based off a japneese game called shiretori, baisically you try not to get illiminated. once P1 posts shiretori, P2 must post a word starting with the last _ words to start off with. this number may change. the hard part is: you may not say a word that someone else said and your word must not end with _. this letter may change. when I say reapeat, you now start with shiritori again and you may post a word someone else said before I said reapeat. example:
P1: origami
P2: aminisia
P24: origami
me: P24 reapeated. reapeat, nono word: o
P35: hello
me: P35 ended his word with a o. reapeat, nono word: t
and so on. one last rule: your word must not be a verb or adverb. enjoy!
starting word: shiritori. nono letter: f. last 2 letters.