, without doubt, Stephan Harper, our current PM. He is extremely corrupt, wasting billions of dollars on many things like "traveling" and military. He protected the corrupt senators that were kicked out last year and he bullies the government to get what he wants. He also withholds and sometimes changes documents that are against him. He was found guilty of contempt of Parliament in 2011, the first Canadian PM to do so.

He avoids any policy or organization related to environmentalism, creating a bad name for Canada. We are consistently ranked at the bottom of environmental performance lists.

Some nutcase nominated Harper for the Nobel Prize and since then a petition has been started that now has over 30 000 signatures, far more than the 400 signature petition supporting his nomination.

The most prominent evidence of his antics are his assault on democracy and human rights. The Canadian Human Rights Commission had it's funding cut so critically in 2010 that it had to close it's offices in many of Canada's major cities. He did the same thing in 2009 when a large church group campaigning for Human Rights lost it's government funding. In 2012 he ended the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development that had been operating for 24 years.

In 2006, Status of Women Canada lost so much funding that it had to close 75% of it's offices, and the Court Challenges Program which advocated for the rights of women, immigrants, and the LGBT community was completely shut down. I wrote an essay on these two cases last year.

I've even met multiple people that will only refer to Harper as "the Evil One" or similar terms. It has been said that he has broken Canada to a point where it is no longer repairable.

Someday I'd like to write an extensive report, but my writing skills are not nearly good enough for something like that. As for the best PM of Canada? This one is pretty debatable but Wilfred Laurier, Lester Pearson, and Pierre Trudeau come to mind.

9,808 posts

(America) I would say the worst, George Washington (cause you know slavery...)

u w0t

and the best. Barrack H, Obama (for things like killing Osama Bin Laden,

Obama didn't do that. It was a great thing to have happened but he wasn't the one to have done so.

various strides in gay rights

He hardly contributed to that,

he's probably gonna get net neutrality okayed and he just seems like a cool guy.)

Net Neutrality is already a thing.

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