ForumsWEPR"Do not kill" or "Do not murder"

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340 posts

Which is right: Do not kill or Do not murder? I ask this question due to these two Dont's are confusing. Is "kill" & "murder" synonymous, or not.

  • 35 Replies
340 posts

So they are basically making it vauge for their stand.

3,826 posts

So they are basically making it vauge for their stand.

No. Let me try again. If they use the word 'murder' then they're already assuming that the killing that they're talking about is wrong. So if I say 'Capital punishment is wrong because it's murder' -- well, that's a circular argument. I need to show that it's wrongful killing in order to show that it's murder. But that's the very question under discussion.

So they're not making it vague. They're just trying to not use a word like murder that carries an immoral aspect with it. Murder is always wrong. But capital punishment might not be. So calling capital punishment murder doesn't really solve anything or get us anywhere.

A more interesting question is whether they think it's murder. Anti-abortionists clearly think that killing a foetus is murder. But there are other kinds of wrongful killing that might not be considered murder. Maybe capital punishment is wrong, but it's not considered murder.

1,773 posts

Basicly, the bible seperate killing and murdering with a quite thin line. As most of these laws come in forms of stories, ill try to summorise it by saying that murdering is done by a man who intened to win something by doing so. Sending your solider to a suicide mission in order to get his wife is murder. Assaulting 300 "heretics" who agree that they were wrong with a sword in a mad berserk rage is OK, aka killing.

Now for some thougts - i tried to write in a si gle sentence what i belive a murder is. Its harder than it seems. Does it have to be an individual or can a murder be a act serveal peoples, or even an entire group can 'act'? Does the murdurer need to get anything by doing so (Property, plesure, dominance)? Does a good excuse help?
Theres a prob in hebrew which say "The one who wake up/rise to kill you, rise earlier (there a speical word in hebrew for that) to kill him". Thats a cultural conept that lead us in Israel (the levels of harshnes on it depend on the individual of course), but as i saw many times many other cultures in the world dont seem to agree or understand it. By bibles law, if you belive someone is working on getting a way to kill you, its your right to kill him first. Does that count as a murder or not?

340 posts

By bibles law, if you belive someone is working on getting a way to kill you, its your right to kill him first. Does that count as a murder or not?

If you mean that if someone is trying to assassinate you, it is your right to kill him first. Well, Yes & no. Yes, 'cuz you shot first & no 'cuz he/she is trying to kill you.

But, If you mean self-defense, then NO

1,773 posts

Its more than self defence. Its say that not only when you are attacked, but when someone prepear to attack you as well. Of he wake up in the morning to kill you, you shall rise earlier and kill him.When you self defende yourself you let the threat to grow and be of harm to you and to your loved ones.

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