ForumsForum GamesAn Adventurer's Tale (CYOA)

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It seems that CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) games aren't very popular here at AG, so I'll give it a try! You can find an explanation for how to play below after I get some storyline out of the way.


In the world of Ludus, adventuring has become a professional job after numerous outbreaks of monsters, emergence of hundreds of dungeons, and many other threats to the world have shown themselves. Leading the initiative against these threats are the Adventurers, people that take up the dangerous jobs of killing monsters, taking up quests, and clearing dungeons. They do it for several reasons, either for money, fame, or just having a good heart, but either way, they get the job done.

After realizing this, the Seven Capital Cities of Ludus have made adventuring an official profession and following that, a boom in the number of adventurers gave rise to the Era of Adventure.


1. This is a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) game. Each turn, I will give several choices that will allow our main character to progress. Several will be my own choices, and one will be a player-made choice as long as it's not out of line.

2. EVERYBODY is free to participate and join at any point of the game they want. You do not need to sign up, all you need to do is post and BOLD the action of your choice like this. There is no need to copy and paste the character sheet every turn, as I will be doing the updating/posting every turn.

3. NO TROLLING. If you want to make a player-made choice, please make sure it's a reasonable one. The game will be a bit lighthearted, but anything too silly will be ignored. I WILL report you if you become toxic to the game.

4. DISCUSSION between players is encouraged! Want people to join the bandwagon with your choice? Then say why you think that your choice is the best choice. Disagree with another player's choice? Speak up! You can all voice out your opinions as long as everything stays in line. NO SWEARING OR INSULTING ANOTHER PLAYER.

5. I will try to update the game at least once or twice a day. Also, turns that are crucial to the game (such as picking a perk, distributing stat points, major choices, etc.) will require more people to pitch in before I post the next turn.

6. Follow all the previous rules that were given and enjoy the game!

Information on Stats

Strength - Increases your physical damage.
Constitution - Increases your HP.
Dexterity - Increases your ranged damage.
Agility - Determines turn order.
Intelligence - Increases your magic damage and MP.
Willpower - Increases the effect of healing and MP.

With that out of the way, let's get to the game!

Character Sheet

Name: Leonus Devantier
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Level 1: 0/100
Class: Warrior
HP: 36/36
MP: 18/18
Strength: 12
Constitution: 12
Dexterity: 8
Agility: 6
Willpower: 6
Intelligence: 6
Damage: 6-7 Physical Damage
Defense: 5
Magic Resistance: 2
Perks: Keen Senses - +1 to Spot rolls
Chest: Leather Armor (2 Defense, 1 Magic Resistance)
Legs: Leather Pants (1 Defense, 1 Magic Resistance)
Feet: Leather Boots (1 Defense)
Main Hand: Bronze Sword (2-3 Physical Damage)
Off-Hand: Wooden Shield (1 Defense)
Inventory: Family's Wolf Necklace

Turn 1

Your name is Leonus Devantier, but most people just call you Leo. Today is your 20th birthday and with that, you have just entered adulthood and can now fulfill your childhood dream of becoming an Adventurer! For years you have trained with your father, who used to be a fine soldier that served the nation of Primitusia. Through those years, your muscles have hardened and more so has your resolve! You have also become skilled in wielding a sword after sparring almost everyday with your father.

Your parents know that today, the 30th of Greengrass, will also be the day that you leave for your journey to become an Adventurer. Because of that, you made sure to say goodbye to them last night. You've already packed your equipment into your backpack and are ready to leave, but perhaps you should visit your parents and say goodbye to them one, last time?

A. Visit your mother first.
B. Visit your father first.
C. Leave the village.
D. Player-choice.

(I'll post the character sheet for Leonus next turn!)

  • 10 Replies
786 posts

A. Visit your mother first.

Think we should visit our mother first seeing as her only son is going on some crazy journey.

2,555 posts

C. Leave the village.

If we've already said goodbye, Why again?

4,825 posts

Turn 2

C. Leave the village.

If we've already said goodbye, Why again?

You ponder this for a while, but before you reach the village's gates, you quickly change your mind after realizing something. You don't know how long you'll be gone, or if you'll even be able to return here in one piece. After all, being an Adventurer is dangerous work and you might not get another chance to see your parents. With that in mind you...

A. Visit your mother first.

You decide to go visit your mother first. You walk around the village and find her at the general store having a chat with the shopkeeper. Before you can call out to her, she's already caught sight of you.

"My son! Leo! Aren't you supposed to be on your journey by now? Actually, wait, come over here for a second! I forgot to give this to you last night."

Something to give you? Whatever could it be? Listening to your mother, you walk over to her and as you do, years of memories resurface from your mind! You remember when you were a child, you always helped her with her work as a... as a... what was it again?

A. A Forest Ranger
B. A Hunter
C. A Healer
D. A Shopkeeper
786 posts

B. A Hunter

Yo momma's a hunter!

5,291 posts

B. A Hunter

Because reasons... well...

4,825 posts

Turn 3

B. A Hunter

You remember it now! Your mother works as a Hunter. For years your mother has taken you with her on her hunting trips and as a result from watching and participating, you've developed keener senses! Your eyesight is clearer and your hearing is better after having adapted to the forest you and your mother used to hunt in.

Got Keen Senses perk!

Suddenly, your mother waves her hand in front of your face. It looks like you spaced out for awhile. Enough reminiscing for today! You ask your mother what she wanted to give you.

"Seems like you're quite eager to leave the village! Here take it." your mother says as she hands you a worn-out, metal necklace in the shape of a wolf's head. You hold it into the light to get a better look and the test of time has indeed taken a toll on the necklace as many parts of it have lost its metallic shine, but the wolf's eyes still look fierce. Before you can ask, your mother already explains for you.

"That necklace is a family heirloom that's been passed down in the family for generations. Since you're a grown-up man, me and your father decided it was time for you to hold onto it. Who knows if we'll ever have another chance to give it to you. That's all."

You thank your mother and turn to leave, but before you reach the door you feel her hug you from behind.

"Good luck on your journey, son. Stay safe out there! Go visit your father as well before you leave." she says before she lets go and goes back to chatting with the shopkeeper.

What now?

A. Go visit your father.
B. Leave the village.
C. Player-choice.
5,291 posts

A. Go visit your father.

It's unfair if only the mother gets a visit.
And your mom said to visit father first...

4,825 posts

Turn 4

A. Go visit your father.

It's unfair if only the mother gets a visit.
And your mom said to visit father first...

Being the good son that you are, you decide to go visit your father. After a bit of asking around, you find him browsing the stock of the local blacksmith. You call out to him and wave to get his attention. He sees you and waves for you to come closer and you do.

As you get closer to him, he puts his arm around you and starts talking.

"Hey there, son! I thought you'd be gone by now! What compels you to visit your father? Divine intervention? Or worse yet... your mother? Ha ha!"

You point out that your mother indeed told you to visit, but that you thought about seeing them one last time before you left.

"That's quite touching, my son, but one last time? Let's not speak of last times just yet! I know you'll be coming back. After all, I'm the one who raised you! Anyway, is that shabby sword all you have? I'll buy you a basic shield before you leave."

Got Wooden Shield!

You thank your father and say goodbye as he sees you off at the gates of the village. As he leaves, you ponder where you could go from your humble little village of Fallonsyd.

A. Go to the town of Falconcrest.
B. Go through the Ashen Forest to the city of Grayfall.
C. Go to the nearby village of Mountside.

5,291 posts

C. Go to the nearby village of Mountside.

Let's a village before anything else.

10 posts

A. Go to the town of Falconcrest.

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