ForumsForum GamesAlpha FGS: Into the Deep Dark

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So I am working on developing a general system that can be used to develop games on this forum. It is geared towards those who want a set of mechanics for a Dungeon crawling type game. The rules are still a work in progress but I will generate an example game to test them out right now. FGS just stands for "Forum Game System" name might change because its mostly a place holder. So heres the point of the system it is suppose to allow games to be player without game masters/ thread hosts it is a completely peer based system. The only thing that must be determined is the number of players you wish to play with and how many points you should play to until the game ends. And how many stats and such.

So for the Alpha test I need 3-4 players and we will be attempting to goto 50 points.

Character Generation is done by rolling 1d6 for each stat except for Luck in which that stays as a 1d6, you get an additional 3d6 to distribute to any stat, you can also give you your Luck to improve any other Stat. Stats are as follows


Stat Notes
Power and Strike are Offensive Stats, Strike VS Agility, Power VS Toughness it the game mechanics, Combat rolls will require successful hits on both, 0 Agility leads to Stun condition, 0 Toughness leads to player Death. Players will recover from stun 2 points per turn of rest. Agility will determine character movement per turn. Movement or luck can be used to find hidden doors

Luck maybe used anytime when a player needs to roll or flip a coin, 1d6 at a time to a maximum of their total luck die. Leveling is determined by completing 3 encounters in which a character receives an additional 1d6 die to a stat.

Here is the additional generalized rules

Character Creation
Stats: At the start of each game the player has several stats each directly influencing some aspect of the game mechanics later described. there are 3 types of stats.
1. Offensive
2. Defensive
3. Special

Each stat is given 1d6 of starting ability, and players are given extra 1d6 rolls to increase chosen stats. After the Stats are rolled they become static numbers until Leveling comes into play. Except for special type stats which represent a number of dice. For each offensive Stat there must be a defensive Stat to oppose it. So a minimum character will be composed of 3 Stats, an Offensive, a Defensive, and a Special. Specials are recommended to be limited to 1 a game.Specials are represented to be used any time a coin is flipped or a die is rolled so having more than one will require conditional uses to be implemented. When ever a given defensive stat is reduced in a game the player is effected by a condition that prevents further play until other players help or he can recover over a certain amount of turns. I want to leave it open to the players to determine whether this leads to death or not to keep the system friendly to people who want a less sadistic in nature.

Leveling is relatively simple after completing a given number of events the player receives a bonus 1d6 to be applied to the stats. The amount of completed events can have a set total or become increasingly difficult. Depending on the players preference.

Dungeon Crawling
Floors: The number of floors can be limited to a minimum of 1 but its recommended at least 3 are played. Floors are composed of the "Main Floor" which represents the initial entrance and exit.that all players know.

Rooms are locations with discrete names, The first room in a game is has 3 doors and 1 exit from the area of play. When a player first enters a new room, that is an unrevealed room a d6 is rolled. Each roll represents possible directions the players can take. Players can select anywhere from 1d6 to 6d6 dice and each value will represent a different door except for a value of 1 which represents a dead end or no exit. The other values can represent 4 cardinal directions, North, South, East, West and two floor exits Up and Down. If players want to include more creative aspects they can increase the dice to represent more doors and flip coins for each door to represent "hidden doors".

Events are determined by coin flip, when a player enters a room or tries to use a door a coin is flipped to determine if an even occurs in the room/door or nothing at all. If an Event is flipped the player can roll a dice representing different types of events. Each concerning the use of offensive and defensive stats. A player can use a die to alter the result of the flip to their liking. there are two aspects to events,

The Challenge: Challenges can take form of many things but there are two ways to generate them. But the fundamental rule is that players do not roll their own Challenges.

Difficulty Class or DC: First roll of 1d4 or 1d6, this determines the number of d10s or d20s. Harder DCs are useful for higher level character. The character then must roll a 1d20+ Stat. a roll of 1 is an automatic failure and a 20 is always a success.

The Static:
This is used to represent a single target, it is useful for creating traps and such in that player roll a single roll of a given Stat to render the Challenge defeated. failed Statics will reduce the stat by 1. A good way to represent things like traps.

Difficulty is determined by a roll of the 1d(# Non Special Stats) then a DC. Statics can be permanent until disabled or one time triggered.

Combat Encounters:
Roll a DC this will determine the strength of the foes as well as the number of opponents. The first roll of 1d4 or 1d6 will represent the number of enemies and roll a d10 or d20 for each to determine their Level, this roll will represent both the Offensive and defensive Stats.

Flip a coin at the beginning of the Encounter if the player guesses the correct outcome then he has not drawn the attention of the enemies and has the option to either Surprise, Retreat or Sneak against the group.

Surprise: The player receives a +1 to his/her first attack roll against a single opponent.
Retreat: The Player returns to the previous room and doesn't alert the enemies to pursue
Sneak: The player can attempt a 1d10+Offensive Stat roll against the opponents defense stat, if the roll is higher then the player may pass unnoticed.

In-Combat the order of attacks is determined by the value of an Offensive Stat, if a Stat is equal at some point then an additional 1d20 is rolled the higher of the 2 will take the earlier position. If someones Offensive stat is 10 or more to an opponent they receive an additional dice roll against that opponent.

