ForumsWEPRgod? or a reason to fight?

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I have been reading this topic everywhere that changing a religion or going against one is bad but also that we should follow only one religion so called humanism but i still have doubts.
Most of he terrorist attack's of the century are made by people following the Islamic religion but their leader their creator Prophet Muhammad his thoughts were great and according to the name of Islam it means "surrender" or "submission," while some of the followers (terrorist) are going against it and most of them says - "we'll protect our god" but a thing to think is that god who created Earth in Earth the land in land the Continents in continents Countries in Countries States in States Cities in Cities somewhere at a small place where they say "we'll protect our god" is so mall in Earth but the creator who created universe do he needs their protection? who can harm him?
If we classify gods their are two ways one- the god who created us and the one whom we created who do you support?

  • 24 Replies
7,024 posts

@thepyro222 :

I do agree on the fact that we need a higher concentration of intelligence and military forces cooperating together to hunt down and stop high level ISIS targets before we have another thing like the recent attack in Paris.

There is a whole lot of people fighting against IS right now. You don't have make it about military involvement in the fighting. A simpler and cost-efficient possible solution right now would be to offer support and training to the people who fight the IS. Yes it is happening already but nowhere near the large scale operation it would need to be.

I don't think we screwed anything up.

And, yeah, the U.S. government didn't screw up as the mission was successful, but it still failed. Why? Given the resources and military might at their disposal, they could have captured Osama for example much sooner. Instead they used it as an excuse to barge in many Middle-Eastern countries (don't tell me CIA and other intelligence agencies didn't know at least in which country he was) and took over a decade during which, many inoccent civilians were killed or badly injured in multiple terrorist attacks.

Also, if I may ask? Why do you use "we" when referring to the government? (not trying to be offensive here. Just asking because recently, many governments have been doing some real dirty work).

2,150 posts

There is a whole lot of people fighting against IS right now. You don't have make it about military involvement in the fighting. A simpler and cost-efficient possible solution right now would be to offer support and training to the people who fight the IS. Yes it is happening already but nowhere near the large scale operation it would need to be.

Training the local citizens and getting them prepared to fight ISIS is going to take a VERY long time. It would be much easier to do it ourselves.

And, yeah, the U.S. government didn't screw up as the mission was successful, but it still failed. Why? Given the resources and military might at their disposal, they could have captured Osama for example much sooner. Instead they used it as an excuse to barge in many Middle-Eastern countries (don't tell me CIA and other intelligence agencies didn't know at least in which country he was) and took over a decade during which, many inoccent civilians were killed or badly injured in multiple terrorist attacks.

By giving this statement, you're asking me to find a needle in a haystack without damaging any hay. It's not possible. Anyone can disappear from all view if they know how to and they execute it properly. Bin Laden threw out a lot of false baits which made military intelligence think he was in a location different from his actual location. Example, if you shoot a video and tell me you're from San Francisco, and you're standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, I'm going to think you're in San Fran whether you're actually there, or in Ohio. The Desert is a very vast wasteland, and when you're using things like non-descript desert wastelands and backdrops, it makes it that much harder to locate someone.

And I use "we" and "us" because I stand behind my government, and my country.

7,024 posts

Training the local citizens and getting them prepared to fight ISIS is going to take a VERY long time. It would be much easier to do it ourselves.

First, these "citizens" are not, well, citizens. They already fight remember? Even if you don't train them, you can still support them! Weapons? Ok, then maybe just supplies?

It would be much easier to do it yourselves? Oh so you claim to be a patriot, yet are willing to risk the lives of American soldiers, instead of merely supporting the freedom fighters. Yes on a large scale the casualties will be minimal, so who cares if about 2 dozens of your soldiers die or get captured and executed live in tv?

Anyone can disappear from all view if they know how to and they execute it properly.

It is the CIA we are talking about! And they didn't even know which country? (I am not asking for anything specific! just the country!)

359 posts

It is the CIA we are talking about! And they didn't even know which country? (I am not asking for anything specific! just the country!)

We are actively paying the Pakistani government for their support and they helped hide him from us. It isn't that surprising the CIA couldn't find him.

13 posts

humanism, liek many other things, is a stupid interpretation what will soon fall just like christianity because our world clearly dont have a future in the actual configuration.

5,129 posts

i think humanism is like communism. the idea is good, but human nature makes it impossible too succeed.

168 posts

humanism, liek many other things, is a stupid interpretation what will soon fall just like christianity

How do yo mean just like christianity?

9,462 posts

humanism, liek many other things, is a stupid interpretation what will soon fall just like christianity

Humanism isn't a religion, it's a philosophical stance. There is religious humanism, though it wouldn't be the first philosophy that people to in a integrated into a religion. The problem i see with trying to integrate it into a religion is that humanists tends to prefer critical thinking and evidence over dogma and faith.

i think humanism is like communism. the idea is good, but human nature makes it impossible too succeed.

It would seem to very much be in human nature to put emphases on human agency. How that is applied will differ.

Maybe this will help in understanding how the term "humanism" has been used.
What Is Humanism

198 posts

One thing i don't understand is why there are so many extremists thinking they are doing it all for God even though they are clearly not.It makes me really mad when they forbid some things yet do it themselves such as the murder of other minority groups in the region or of their own group when the Holy Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said to respect all religions and their followers so why are they doing this? Btw im talking about the Isis and forgive me if some grammar is wrong.

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