I can no longer see my notifications from my phone. I can see the circle be red, but when I click on it I am brought to the Disqus sign in page instead of the notifications page. I feel like this problem is occurring because of the change that was made to notifications, it being now brought up in a side bar. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there something I can do to see notifications from my phone?
@daleks@Frank_Frooton It looks like they changed the way those comments work again, hmm... Frank if you have a blocker please disable. Maybe they are ironing out the kinks.
Turns out it actually did go through and I spammed other people's comment pages... and it didn't show up on mine. May just take a break from Disqus notifications for a few decades. Apologies to all that I spammed.
OK, it works when I allow pop-ups... I certainly won't do that. Guess, that won't disappear. Don't know if it's disquss or armor - but someone had a great idea and broke the system.
On my favorite browser, pop-up-blocking is not site-specific... I don't speak 'bout adblocker!
And, even if I like commenting, that's - IMHO - not worth it, sorry.
Maybe I'll try to fix it for me with site-specific user-css :-/
The standard Android browser. I feel as though it is on their end but my guess is my phone is a bit too old and they might have just done something that my phone cannot support. In a month I am getting a new phone and maybe it will work then. I could also check to see if it works on the Chrome browser on my phone.