ForumsWEPRhow does time work?

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1,148 posts

1st, when you are younger, time passes away slower. why? and the taller you are, the faster time passes. why? when you are in space, time passes 100 times quicker. why? how did an explosion create time? how does an black hole create time? how does an black hole/explosion destroy time? how can an explosion happen before time? is it possible to harness the power of black holes/explosions that create/destroy time? time, the mysterious force. how does it work?

  • 14 Replies
9,504 posts

Time is a tool observed and manipulated by humans--it's not naturally made, only a perspective to compare the past and present.

Time *seems* to pass slower for children for an odd number of reasons.

The taller you are, the *slower* time is for you. By a factor of 10^-15 seconds. Your head is older than your feet. This is because the closer you are to Earth's core, the faster you are rotating. By a veeeeery small number.

As time is a tool created by humans, a synthetic explosion did not create time. Nor a naturally-formed expansion.

A black hole is the only natural construct known to Science that can pull in matter and energy in velocities faster than light. Faster objects have slower observed time. We have tested this numerous times in several ways and have confirmed this is true. The closer you get to a black hole, the slower time appears in comparison to outside one. It gets slower and slower and slower, until you reach what is called The Event Horizon, where time seems to stop in its tracks. What happens afterwards, we do not know yet (but anyone in that position will die).

As time is a tool created by humans, the fact that a natural expansion did happen before everything else does not suggest that it was the one that created it.

is it possible to harness the power of black holes/explosions

Absolutely, 100% yes. Just give us several thousand years of physics research. We can get a faster start on this now by making our governments fund our research more generously.

5,129 posts

[quote]is it possible to harness the power of black holes

Absolutely, 100% yes.[/quote]

that's 1 brave thing too say. xD
so i have too ask... what makes you that sure?
9,504 posts

so i have too ask... what makes you that sure?

We are not even remotely close to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Most of the universe is Dark Matter, and the only thing we can do with that is measure it. We can't see it, we can't interact with it, we can't manipulate it. We're no better with Antimatter, having only been able to synthesize anti-helium. We are, no pun intended, in the dark when it comes to astrophysics. The only thing we need is billions of dollars, and lots and lots of time put into research.

To say we won't manipulate black holes and that we are doing well for ourselves is an even braver thing to say.

13,055 posts

1st, when you are younger, time passes away slower. why? and the taller you are, the faster time passes. why? when you are in space, time passes 100 times quicker. why? how did an explosion create time? how does an black hole create time? how does an black hole/explosion destroy time? how can an explosion happen before time? is it possible to harness the power of black holes/explosions that create/destroy time? time, the mysterious force. how does it work?

When you're 10 yo, 5 years is half of your age so time goes slower.
When you're 50 yo, 5 years doesn't seem that long.
Time is relative.
If you're 80 yo and live in the past, without TV, radio, computer, Internet and you use candles to light your house at night, I bet time goes slowly.

Time is a measuring system created by men to make life more organized.
1,828 posts

To say we won't manipulate black holes and that we are doing well for ourselves is an even braver thing to say.

So I thought I read somewhere they collided some protons to create instances of blackholes .

Also speaking of time, I was curious if its a fabrication of the human consciousness would it be possible to use our own mental capacities to make it seem slower? That is when we are doing things that seem repetitive and mundane sometime it seems time passes slower and when we are enjoying things it flies by? Would you consider that if one was to train their perceptions that they could alter the flow of time they perceive ?

Just an idea, Can you train yourself to control time? Well at least make your brain work in a slower/faster rate of perception. this thought comes from if we were to enhance our brains with the capacities of computers we could change the speed of which mental processes could occur. But I was wondering perhaps we already do it on a subconscious level.
50 posts

Its not about age and height is just simplification.

