ForumsGamesGC:CS The Vision Field Walkthrough Thread

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323 posts

Here are the walkthroughs for the new (V1.1) vision fields (V5-V18) in GemCraft Chasing Shadows. Some are more detailed, some less...

When you don't know how to get these fields, read

Left tower: G6, 2yrb, lower tower: G4 2orb
Enrage w1-w6 with 1g1
DO NOT use gem Enhacement shrine whenever charged and monsters are in range with killgem - you might be happy when a shadow is in range of the shrine and you can use it! Make sure, no monsters will pass due to this - (recharging time, recharging time can be cut off with spell),
Upgrade killgem to G7, use beam on managem when monsters are in range
First specter: No problem
First Spire: Tower top right, above the monster nest, G7 green with beam
First shadow: place three towers to the orb, g3 g/m against the projectiles, the green gem somewhere next to the shadow, use bolt (or beam) on your killgem when shadow is in range, select the shadow, WoE the Shadow to reduce armor
Next spire from below: the g7 green again with beam, new tower
Next specter: you should have enough mana to upgrade your killgem to g8, use bolt to kill it, do so with the next one, too.
Next shadow: WoE twice, maybe you are lucky and the shadow is in range of your shrine.
Upgrade you killgem!
Next Spire: Use your poisongem again: freeze it, curse it, beam it - Wooosh!
Next Shadow: WoE twice, bolt on killgem when shadow is in range, freeze the shadow to slow it down
For Wave 45 (mana burner): use barrage on your killgem
And... done.

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I think it is pretty easy: In the traps some green gems and from right to left a pure yellow gem...
Here is a pic:

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Start with a few walls and a g4, pure poison, anger w2 with 1g1,

Build a maze with some more walls, change priority to random, freeze, curse and beam the monsters add a new tower

Build some more towers next to the monster nests, g3, later g4, random
Uügrade your main gem to G6, G7, the adjuvant gem to G5, G6

When the tombs open, make sure you have all spells available, when the monsters are in the center of your maze, freeze, curse and beam.
By Wave 29/30: It is ok, when the giants pass your orb, select the reavers manually
When you have a frozen cloud of monsters, it might be helpful to beam a giant to get a frozen corpse explosion...
At the end of the map, when the expensive giants walk through, it is useful to make a new path, let them run half through your maze, open the other end and block the old path... sad enough, the ammount of demolitions is limited
In the end, a g8 and a g7 gem should be sufficient

It seems, Tulamides maze-setup is easier to follow and so here are some more pics:

Start like this:


And finish

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I think, no text needed...
If you think there should be some text, here you are:
Use a 2yrb gem, upgrade asap, use a g3y for the monster nests.
When nests are destroyed, move killgem, surround it with amps (g3y) and finish the map.

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Place a g7 5y2ro in a tower, 2 amps g1y
Enrage the first 3 waves with one g1 - later enraging is very cheap, thanks to the forgotten
When the first monsters coming from the right side passes your tower to the left... next gem, g6.

Should look like this:

The rest of the map is freezing, bolting and beaming...
In the end, join your gems for a g10
Ah: built some walls next to your gems to prevent the discharging beacons spawn around it!

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Build a g4 3y1r and an amp g1y
In traps, place g2 gems(o,o,g,g,b)
Upgrade killgem to g5, add another amp

Upgrade to g6, add another amp
By wave 12 you should have the 4th amp
Place a tower to the shard, g5 yellow [That's not really necessary, but such a big shard - I can't resist!]
For the giants w14, use bolt. When the shielded friends appear, you might need curse the first time
Get your shard gem, upgrade it to g6 and combine it in your killgem for a g7! Use a new shard gem, g2 or 3
Upgrade your amp gems to g2, later to g3
Upgrade your shard gem to g5
Btw: Don't forget to curse and bolt the monsters
Upgrade your shardgem to g7 and combine it with your killgem for a g8. This should be around the time the first swarmling spawn from dying giants
Use a new shard gem, g3 or 4
If you like, place some walls to prevent beacons from spawning - I did not do so...
Around Wave 30 you need some clicking on monsters to prevent firing at the first one but on killable monsters
HEY the shard is open!!
In the end, when reavers and giants are on screen, use "least hp"

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g1 green in first tower, G3 (1r3y) in second tower
When first giants reach second tower, upgrade gem (g4) and use bolt...
When bolt is recharged and you have enough mana, upgrade gem (g5) and use bolt
When you have not enough mana but bolt is charged, use bolt.
That should be enough to win!

