ForumsForum GamesBattle for Vandea (Fallout style RPG)

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This is the thread where the RPG will actually be played. Combat will also be explained here. If you want to find out more about what this RPG is about, or sign up, please refer to the signup thread. Here is the link to the Signup thread:
Signup Thread

So let's get this started:

Combat: I will try to make this as simple as possible.

Ranged combat:

- You will many times be given the option to shoot your enemy from afar. This is the ranged combat. You fire a set number of shots with different ways (i.e. Suppression: Suppress the enemy squad)

- Depending on the number of shots you can fire, you roll an equal amount of 6-sided dice. This is the roll To Hit. Every time you can roll you will be given the number of shots you can fire, as well as the number you need to score, for those shots to hit (i.e. Fire at the enemy liberator squad: 10 shots (To hit: 4 or higher))

- Armor will often save you in ranged combat After the shots hit but before the rolls for critical hits, an equal amount of dice will be rolled. Depending on the armor, the shots may or may not be negated:
If the armor type is light: then the dice need to score a 6, for any shot to be negated!
If medium: 5+
If heavy: 4+
If Super heavy: 3+
For example: You fire 10 shots and 4 hit the target. So we will need to roll 4 dice, one for each shot, as a chance for the target to be saved by his armor. The target's armor is light, so only the dice that score a 6 will negate any shots! Out of the 4 dice, 2 are sixes, so the target has taken a total amount of 2 shots (4-2).

-Almost every weapon has some Armor piercing capability. If a weapon can pierce the target's type of armor, then the target is not allowed to roll for Armor saves.

-The shots that miss or fail to penetrate the armor obviously have no effect. The shots that hit can be rolled again for the chance to cause a critical hit. Critical hits double the damage these shots do but the number needed to score is always 6 (unless modified by abilities or other factors) For example: You fire 10 shots. Only six of those shots hit. One is saved by the target's armor. Then you can roll 5 dice for the chance to score a critical hit. Every six (unless modified) will cause massive damage to your enemy (damage X 2)!

- Many times, you or your enemies will be in cover. Cover works as a modifier in the rolls to hit and can be either "low cover" or "high cover". Cover modifies all your and the enemy's rolls to hit by -1 and -2 accordingly.

-Some types of shooting (i.e Suppression) will give a special effect to you, or your target like forcing him to stay in cover and prevent him from firing or moving, adding +1 to your "to hit" rolls, etc. Not all kinds of shooting are available with any weapon (for example you cannot use Suppression with a pistol)

-Ranged weapon types:

Sniper Rifle: Extremely rare, only certain enemies possess it. Damage: 45. Accuracy: +1 in "to hit" rolls. Able to pierce heavy armor. Suppresses enemies. Very low rate of fire.

Light Machinegun: damage: 20. Accuracy: - 1 in "to hit" rolls. Able to pierce medium armor. Can use Suppression to force the enemies to keep their heads down. High rate of fire

Assault Rifle: Often used by enemies, the assault rifle is a balanced weapon with a few weaknesses: damage: 15. Accuracy: 0, Able to pierce light armor. Can fire shots in small bursts to improve accuracy (+1). Lower rate of fire than the Light Machine gun

Pistol: damage: 10. Accuracy: 0 in short to medium ranges, - 1 in long ranges (will be noted when given the option to fire). No armor piercing capabilities. Can be used as a close combat weapon.

Flamethrower: Works differently than other weapons When firing in short range, user rolls 2 six sided dice and adds them up to determine the amount of hits! Damage: 20. Sets enemies on fire! Can pierce medium armor. Terrorizes enemies (reduced combat capabilities, more likely to run). In medium range, you only roll one six sided dice to determine the amount of hits.

