ForumsForum GamesChronicles of Katlega: ACT 1

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274 posts

It is finally here! Thank you for the wait. I am very sorry for some of the delays, but now we can officially start.
I will be closing the admissions to this game for a bit of time- no new players can join as of now. This WILL change in the future, but, as in most stories, new characters are added along the course of the tale. This is no different, except the players will be playing AS the characters in the stories. You probably already knew this, but I say it anyways.
How will this game be played? Im glad you asked. Essentially, right off the bat, we are splitting the players into two groups. This is known in the world of rpgs as railroading, and it is our goal not to do this frequently. (Railroading Is when the GM gives you little room for choices outside the ones he has in mind). We are creating this split because we have two GMs- myself and @feathers34 . This does not mean that you can join forces later, but for right now, you will be forced to take a side. This game will be run in a party system, where the GM will reply to you individually as well as a collective group.
If you have any questions, please contact me at my profile, or, preferably, in the CoK OOC thread (Chronicles of Katlega Out of Character)

For Every Ending There Is A Separate Beginning....

Memories. You aren't sure where you are. Are you alive? You are not sure. Memories....surge through your mind in violent pulses, bringing nausea to you. One moment you were on the cruise ship. Then,


But now, your eyes are opening. You let your eyes adjust to your surroundings. There is a painful amount of noise where you are, people shouting. You take a moment to look around.
You are inside of a building. It seems to be some sort of.. temple? It is in a different style than what you are use to. In fact....
It seems you just came surging out of pond.
('A pond indoors?' you might think)

There are about ten of you. Different ages and sizes, but all wet from the water. The pond is about 30 ft in diameter. A polished oak table meets two sides of this pond, as if they cut out a part of the table to put the pond in.
How strange.
The voices continues, "Yah hesdui' revyp! Passydemb dui Wodilr ah Piovi!"
On one side of the table there are about ten people... maybe more. Men dressed in heavy armor that resembles that of ancient Sparta...or some Greek land. They are armed with bows, and swords, and many other types of weaponry.
The other side is a an array of twenty people. These people are not all uniform. Some don red chainmail, others wearing Scarlett robes. These people seemed to be armed with more strange weaponry, such as quarterstaffs, chains, and rapiers.

There seem to be loud shouting from both ends.
"Tuiri God-sent oli uili da gaem ayl maxsi voyri!" shouts the side with larger numbers.
A large man on the Spartan-looking side stands up, furious with what the other side said."Ibmalomd dloedalr!" He stomps his giant fist on the table. "Tuii' vess mad sid i'ay... LEN ah ayl uapisomk!"
On both sides, weapons are drawn. You are confused and very scared. When it seems both sides would end up charging, a third group interrupts, shouting louder than anyone else in the room. The voice of one Grey-bearded man, coming from directly in front of you.
This third group (monks, by the looks of it) silences everyone in the room. They speak loudly, and everyone seems to listen. To you, it sounds like a foreign language, but you have no idea what.

These men approach your small group of 10, who are sitting silently. What I going on?
The leader, the grey bearded one, speaks in gentle words.
"Follow me, Special Ones".
You do not know what else to do but obey. You are escorted by the monks down a large passageway til you are led into a room. You are told to sit.
This graybeard man clears his voice.
"It was told in famous prophecy that you would arrive. You are Godsent. 'Tis your title. Your people have arrived in time of dire importance numerous times throughout our history.
"But lets back up. I am Luka of the Silver Order. We are an organization dedicated to serving the people of Frej, (this lovely city), and all of Katlega itself.
"Katlega is the world you know live in. I know it may come as a bit of shock, but I have faith in you. You are all very special, even if you do not realize it. The people of this land idolize you and you are very important. Why?
"Our land is named Katlega. It is named so to honor a mighty warrior and leader in our history, a man by the name of Katlego. Katlego appeared through the same pond that you did moments ago- the Waters of Life- over thousands of years ago. Katlego united our people to defeat a mighty beast, and later an army of demons.
"Your people, the Godsent, are natural heroes. Never before has such a large group appeared. Your timing has a great significance as well.
"Alton the White, a Godsent, was a holy man that proclaimed the teachings of Christ, converting many parts of Katlega. It is because of him that many are able to speak the tongue you call 'Englysh'- it was popularized after his death.
"Alton the White, in his final days, left Katlega with a prophecy- that the Fourth Era would be marked by the arrival of more of his kin. Through the Christ, Alton knew that there would be ten to arrive. And here you are.
"You couldn't have arrived at a more stressed time. I hate to have you pick sides, but it is inevitable. There are two armies at war.
"This is not some petty disagreement. This war has the potential for incredible bloodshed- more than our land has ever seen before. Both sides mean well, but their pride gets in the way. You must choose one to join.
Baralus- is a city in the southern woods of Katlega. is a city built by the strong and for the strong. They a hardy people of warriors and tradespeople, though perhaps a bit stubborn. They are very conservative, and that is the reason this was sparked.
Zenen is a city known for technological advancements. They accept Foreigners- those who live past the Sea of Sand, and their practice of Magic.

