It seems that the submit button is currently unable to create non-blank post. Attempting to submit a post forces a refresh and creates a blank post, requiring an edit to get actual text. I experienced this about an hour ago, and there is also possible evidence in the Town Meeting, which consists of the following:
1) riku_ullman made a post in the town meeting, but he saved an edit 10 minutes after making the post.
2) At the same time, I saw apldeap123 make a blank post. After a refresh, the post was edited with what was most likely the original text.
3) Before the edit in #2, the forum showed riku_ullman as the last user to post in the town meeting.
Edit: The glitch seems to have been fixed just as I created this thread.
I am also experiencing the same problem. Whenever I hit the 'send' button while posting, the first thing that appears is a blank page. When I click 'refresh', a message appears asking if I am willing to refresh. When I do, my post appears blank. Then I have to type all over again. I hope this post works.
@riku_ullman this is 100% not trolling. I've had two of my posts disappear now (including this one before I edited it) and 2 of Ferret's do so as well. I even had some of my text disappear from my edit and it reappeared after I posted.