RPG: Special weapon. Able to destroy cover and cause massive amounts of damage over a large area. Accuracy: - 1. Able to pierce heavy armor and Super heavy if it is a direct hit. Damage: varies

Close combat:

- Close combat functions using the same ground rules as ranged combat (You roll to hit, roll for armor saves, roll for critical hits and work out the damage)

- Obviously no cover can work here

- Some characters and enemies fight with two different close combat weapons. In that case, attacks are split (half are done with the one weapon and half with the other). You have to announce which weapon makes which attacks before you roll (for best results, when you roll, label that roll as "sword" or "axe" or the type of weapon you use)
Example: You can make 4 attacks with a sword and an axe. You roll 4 dices to hit, labeling two as "sword" and 2 as "axe". 3 attacks succeed in hitting, two sword attacks and one axe attack. Then you proceed to make the armor rolls for the target accordingly, (always remembering which dice respond to which weapon) and then roll for critical hits

- Special effects exist for close combat weapons as well

Close combat weapons:

Level 1: No weapons, only using fists. damage: 5
Level 2: Small knifes and blades. Pistols are also in this category. damage: 10
Level 3: Large weapons (mostly swords). Damage: 20. + 1 in "to hit" rolls
Level 4: Large weapons with additional damage capabilities (mostly axes). Able to pierce light armor. Damage: 30


The destroyer cult starts with a fulll "bar" of magical power so there is no need to put it in their profile. (I am trying to keep the character sheet as simple as possible). After they use a spell, the bar depletes by a portion. They still don't need to put it in their profile, as they will always be reminded how much magical power do they have left. They will also always be given a choice after that: To refill the bar by a set (later on upgradeable) amount instead of firing or assaulting an enemy. If the bar is empty, they cannot use any spell.


Grenades and spells that count as grenades also need to roll to hit. Their effects are noted in full when the player is given the option to use them.

Q: So what happens if the modifiers require you to roll over a 6?
A: If for example you need a 5+ to hit, and the enemy is in high cover (-2), you keep every dice that score a 6 and then reroll it. This time, it only needs to score a 3+. If more modifiers are in effect like, the destroyer cult's bloody air, (Accuracy - 2) you apply these modifiers to the reroll, so, the dice that were rerolled would need in the same example to score a 5+.

  • 104 Replies
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Ok. Update!

Name: Ominion
Age: 22
Bio: Wishes for everything needed to have peace. Will do anything required for it, for unknown reasons.
Faction: The Liberators
Weapons: Light Machine gun, Knife
Items: -
Skills: Accuracy, Heavy Armor
Health: 135/135
Purpose: 0/20

Liberators x11
Health: 80/80
Weapon: LMG and knife
Cover: Low Cover

Marked of Chaos grunt
Health: 80/80
Weapon: Assault rifle
Cover: Low cover to your men on the top floor, High Cover to your men on the ground floor

Enemy is firing 7 shots from the assault rifle to your troops on the top floor (Roll required: 6 - low cover)
Enemyrollstohit = 27

Name: Archwez
Age: 25
Bio: His family was part of the cult and were murdered by The liberators. He barely managed to escape but swore revenge upon those who slaughtered his family.
Faction: The destroyer cult
Weapons: Pistol, Knife
Items: -
Perks: Bloodlust, Blood Magic
Sorcery: Crimson Flames
Health: 100/100
Purpose: 0/20

Destroyer Cultist x10
Health: 80/80 (x8), 20/80 (x2)
Weapons: Pistol, knife
Cover: none

Marked of Chaos grunt x4
Health: 80/80 (x2), 70/80 (x2)
Weapon: LMG and brass knuckle
Cover: High Cover

You are now in close combat. As you are the one who charged you get the
first attack so 3 attacks each (Roll required: 5+):

1stFloor = 63
2ndFloor = 42



Liberator x5
Health: 80/80 (x4), 65/80 (x1)
Weapons: LMG and Knife
Cover: Low cover

Ascendant thug x4
Health: 30/75 (x1), 50/75 (x1), 75/75 (x2)
Weapon: Assault Rifle
Cover: Low cover (x1), High Cover (x3) Lasts 1 turn.