Why are they fighting?

The main cause for the civil war is the presence of foreign influence within Katlega. Although most of the city states are loosely held together by traditional alliance, Baralus and some other states agree that magic is not something that should be a common influence in Katlegan culture. Katlegans should be focusing on domestic products instead of foreign magics. Although the Western Province States (the Foreigners) are not directly involved in the war, they send aid to Zenen. Zenen is a city state that openly embraces the infusion of technology and magic and has opened up factories and a small college for Techmaturgy. Baralus is afraid of Zenen growing industrial power and needs it to be stopped. Baralus and Zenen hold a conference to discuss some sort of agreement on restricting this magic, before they turn aggressive and try to conquer Katlega.

Do you have any questions to ask Luka, or the members of the Silver Order? You all may have one question. Use it wisely.

  • 129 Replies
9,363 posts

(Change that to toward the temple then.)

5,291 posts

I run as fast as possible, knowing i run slow. I run towards the general vicinity of other godsends.

7,572 posts

I run directly toward the closest place with cover, like a forest or a building.

703 posts

(i have a question, and if so, i may change my course of action. do i still have my sunscreen and lighter? if so, here is what i do: i take out my sunscreen and lighter, and lighting the lighter, i spray the sunscreen through the flame, setting the sunscreen on fire and creating a improvised flamethrower. if not, then continue on with my other course of action. thanks!)

I run like heck.

274 posts

@etg2002 Sorry you really have nothing but a torch as of right now.

@Those Who Run
The group disperses in multiple directions with only three standing behind- your are too busy running to get a Solid look.

@JACKinbigletters , Emirhan and another Godsent- one that had not spoken or really stood out before stay behind.

Emirhan plants his feet and gets ready to engage in combat, as does the unnamed Godsent- a kid in his late teens with exceptionally blue eyes that glow in the dim light. @JACKinbigletters also plants his feet, but throws his torch at the charging maniac.

An earsplittingly loud sound erupts from the red-eyed man as the torch make contact with him- creating an explosion that bursts from the man and spews fire and force onto the hillside.
Emirhan, @JACKinbigletters , and the navy eyed Godsent are sent sprawling onto their backs by the force.

After the dust settles, nothing but an indentation- a crater into the stone stairs where the explosion happened. Charcoal black smokes wisp out from the ground and into the air....
A silence emerged, one perhaps more shocking than the explosion.

What do you do?


(OOC- Can you all please continue to post your names/physical appearances? Sorry for the inconvenience. :/

7,572 posts

Name- Brian Smith

Physical Appearance- Brown hair, Green eyes, freckles, average height, medium build.

I keep running until I can find good cover with a view of Emirhan and Jack fighting the figure, then watch them.

5,291 posts

Name- Eltrus

Physical Appearance- Average height, thin, Brown and short hair, Light blue eyes, No abnormality

I gaze in silence.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Maximus Deane

Physical Appearance- Broad shoulders from countless hours at the anvil, thickened skin around his hands from the heat of the forge. Small indents on his arms and neck from sparks of steel landed on open flesh. Short dark hair with a short black beard cover his face, all his hair is bristly and soot-covered. His eyes are steel-blue and bright. His noes is slightly bigger then average due to an improper healing when it broke. He stands at six foot four inches. Muscled and toned from a life of physical labor.

I grunt to myself as I get to my feet, running my hand through my hair and beard to see if it's gotten any more scorched, which is unlikely.