What does work is mass effect on the flow of time, as you may call it. A watch close to more mass will work slower then a watch close to less mass, which will work faster (relatively). How does it work? No one is really sure. If you're interested though you will love this:

13,055 posts

Just an idea, Can you train yourself to control time? Well at least make your brain work in a slower/faster rate of perception. this thought comes from if we were to enhance our brains with the capacities of computers we could change the speed of which mental processes could occur. But I was wondering perhaps we already do it on a subconscious level.

I think it's a perception that comes with the expectation of getting what we want now.
For example, you need a technical info on something so you go strait to your computer or tablet and type what you're looking for on Wikipedia or Google and usually gets the answer pretty quickly vs going to the library, get 2 or 3 reference books, sit at the table and do your research.

On your next vacation go spend 2 weeks in a shack in the middle of nowhere with no TV, computer, tablet, smartphone,bring a rifle to hunt for your food, go into the wood to poop and wipe your butt with leaves (no poison Ivy or poison oak though!), go back inside, light the fireplace and read a book. Hopefully you'll remember to somehow wash your hands before touching anything else. xD
Do that for two weeks and your perception of time will be completely different.

9,462 posts

1st, when you are younger, time passes away slower. why? and the taller you are, the faster time passes. why?

I would wager there may be a number of factors involved with why time seems to go by slower as we age. For instance the chemistry of our brain changes over time and how the brain reacts to certain chemicals also changes. it's possible that this could be playing a factor in our perception of time. We do know that certain chemicals in the brain can affect how we perceive time. Such as with the fight or flight response, resulting in everything appearing to slow down.

On the matter of our brain certain features of the brain develop as we age. Our memory capacities develop and change as we get older. That could have an impact on how we perceive time.

Our overall size may indeed be a factor as well. it has been determined that small animals perceive time going by very slowly.

Yet another factor could be in our ability to measure time. As a infant we are unable to count time intervals and only really have pattern recognition to go on. As we get older we get better at estimating time intervals.

when you are in space, time passes 100 times quicker. why?

Gravity affects the passage of time, out in space where you are exposed to less gravity time will thus pass quicker.

how did an explosion create time?

Is this a question on the Big Bang?

how does an black hole create time? how does an black hole/explosion destroy time?

It doesn't far as I know.
5,851 posts

Just an idea, Can you train yourself to control time? Well at least make your brain work in a slower/faster rate of perception.

I was thinking about exactly that just the other day, the conclusion that I came to was yes. Several days ago I was watching a show on Netflix and I got distracted by a thought I had. I had a nice train of thought going on and resolved it or something, when I went to rewind the theme a bit to make up for not paying attention, I realized that next to no time had passed at all. I thought I had been thinking of whatever it was for 45-60 seconds and less than 3 had actually passed.

Things like that do happen to me now and then, and one thing that seems to be consistent among these occasions is that I'm not paying attention to any of my senses. So the key to it might just be being half asleep in a way, ignoring your senses because they act as a reference as to how much time has passed. From what's happened to me by accident anyway, it only happens when I'm not aware of it, but I might try to work on it to see if I can't make it at least somewhat deliberate.

1,148 posts

what? humans created time? ??? whaaaat?????

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

what? humans created time? ??? whaaaat?????

We create the concept of time measurement, to which we gave significance.

1,148 posts

but we didn't "create" time, like...

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

What the others were referring to is that we created time as a form of measurement.

5,129 posts

To say we won't manipulate black holes

black holes are the most powerfull phenomenons we can (barely) observe. (beside the big bang ofcourse =P ) everything close gets ripped apart. time and space bends around it. as you surely alrdy know that all. so how do you propose to get close too it? i mean.. sure we can 1 day make a use for it too us. but i believe it would be more like the sun. we dont control it. we use it's energy, not the plasma ball itself. =)

but we didn't "create" time, like...

time is not something you can hold. it's like meters, liters, miles and kilos.
all these things do not actually exist but they are created by humans to measure something.
also like numbers, letters and words. those things are non existing either. they are just a drawing of a tune that we produce with our voice... say any word 200 times and it will lose its meaning. and it becomes just a sound.
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