ForumsForum GamesMobile Armoured Weapon(Mecha RPG)

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5,291 posts

Idea comes from Square Enix's Front Mission

In AD 2170, there is only one force, that is the AEU(Alliance of Earth Union). No individual countries, it's peace, other than the fact that well, organizations that want to change the current world, exists. To fortify defenses, Mobile Armoured Weapons are made. Usually in the forms of customizable mecha units, they're versatile. Resource wider by utilizing outer-earth materials, they're not hard to mass produce at all. This doesn't change the organizations' nature, however, as it's still the same when it's in the tank-fighter-infantry weapons era. Unoffically a war, the AEU is trying to simply neverending retalitate against attacks, while finding a way to remove the attackers.

The player will go through a story that could go in any way. The player could do choices like betraying, staying with orders, etc. Battles are done Real-Time.

Character Creation

Character Sheet

Gender: (M/F)
Class: (See Classes)
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: Prowess(Default name, change is optional)
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: (Pick a Class)
-Back Weapon R: (Pick a Class)
-Arm Weapon L: (Pick a Class)
-Arm Weapon R: (Pick a Class)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 75/250
Full Weight: 285/450
Auxillary Energy: 100/100
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: -
Arm Weapon R: -
Squad: N/A


Striker: A class that puts emphasis on middle/short range power above all else. Will start with a Prowess with an Assault Rifle and a Shotgun. The class you'll like if you want to be able to eliminate and obliterate enemies in a short time.

Sniper: A class that focuses on helping allies with long ranged shots. Emphasizing accuracy and range, starts with a Prowess with a Sniper Rifle and Laser Blade. The class you'll like if you hate missing.

Tank: A class that takes damage that its' allies can't. Puts emphasis on pure defense, starts with a Prowess with a Machine Gun and Energy Shield. The class you'll like if you just love getting hit unscratched like a boss.

Support: A class that gives ally help by raining down artillery over the enemy. Focusing on AoE than anything, starts with a Prowess with two Missile Launchers. The class you'll like if you hate destroying one by one.

Engineer: A class that keeps allies alive. Puts emphasis on Dodge. Starts with a Prowess with a Nailgun and a Repair Beam. The class you'll like if you just want to sit back and relax.

  • 99 Replies
5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"Incomming message." Said the AI.
The gate opens.
"Oh and, by the way, the users of this MAW, as far as i know, isn't given a squad because the users' secreciness makes teamwork too hard." Said the AI again.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"Patch it through"

"Makes sense to me, where would I go for assignments?"

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"From my experience, they will put briefings in messages like this. For squads, you could know how bad messaging in a battle is like."

It reads:


9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

I enter, "Well my father managed it so, so can I."

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

You enter. The gate you entered closes and the other gate opens.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"He said he only communicated through messaging as to protect his identity." I walk onward.

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"If you say so."
You walk. The gates close, then one of the Bastion type start scanning you. The innermost gate, opens.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

I keep walking.

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

And the last gate closes.
"We have a message."

9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"Show it."

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"It's about a mission assignment."

"We want you to help destroy a hidden base of the AEM. It's quite lightly guarded, but posseses some threat as AEM is the largest threat to us at the moment. Not sure what's their goals, even now, but they are a threat still.

Anyway, it's located in a forest nearby. From scanners, they doesn't seem to have too much defense and is more of a waypoint for troops."

9,363 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

"Send an acceptance." I say as I head out toward the forest.

5,291 posts

Name: Sean
Age: Unknown
Bio: His MAW was handed down from his father, a slightly upgraded version of the regular Prowess all with home-crafted parts, who fought with the AEU for many years and is now recognized within the military world. The outside was painted with a mottled green pattern with the pre-AEU Irish flag printed on the right arm. The Grayhound was known on the battlefield as a fierce fighter but his father never left the pilots chair. Before he died he tattooed the Irish flag on his sons right arm to match The Grayhound, he then passed on the MAW and it's legacy to his only son. As is tradition they disassembled the MAW of all it's non-standard parts that his father had crafted and placed them all in his section of the hall of remembrance along with the previous Grayhound users. He then rebuilt The Grayhound, only keeping the AI that has been there since the second generation of pilots. Since that day he has never left the pilots chair, the Irish flag and custom parts set it aside from other MAW's and is instantly recognizable by all MAW fighters. As the pilot of The Grayhound has never been seen rumors surround the mysterious MAW, that it's pilotless, that the user never ages, that it's just a copy of the original legend. All untrue.
Gender: M
Looks: Unknown
Class: Striker
Melee: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Ranged: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Aim: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Tank: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
Dodge: Level 0
-EXP: 0/5
MAW: The Irish Grayhound
-Head: HP-01(25 AP, 1 Defense, 50 Weight, 50 Energy Drain, T1 Radar)
-Chest: CP-01(75 AP, 3 Def, 100 Weight, 25 En. Drain, No Int. Weapon)
-Arms: APN-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 75 Weight, 75 En. Drain, 75% Max Acc, 5 Stability)
-Legs: LPB-01(50 AP, 0 Def, 450 Max Weight, 100 En. Drain, 5 Stab, 7 Walking Spd, 10 Dashing Spd, 15 Dashing En. Drain, Bipedal)
-FCS: FCSP-01(10 Weight, 75 En. Drain, Standard Lock, 10 Lock Range, 10 Lock Wideness, 1% Acc Addition, 1 Max Lock)
-Generator: GP-01(50 Weight, 500 En. Output, 20 En. Charge)
-Back Weapon L: -
-Back Weapon R: -
-Arm Weapon L: SG-01(Shotgun, 45 Weight, 25 Energy Drain, 3 Power, 65% Accuracy, 2 Range, 1 Max Lock, 2/s RoF, 36 Ammo, 4 Clip Size, Wide Lock Type, 6 bullets/shot)
-Arm Weapon R: AR-01(Assault Rifle, 50 Weight, 20 Energy Drain, 6 Power, 80% Accuracy, 4 Range, 1 Max Lock, 5/s RoF, 150 Ammo, 10 Clip Size, Standard Lock Type)
Head: 25/25, Intact
Chest: 75/75, Intact
Arm L: 50/50, Intact
Arm R: 50/50, Intact
Legs: 50/50, Intact
Arm Weight: 170/250
Full Weight: 380/450
Auxillary Energy: 55/55
Back Weapon L: -
Back Weapon R: -
Arm Weapon L: 36 Ammo, 4/4 Clip
Arm Weapon R: 150 Ammo, 10/10 Clip
Squad: N/A

You head for the forest. After some minutes wasted on walking to conserve energy, you see it. You see a power plant, four turrets, two Prowess-types, and camps. It doesn't look like it should even be called a base...
(Want to draw maps but am in mobile D: )

9,363 posts

(Want me to wait?)

5,291 posts

(For what? Your choice though)

Showing 31-45 of 99