3,119 posts

Name- Sapphire

Physical Appearance- long brown hair, eyes that have a tendency to change color between blue, grey, and green. Large palms with long fingers ,and long, strong legs I climb down from my tree, and see if there is anything I can do to help Emirhan and the god-sents that went flying, using my torch to light the way.

703 posts

Name- Cycron

Physical Appearance- Face has strange metal looking things on it, and right arm and left hand are mechanical. (at least what seems to be 15 years ahead of time) left leg is also mechanical, and upper chest is metal.

Ooook then, that was unexpected. big boom. methane gases? even though he seems to be, uh, kinda exploded, i would say that is grounds for being extremely scared. if anyone agrees, raise your hand.

5,291 posts

Bump @Erabor

274 posts

Ooook then, that was unexpected. big boom. methane gases? even though he seems to be, uh, kinda exploded, i would say that is grounds for being extremely scared. if anyone agrees, raise your hand.

Emirhan pays a quick glance to the boy. "That better not have been what I thought it was. There is a particular crowd that is not a fan of the Godsent or their influence- the Dirih."
The sound of feet hitting the ground meets your ears. Monks from the Temple have come running down. Luka is among them.
"Grandlord!" Emirhan barks, "I fear the Dirih are returning."

Luka frowns. He walks over to the ashed crater in the steps. "They never left, apprentice, they never left."

A small dialogue was exchanged. The town would fall into paranoia if the Dirih were inside the city, so Luka instructs that no one tell the people what happened...that a magician messed up a spell or enchantment. Meanwhile, Luka would lead a small force to try and cleanse the city of the Dirih.
Also, Luka has included self defense as an option to the education.
With that, the Godsent are taken to the monastery, but this time escorted by monks. They all try and get some sleep from the day- thoughts from it race through their minds.
A mile away, Sean is having the same thoughts from an inn. He did not get his smith to sleep by- too dangerous as of right now. Emirhan kept watch......

I will post more later.

Sorry Im super busy right now and my laptop got left at a friends house. Will post again tomorrow for sure.

703 posts

*thinking* well then, dirth, people that explode, transdimensional teleports... has this been a day.

9,363 posts

(May as well just wait for the proper post.)

274 posts

Emirhan pays a quick glance to the boy. "That better not have been what I thought it was. There is a particular crowd that is not a fan of the Godsent or their influence- the Dirih."
The sound of feet hitting the ground meets your ears. Monks from the Temple have come running down. Luka is among them.
"Grandlord!" Emirhan barks, "I fear the Dirih are returning."
Luka frowns. He walks over to the ashed crater in the steps. "They never left, apprentice, they never left."

A small dialogue was exchanged. The town would fall into paranoia if the Dirih were inside the city, so Luka instructs that no one tell the people what happened...that a magician messed up a spell or enchantment. Meanwhile, Luka would lead a small force to try and cleanse the city of the Dirih.
Also, Luka has included self defense as an option to the education.
With that, the Godsent are taken to the monastery, but this time escorted by monks. They all try and get some sleep from the day- thoughts from it race through their minds.
A mile away, Sean is having the same thoughts from an inn. He did not get his smith to sleep by- too dangerous as of right now. Emirhan kept watch, deep in thought.

Dawn arrived swiftly and beckoned the Godsent to wake up. Servants helped the Godsent with the trivial morning routines- eating, bathing, ect. An odd wave of fatigue had woke up with the players- they felt no need to question anything at the moment.
They sat around a semi-ornate table and ate a hearty breakfast of hot oats and eggs, with some sort of juice on the side. Emirhan and Sean (the blacksmith) arrive and eat also- the latter a bit more reluctantly.

Emirhan cleared his throat, and spoke, "Ive been informed that the Cukvomeum ceremony will be held today. It will be done privately- theres no need to draw attention to such things.
"The Cukvomeum is a ceremony that reaches far back. Whenever the Order of Silver recognizes a worthy recipient, they will receive a companion- a guardian of about the same age. It is a great honor."
Tears seem to bud Emirhan's eyes. He turns away to hide it and speaks normally, "Companions are often given to those that have proven great significance to their home city. Frej is not the only city to practice this.
" Of course, this is optional, but highly recommended. Speaking practically, your companion can help protect you- no matter where you go it can be dangerous- last night events proved that. Who accepts? I need to know who doesn't want a companion so that I can avoid any embarrassment."


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