ForumsGamesFeedback nedded for new strategy and war game

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19 posts

Dear friends,

We are a small team of indie developers, who create a new strategy and war game called War Cabinet. The game is in very early stages of development - pre-alpha test stage, that is why I would like to get as much feedback from gamers as possible. We are trying to create a nice game, which is impossible without your advise and comments.

Here is a brief description of War Cabinet game project:

The game will put you in the army commander's role during a War that takes place in the late 80s – 90s of XX century. Watching the news and the same topics are being discussed again and again: There is an escalating tension in Marutia! Mass riots erupted in the big cities and the government seems to be losing control of the situation.

Armed insurgent groups are freely roaming the country. Police stations and governments buildings have been captured and burned. Marutia does not have armed forces to fight back these gangs and anarchy is spreading across the country.

To make things even worse in this delicate situation both Ortia and Girdia claim to be the rightful protector of the people of Marutia and are offering military support...For centuries the two countries have coexisted peacefully… now the houses are more divided than ever… The whole game story:

War Cabinet will be played in two different modes: Single and Multiplayer Campaign or different battles scenarios. It will use pause-able real time planning system to offer full strategic and tactical flexibility.

You can take a look at our first video:

Our pre-alpha screenshots can be seen here//

Please have in mind that your feedback is vital for us. Every comment and opinion matters.

We will be glad if you share your thoughts and opinion on War Cabinet game project.

  • 29 Replies
28 posts

I really like the story because some indie games don't have this good of a story, for example a game like five nights at freddy's does not have as good a story as this in my opinion. And the graphics, I think, are good. I see nothing wrong with this game right now. 10/10

19 posts

Very kind and ecouraging words, thank you

19 posts

Economy system within strategy war games


We plan to implement economy system into the game. By doing this we want to achieve an additional depth of the gameplay. However, in order to do the right balance we need your valuable input here.

First of all do you enjoy economic aspect of the strategy games or you prefer pure combat only gameplay?

If there is a game economy in place it should be:

1. As simple as possible with very few type of resources with minimum amount of user management.
2. Moderately detailed economy system part of the core game mechanics. This could include several resources to be generated, monitored and used for various activities. This would mean roughly up to 20% of the gameplay might be related to economic and resource dependent activities like: purchasing of equipment, upgrades, promotions, personnel recruitment, repair of facilities, etc.
3.Well developed war economy model which will strongly influence game campaign and rules. This would required better planning of your spending and more economy related decisions and events. Without proper economy management your chance to gain victory will be vastly reduced. Of course at times it would require more micromanagement.

Any other thoughts and questions on this topic are mostly welcome.

28 posts

I feel like an economy system would be great! And keeping it simple is good. Overall I'm really hyped for this game. Good Luck.

19 posts

Thank you for your opinion

19 posts

What's the most enjoyable part of a game to you?


When you start playing a new game or simply replay an old one what's the most enjoyable part of the game to you?

Is it the beginning when you explore a new world and learn how to play or it is the the mid-game, when you have the chance to expand your powers and getting deep into the story or you are a fan of the final stages of the game.

How much you like to learn new things and use new functions, try new characteristics while gaming or on the contrary you prefer to stick to familiar things and keep on playing?

28 posts

The most enjoyable part of a game to me is the mid-game because I can expand my power like you said but I also like it because I know what is going on and I can be in control because I know what I am supposed to be doing.

19 posts

For me the most interesting part is the beginning, when everything is new and exciting. The mid-game is also a great fun, but the most boring part for me is the end..

19 posts

Warmest greetings of the Season Happiness in the New Year with Christmas Blessings!

Mindheart team

47 posts

How do you play the game?I am interested, I recommend some neutral factions which could be a benefit to either side if they became an ally but don't help in attacking.I also recommend allied generals that will help you in some missions as well as traitorous generals who have yet to backstab you.

19 posts

Thank you for your question, but War Cabinet is still in development.Thank you very much for your ideas and input.

19 posts

Repair your valuable assets

Hi guys,

What do you think about the option War Cabinet to allow the presence of engineering function? Would you like your vehicles, buildings, routes and etc. to be repaired as this would cost you some resources?

In most games I`m tired of having assets available but can't repair them, when they get damaged.

Would you consider it effective and useful? Would you spend your valuable game resources for different repairs?

For me it would be a great option even if it costs much, because the repair of valuable assets would give me additional flexibility and speed in all combats. It will also change my entire strategy and planning.

19 posts

Hi fellow gamers,
I thought you might be interested to see early gameplay of War Cabinet,
Video at: (better on Full HD and headphones)
Generals are rising at check out newest character design.

206 posts

Nice job! The game is looking great but the best part is it doesn't look like a clone. I also love the fact that the game has an actual storyline.

For a developing game it looks like things are going very well for your group. But I have to say one thing. The game doesn't look like a war game. When I look at the lush green grass and fluffy clouds in the sky it reminds me of something that is not a war despite the war going on. It looks nice but it doesn't look like war. Take EndWars for example you can just look at it and feel the dark atmosphere the maps in EndWar actually look like a place that's going to be fought over. I'm not trying to be that person saying graphics matter over everything or that your game needs to be like EndWar I'm just saying when I look at the screenshots I don't feel a war game but hey maybe it was something you were already working on.

2,613 posts

Hi! I've looked at your game a bit and I think it looks wonderful, but im just going to toss out my two cents.
The way your game is going looks ALOT like its going to be an RTS, Economy based War game. I think that you (As the player, not you) should focus on building up the economy of your territories whilst building the units, and at the same time have to watch a timer. As, lets say, you input territory upgrades so you can receive more cash monthly or research or even manpower. Here is a few questions, all based on the overview:
Will the overview we saw at the beginning of the video actually be used as a map? if not, that was just for funsies, then ignore everything i said or will say.
If it is, will there be multiple enemy teams all fighting for the same thing, and that thing being land? Would the AI fight eachother?
If both of these is true, you could be heading towards a really good strategy game. After you release a bit more I might come back and suggest more, but good game man. :3

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