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Place a tower like shown in the pic, pure red.
carefully angering the first 2 reaver waves with one g1

Most important: Keep the sealed armorgem selected the whole time till it is freed by the end of w12
Upgrade the towergem asap - pure red till g5, after that combine with pure black.
When you've got the armor gem, place it in a tower near the sealed yellow gem and select target: structures
Sell the other free gems (red/white, later the white/black and cyan/black)
upgrade to g7 - the gem should deal >12.000 damage on structures, throw it on the sealed yellow when the seal has less (Hit points+Armor) than damage of gem bomb! Place the yellow G10 in tower! You can do this by w15! (idea by IvanYiu247)

Build some walls to protect from beacon-spawning if you like to.
Fast forward and done.

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Place a tower at the second inner ring, top left, G4 green, random
Enrage W1&w2 with 1 g1
Place a tower at the second inner ring, bottom right, G4 green, random
Place a tower at the third inner ring, bottom left, G4 green, next to orb
Place a tower at the second inner ring, top right, G4 green, random
Upgrade gems when possible
When only giants left, combine gems so you have a g8, a g7 and a g6, that should be enough to kill all monsters

Tower setup:

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Combine the gems until you have 2 g8 gems set one to least hp, build two towers where you can add 2 or 3 amps, g3, later g5, gems in amps are enough.
By Wave 17, start with selecting targets, the giants don't have to pass.
When W22 has started, call the next wave, so the swarmlings do not disturb the gems from killing the giants.
When W22 giants go to orb, select the last monster of the group. Change the target priority from least hp to swarmlings. In the end, last 4 or 5 waves, do some micro-management to kill reavers and giants. Select monsters carefully, often it's better, to select the last monster of a group and fire the whole time on it than to shoot at the first and have only a few tiles to fire on it.

This is a working setup:

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Setup new tower and some walls.
G4 2yrb gem, anger wave 1,2,5 with 2 g1
place a copy of the gem in the first tower right before the swarmlings (W3) come.
When the swarmlings are gone, combine the gems, first amp (g2, y)
use bolt on giants (w4)
place a copy of the gem in the first tower right before the swarmlings (W3) come.
Freeze, when a shielded runner wants to escape, maybe you need some micromanagement for the shielded ones (target selection), use bolt on them
When the swarmlings (w7) are gone, combine the two gems again (G6 now), 2nd amp and two walls to cover the gem from beacons!
Your map should look like this:

Freeze, when a shielded one (w9)will escape, use some bolt for remaining monsters
Say hello to W10
W10-12 should be no problem now
Build a second gem (G5, 2yrb) and place it in first tower right before the swarmlings come, update it to g6 ASAP
When the fast manaburner (W14) are gone, combine the gems to g7, third amp
Welcome the giants of W15, game should run till W19 now.
The fast reavers of W20 are crying for some freeze and some bolts... Give it to them!
When you have some bolts left, w21 is killed almost immediately.
When W23 wants to pass your tower, freeze them, when the giants try to break through, bolt them!
DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR GEM (unless you know what you do), you might need the mana more than a higher gem!
W25/26 are a little nasty, the come through, but that should be no problem, pay much more attention to W27, mana burning freaks! Kill them with bolt and select every single monster.
The remaining monsters might pass your orbs but that should be no problem...
When you select the monsters as target, make sure they are long enough in range to be killed, it is not helpful, when you select the first monster and it survives, select the next, it survives, too - better select the second or third monster and let the first pass...

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First 2 traps: g2 o, next trap: g2 m, next trap g2: c beam asap
Middle trap last row : g4 3y1r, bolt asap (All Killgems always bolt to ignore armor!)
Duplicate killgem asap, right trap last row and so on until the last four traps on the map are filled with killing gems.
When the monsters turn, use freeze, wait till the next monsters are in the ice-cloud and WoE them all! Upgrade the gems from the orb to the front.
Upgrade the cyan to g4 or 5 when you have time and mana for it.
In the end, a little micromanagement can be helpful, in the end you should have 2 g7 and 1 g8 killgem.

