ForumsForum GamesCoK Act 1 Character Creation/OOC

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This is a thread for the players selected to play Chronicles of Katlega. The following players and their characters will be playing:
@red303 playing as Brian Smith, the Biochemist
@JACKinbigletters playing as Sean Maximus Deane, the neo-blacksmith
@Saphire24 playing Sapphire, the Jack of All Trades
@etg2002 playing Cycron, the kid genius
@sasukemystery playing Viet Anh, the prodigal assassin
@RazorLash playing Demi Cooper, the bodyguard

What now? Wait for the game to start, and fill some more questions to refine your character. I am moving the starting date to the 15th because something came up irl. Sorry about that. Between now and then, however, you can ask questions and stuff. But here is where I will gather the info to create the characters. I have the backstories, which serve for a ton of purposes, but now I need some more info.
QUESTION 1[b]- Rate the following attributes in highest priority to lowest.
- measures your character’s muscle and physical power
Dexterity-- measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance
Constitution-represents your character’s health and stamina.
Wisdom- Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition
Intelligence- Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons
Charisma- Leadership ability, physical attractiveness, charm, ect.

Question 2- Flaws
I am implementing a system of Flaws within Chronicle of Katlega. Basically, if you choose to insert flaws within your character, then every time a flaw negatively influences an outcome, that character will gain 'favor' with the GM.
But Erabor, how much favor do I get for X negative outcomes? Can I spam them? Remember GMs are the storytellers, and they ultimately decide the outcome, not the players.
Lets say Dave is a politician. A good one. But lets say Dave is also an alcoholic. That is his flaw (you can have more than one). Lets say Dave decides to use his flaw and he drinks too much at a party. He gains favor with the GM, yet at the same time, he said some bad things while he was drunk. This negatively impacts him short term. Fast forward later. He is being cornered by a man with a gun. He gets fatally shot, but instead of killing Dave, the GM is much more inclined to have the bullet miss his heart because he has gained favor with the GM.
If Dave didn't have favor he would be dead.
See where this is going?
You may have up to 3 flaws. As the severity of the flaw increases, so does the favor. (For example, hydrophobia is more severe than being clumsy)
Intelligence vs Wisdom? What is the difference?
Intelligence tells you that tomatoes are a fruit. Wisdom tells you that they wouldn't be very good in a fruit salad
What happens if I don't respond?
We will give you as much time as we can, but If you do not respond, we will be likely forced to 'take control' of your character. We will most likely not activate any flaws at this time *wink wink*. Your character will act on autopilot, and according to your backstory

Last point-
If you can list any extra character traits that will be appreciated.

  • 24 Replies
274 posts

@etg2002 Alright thanks man

703 posts

@Erabor alright, what exactly is the goal of this game anyway? survive and thrive sort of thing? or getting out of Katlega? WHAT IS IT I WANNA KNOW BEFORE THE GAME STARTS!

9,363 posts

@etg2002 if he wanted us to know he would have told us already, be patient, it comes out in two days.

442 posts

Strength-- 3
Dexterity-- 1
Wisdom- 2
Intelligence- 4

arachnophobia- Demi has a fear of spiders the bigger the spider the worse it is. a small one he will just kill in a hurry but bigger ones will freak him out.

alcoholic- Demi tends to go over broad when he drinks drinking way too much. carrys a flask

274 posts

alright, what exactly is the goal of this game anyway? survive and thrive sort of thing? or getting out of Katlega? WHAT IS IT I WANNA KNOW BEFORE THE GAME STARTS!

Tell me, lad, what is the goal of life? How do you win? It varies infinitely from person to person, even if its in a infinitesimally small way. This game is in the fashion of a true RPG, or Role Playing Game. Now a days, people think an RPG that is anything open world or fantasy.
This is incorrect.
An RPG, like I just said, is a role playing game. Hence, you play a role. Hence, you are almost like an actor. How would your character act?
What are your characters goals? It varies from character to character.

Johnny might want to 'escape' Katlega to get home to his wife and kids.
Susan might have cancer and is looking for treatment or final peace.
Doug might want to become rich- something he could never have back in his homeland.

The list goes on and on. What I the goal, you ask? I have no idea. Its for you to decide.

274 posts

It is with great sadness that I am moving the start date to Friday.

I would not do this unless an emergency has arrived irl.
Today there was a serious threat to harm members of the Chronicles of Katlega staff. Therefore, we are moving the date forward to Friday. I am sorry.
We are all safe now.

442 posts

Hey I won't have the internet at my house for a bit switching internet provider so I won't be on much for a week. Hopefully less

274 posts

Hey I won't have the internet at my house for a bit switching internet provider so I won't be on much for a week. Hopefully less

Thank you for letting me know.

3,119 posts


Flaws: Claustrophobic, arachnophobic,

Showing 16-24 of 24