ForumsForum GamesDragon Age: Expedition (RPG)

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A year has pass since the Inquisitor's victory against Corypheus, the chaos is beginning to slow under the watch of Divine Victoria and Inquisitor Trevelyan who now poses as her righteous arm but while the situation on the surface has just begun to settle, a fear now envelops the minds of Thedas. While Corypheus's dragon may have not been a true Arch Demon, it has instilled fear into people's hearts still recovering after the last blight only a little more than a decade ago. In light of the rising powers in Thedas, a joint operation has been authorized to locate the last remaining old dragon gods of tevinter, Razikale and Lusacan, to stop future blights from ever occuring. You have been selected for this dangerous mission and its success could mean a new era of peace and safety for Thedas without the looming threat of darkspawn deep underground.

Welcome to Dragon Age: Expedition, this RPG is inspired by a recent playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition as you might be able to tell so whatever my ending for the game was will impact how this story goes.

Character Sheet:
Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Enlightened Darkspawn)
Age: (19+)
Organization: (Inquisition, Templars, Mage's College, Wardens, Orlesian Army, Dalish, etc.)
Lvl: 0
Stats (Allocate 50 points)
Strength: (Warrior Attack Damge, power)
Constitution: (+5 health for every point, endurance)
Cunning: (Crit. Chance and Ranged Defense, street smarts)
Willpower: (Magic Defense, general Intellect)
Magic: (Mage damage, arcane arts)
Dexterity Rogue damage, agility and quick hands)
Health: 100/100
Armor: 0/100
Barrier: 0/100
Stamina/Magic: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Potions: 8/8 Healing

Equipment will be given depending on your initial character, stats will be based off of starting stats in the DA: Inquistion. I will give each character a starting perk based off of race selection. Any Ideas are welcome.

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Name: Demikas (Demi to those he is friendly with.)
Race: Human
Age: 26
Background: Born into a small family that was headed by two factions of thought, Demi's mother believed that their city-state needed to expand their influence into the other states to join them into an empire to rival that of even the Orlesian empire in population, production and military might. His father thought that it would be best just to ransack the other states and take their lands. Demi sided with his mother's side of thought but his brother followed his father, causing friction within the family eventually leading to their split. Demi and his mother kept the house while his father and brother left. He is a warrior politician, trying to get into the higher echelons of government where he can actually make a difference while also in the defensive garrison that protects their state.
Organization: Free marchers.
Class: Warrior: Shield & Sword
Lvl: 0
Stats: 0/50
Strength: 10 (Warrior Attack Damge, power)
Constitution: 5 (+5 health for every point, endurance)
Cunning: 14 (Crit. Chance and Ranged Defense, street smarts)
Willpower: 14 (Magic Defense, general Intellect)
Magic: 0 (Mage damage, arcane arts)
Dexterity: 7 (Rogue damage, agility and quick hands)
Perks: Natural Leader (Able to recruit and inspire allies more effectively)
Abilities: Shield Charge (Do damage to target equal to shield's armor - 15 mana)
Health: 125/125
Armor: 80
Barrier: 0/100
Stamina/Magic: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Armor: Free Marches Iron Chainmail (50 Armor)
Helm: Free Marches Soldier helm (20 armor)
Weapon: Iron Longsword (10 Attack), Leather Kite shield (10 Armor)
Potions: 8/8 Healing

"How many tracks?"

4,584 posts

Name: Ashiwyn Teasen'ghymn
Race: Elf
Age: 25
Background: The Teasen'ghymn family can be found among many Dalish clans. They are often storytellers, history finders, negotiators, and history keepers. With all of the work they do it's not uncommon to find them believing in The Maker's existence but so far only one clan has some that will follow him and yet stay with the Dalish. They stay because they want their kind to have a place to call home, to reclaim the forgotten knowledge, and to be able to chose who to worship. Ashiwyn was born to this family and was raised in the Brecilian Forest. Her family has taken her to Denerim and other human cities during their travels but she would have to say that she liked Haven and Redclif the most for they were small and seamed to be willing to let nature be. Ashiwyn joined the Wardens a month after the 5th Blight. When she thought she had heard the calling she made her way to Orzammar so she could stop by the two human settlements she loved. When she got to Redclif the fighting helped to snap her out of it. She then joined the Inquisition and has worked in it ever since.
Organization: Inquisition, Wardens, Dalish
Class: Rouge: Daggers
Lvl: 0
Stats (Allocate 0 points)
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Cunning: 10
Willpower: 10
Magic: 0
Dexterity: 10
Perks: Dalish Origins (Knowledge of Elvish culture)
Abilities: Whirlwind (Attack ten times - 20 Stamina)
Health: 100/100
Armor: 50
Barrier: 0/100
Stamina/Magic: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Armor: Warden Scout Recruit Armor(40 Armor)
Helm: Griffon Helm (10 Armor)
Weapon: Iron Dalish Daggers( 6 Attack x2)
Potions: 8/8 Healing

Warden Raelin Lv1: 43/50 Hp, Iron Straight Sword: 5 Dmg X2
Warden-Commander Elissa Lv1: 50/50 HP, Silverite Longwsord: 10 Dmg
Warden Sentinel Balthasar Lv1: 14/50 HP, Iron Straightsword: 5 Dmg
Red-lyrium Raziel Lv1: 100/100HP, Red-lyrium blade: 7 Dmg (AoE)

I smile and try to sneak up on Raziel before using Twin Fangs.

2,555 posts

Name: Nivlac
Race: Human
Age: 21
Nivlac has been delving into the depths of dark magic since he was a child. Nivlac is an orphan who though uses necromancy which is considered a dark magic he is not evil in fact he enjoys helping others. Nivlac is smart and very good with magic though he lacks physical strength or endurance.
Organization: He helps everyone without being in any organization
Class: Necromancer
Lvl: 0
Strength: 2 (Warrior Attack Damge, power)
Constitution: 4 (+5 health for every point, endurance)
Cunning: 8 (Crit. Chance and Ranged Defense, street smarts)
Willpower: 12 (Magic Defense, general Intellect)
Magic: 16 (Mage damage, arcane arts)
Dexterity: 8 (Rogue damage, agility and quick hands)
Perks: Righteous Necromancer (Undead summoned will never turn on you)
Abilities: Life Drain (Heal half of damage done - 10 mana)
Health: 98/100
Armor: 45
Barrier: 0/100
Stamina/Mana: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Armor: Reinforced Robes (40 Armor
Helm: Cloth Hood (5 Armor)
Weapon: Skull Staff (4 Attack X3)
Potions: 8/8 Healing

I hit the warrior that isn't fighting a zombie with my staff.

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