Turns: Each turn consists of either an Attack, Defend, or Flee action
Attack: the attacker rolls 1d20+Offensive Stat VS 1d20 +Defensive Stat, successful attacks will reduce the defensive stat by 1 or 2 on a natural 20

Defend: The opponent sacrifices an turn to gain a 1d6 of additional defense for 2 more turns, including this one and a chance at a counter attack. Counter attacks occur when the Attackers roll is 5 or less then the Defensive Roll

Flee: The player attempts to roll a 1d20 to flee, if the stat is less than 7 the attempt fails and the player loses a turn. Fleeing will result in a pursuit check, flip a coin if the result is heads the opponents pursue the player if its tails they do not. A player that is more then 3 rooms in between a pursuing party they lose the party and are safe. The pursuers stop in their current position

(More to come working on coming up with combat encounters and researching other possible obstacles for players)

The Reward: All rewards are determined by the DC rolls, a player repeats the first DC roll of either 1d4 or a 1d6 then he can choose either to gain gold/points by rolling a d20 that number of times or chance a coin flip to be rewarded with an item. If an item is rewarded the player rolls a dice representing the number of stats he/she have, including any Specials. The item is given a value of either 1d6 or 1d4 based on the first DC roll.

Victory/Defeat Condition
A game is or Dungeon is completed when ever a set amount of gold/points are earned. Or if all players are defeated.

I wish to theme the game in a fantasy setting in which adventurers are delving down into the underworld one filled with creatures of the night and an ancient undead necropolis.

I do not wish to sound restrictive, these are just suggested themes though I wish to limit it to a 5 stat system.

Hectic the Hermit of Bones
Power = 10
Toughness = 6
Strike = 4
Agility = 3
Luck: 1d6

We are currently standing at the mouth a cavern that lay withing the remains of a ruined castle once belonging to a powerful wizard according to the legend. There is an old iron door to the east which is embedded into the cavern, there is a stairway carved into the stone leading down and the final door is a hole hidden in shadow, not much bigger then the width of a man.

10 = Power
6 = Toughness
4 = Strike
3 = Agility
  • 142 Replies
1,828 posts

if you add a die to luck it stays dice, recommend you use the lowest value roll. the luck die will be used as wildcard rolls you can use in game when you need them. you get the total amount each level. so if you used 1d6 luck on an attack roll you would still have another 1d6, you can also use 2d6 on that roll but you wouldn't get that back until you have completed 3 encounters

Weirdlike: The boulder is moved by you with great effort, you are out of movement so you cannot continue until your next turn.

9,363 posts

Power: 4
Toughness: 6
Strike: 5
Agility: 10
Luck: 1d6 +3

12,319 posts

I was confused at first, but from reading the posts, it's starting to make sense, so I'll join if there's still a spot. Also, I'll go ahead and roll the stats:

Patrick2011 the Test Adventurer
Power = 5
Toughness = 2
Strike = 13
Agility = 2
Luck = 1d6

5 = Power
2 = Toughness
13 = Strike
2 = Agility
1,828 posts

Alright think we have enough players, normally the fastest person goes first but I plan on going last mostly to show you guys how the system works, and weird joined because I asked and figured playing it people would start to understand it. so the next person to go is


Turn Order
1. Wierdlike
2. Jack
3. Patrick
4. Hectic

Jack there are 2 paths you can take, weirdlike went down the stairs, you can also spend 1 movement to find the hidden path.

9,363 posts

"Hidden path!"

1,828 posts

Flip a coin as you enter the Hole you come into a different room


Carved Passage #1
You wander into a wide cavern that looks to be carved out of the earth
There are 5 paths in here, non are hidden,

North: Cavern Entrance
West: X
South: X

22 = 6d6
1,035 posts

Can I join?

Kitty the Knight

Power: 4
Toughness: 1
Strike: 2
Agility: 4
Luck: 6
Power = 4Toughness = 1Strike = 2Agility = 4Luck = 6

4 = Power
1 = Toughness
2 = Strike
4 = Agility
6 = Luck
9,363 posts
Coin Flip
1,828 posts

Jack nothing happens you can continue, which path would you like to go down?
you have 8 more movement

9,363 posts

I go up.

1,828 posts

I would like to remind you guys if no one has been there before please flip a coin to determine if there is an event or not, sorry kitty I can barley manage 3 players, though if someone else would like to give a crack at using the rules so that other players can take turns simultaneously I wouldn't mind.

Basically when a player enters a new room, one that noone has been to you roll 1 to 6 6-sided dice, this determines doors

1. North
2. East
3. South
4. West
5. Down
6. Up

if you get repeated numbers there is only one door in that position.

Events occur when a player flip head when they enter a new room, if they get heads some one else flip a coin and then that determines the event type.
So far I only got 2 event types this will be improved to dice rolling once i design more.

9,363 posts
Coin Flip
1,828 posts
Event Type
1,828 posts
2 = 1d4
1 = 1d4
12,319 posts

Only coins can have spaces in their labels.

FixForHectichermit = 3

Edit: I got ninja'd, so my d4 can be most likely ignored.

3 = FixForHectichermit
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