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This is pretty easy: start with a g3 2yrb in the center with g1 in all the amps, make a path, i.e. outside clockwise, inner circle other direction. In the beginning farm hits with beam, enrage the first 30 waves with ie 1g1 (or more, if you like). Upgrade , when you have enough mana update the amps to g3.
When a spire arives, fight it with poison&beam. That's it

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Pretty easy, too... Nevertheless:
g4, g3, g4,
After W2: g4,g4,g5
After W4: g5,g4,g5 beam on the last gem
After W7: g5, g4, g6 add a wall on the path in the first inner corner so that the last gem will cover the first part of the path
Freeze the W11 giants and beam them
Add a new tower in the middle, g6.
Combine the left gem to the new, upgrade
freeze and beam if neccessary
build 2 amps, g5, g6
Upgrade to g9, bring the other gems to the amps.

Soon it should look like:

Greetings from the shire!

  • 42 Replies
258 posts

Let's make it clear that you won't always be successful. A couple bad random rolls in a row, especially with say bolt being your only chance to kill things, and things will get ugly.

For a good 2/3 of the maps there's more than one viable strategy, it's the rest where nothing else will work except something generally outlined above.

For most maps, g1 gem bombs won't hurt things, but they do slow them and group them, this is very important for say red + bolt (i.e. the mostly giant ones). Specials aren't too helpful low level, especially slow as changed this patch. Poison is always useful at low level, mana grade > g3 + beam but things like crit aren't going to be too exciting until you get to g9+. If you can get to 1000hits, a half black gem will be at 1.4x, I've been able to get through lots of them without too much thought with red/black for example.

Let's just say if you've gotten anywhere in the game, you shouldn't need walkthroughs for at least half of these maps

37 posts

Easy as pie alternative for V15

Use 1:1 b/r and pure red for amps. Almost a no-brainer if you follow the screens.

258 posts

I've been doing them on my lowbie game (level 50-120 so far) and they seem harder. Probably some level related thing that isn't getting squashed as intended.

I couldn't get v7 with pure green, though I use a different wall setup. Just don't have specials often enough to kill everything with them and leaks kill. Green/Black has enough damage to get past armor of the smaller creeps at the end, you can always cash it in for pure poison, but there isn't a need, you'll get the giants eventually.

V17 was not easy, at least y/r/blck got overwhelmed early. R/black with a long path and decent angering worked (pure green one level less for spires). In my high level game, don't even have to bother with poison...but that might have been changed in the new game version

5 posts

v7, i rarely just use single green gem.
After n-try and then, i success in my way:

ps: I don't use gem-bomb to change maze's direction. Seem may have few creep passed 1 time and have to target them next time in high priority.

4 posts

This has been SO helpful. Thanks!

1 posts

Indeed very helpfull has someone a hint for V4

323 posts

For the old vision fields, there are some youtube vids, they show better than I could explain

7 posts

For V9, I found it much easier to have an 8-amp'd tower just to the left of the beacon, as close as possible. Red-yellow in the tower, yellow all around, usually about four levels apart (three at the end, as it became obvious that I wasn't going to see a level 10 tower gem).

I still had to do some management during the early waves, but by about half-way through, enhancements became unnecessary except to re-enable the tower gem after an upgrade.

11 posts

Could you translate you Color code for gems?

323 posts

Color codes:
black (at the V10, b means blue, no black available)
so g6 2yro means 2 grade 1 yellow gems, 1 grade 1 red gem and 1 grade 1 orange gem, combine these 4 gems to a g3 and upgrade it till grade 6.

11 posts

First 2 traps: g2 o, next trap: g2 m?, next trap g2: c beam asap
Middle trap last row : g4 3y1r, bolt asap (All Killgems always bolt to ignore armor!)
Duplicate killgem asap, right trap last row and so on until the last four traps on the map are filled with killing gems.
When the monsters turn, use freeze, wait till the next monsters are in the ice-cloud and WoE them all! Upgrade the gems from the orb to the front.
Upgrade the cyan to g4 or 5 when you have time and mana for it.
In the end, a little micromanagement can be helpful, in the end you should have 2 g7 and 1 g8 killgem.

also this hasn't worked for me yet can explain this field stragy more?

11 posts

Guess M is purple(magenta) the plan worked after 5 tries and moving gems around for giants.

1 posts

First thing, thanks for this topic very usefull.
2nd, for V6 how do u get such Green gem? cause we start with only one grade 1 green gem...

323 posts

You can duplicate gems by pressing 'd'

24 posts

Even with the new pics for V7, I still keep losing.

A video walkthrough would be better, because none of the guides for V7 are working for me.

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