One of your men suppresses the 3 ascendants in front of you (7 shots). You reload and the rest fire at the enemy to your left.
28 shots: Roll to hit: 6 - reroll - 3+
Suppression: Roll to hit: 6 - Reroll - 4+

Shots1 = 71
Shots2 = 20
Suppression = 26

Name: Markus.
Age: 29
Bio: Militarily trained in survival, a lone wolf who was trained to complete one-man operations deep behind enemy lines, bringing nothing with him besides a knife and a radio he would be sent into the wilds of Russia, Brazil, Australia, Africa to survive. From the radio he would have a support squad of a medic, a tech-analyst and his CO to give him new orders. He was primarily on black op missions, where your own government would "forget" about your existence if you were captured or killed. He was taken on loan to the government from the army and trained into counter-intelligence and intelligence gathering. His previous training made him one of the best. He was permanently moved into the government after the army publicly "disbanded" his unit.
Faction: The Observers.
Weapons: N/A
Items: Lock-picks, camera
Perks: Scavenger, Stealth.
Health 90/90
Purpose: 0/15

The distraction was a success. Ascendant patrol will arrive in 3 turns. However, 2 ascendants are closing in from behind the containers. You can hear them.

A) Climb up a container next to you and go prone. They will not see you but may decide to investigate
B) Climb up the industrial crane. It is the safest option and you can continue to distract them If you wish. However, it will take longer to climb down afterwards, when you'll have to make your escape.
C) Climb a container to your right. Poses the same dangers as option A, but you can jump down after they leave and reach the warehouse from the other side (the door Corax entered) if they are 1 turn away. This will allow you to take a better look at the weapons and be closer to the liberators when evacuating, but you will be fired upon when the ascendant patrol arrives.

@Lowco1 :
Name: Orion
Age: 32
Bio: He hated peace, he loved blood. He joined the blood Disctiples.
Faction: Blood Disctiples
Weapons: Sword and Axe.
Items: None
Perks: Combo
Axe Mastery.
Health: 130/130
Purpose: 0/20

As your brothers from the destroyer cult encounter minimal Marked of chaos resistance in the library, your task is to deploy in the industrial District and find out where are all these Marked of Chaos going.
You and 5 more Blood disciples (total: 6) arrive at an abandoned Tire factory where you see the Marked of Chaos entering. 2 Marked of Chaos guard the main entrance. You are in this mission because the Destroyer Cult requested our help. So what do you do?

A) Attack head on and kill them, then enter the factory. They will fire as you close in to them, not only damaging you, but also alerting other soldiers in the factory.
B) Move around the factory to try to find another entrance
C) Send your squad to attack the Marked of chaos in the front while you move around and search for another entrance. You will be entering the factory alone but the Marked of chaos will be distracted by the fight in the front.


Name: Koger Vailus
Age: 25
Bio: He wanted to seek out his true self. He joined The New Order to find answers.
Faction: The New Order
Weapons: Flamethrower, Grenade
Items: Grenade
Skills: Pyromaniac, Steel Body
Health: 145/145
Purpose: 0/25

Your objective is to go to the city's Garment district and find the construction site that once was a Blood disciple training Center. Another New Order trooper destroyed it but died in the process. Find him and see if you can find anything useful.
As you arrive, you begin to understand that the trooper did a very good work. You see a collapsed building platform right in the middle of the pit. As you draw closer, you see the corpses of many Blood disciples under the platform. The New Order soldier himself lies a bit further. You see three blood Disciple burned corpses around him. He must have put them on fire with his flamethrower, but they succeeded in killing him before they perished.
Quickly searching him, you find 2 propane canisters and take them (Items: Propane Canister x2)
Then you see 6 Blood disciples approaching, they appear to be battle hardened elites and you surely don't want to end up like the dead soldier.

A) Hide in the ruins of the building platform. You will be closer to the ramp leading out of the pit, but the Blood disciples will be investigating what happened and may find you
B) make a run for a truck you see to your right close to the access ramp. You will have more options when you get there (it will definitely make your escape easier), but you will be exposed as you go for it
C) Climb up the pit through the ruins of the building platform. You will also have more options once there
Remember that your objective is to make sure the Blood disciples are all dead. But it will require some cunning.

27 = Enemyrollstohit
63 = 1stFloor
42 = 2ndFloor
71 = Shots1
20 = Shots2
26 = Suppression
7,024 posts


One shot hits:
Armor save on 5+:
LibArmorSave = 5

9 attacks on the first and 2 on the second floor are succesful
Armor saves (5+)
[roll 9d6 1st Floor]
2ndFloor = 4

Suppression causes no damage.
5 rerolls at the ascendant left:
Rerolls = 16

5 = LibArmorSave
4 = 2ndFloor
16 = Rerolls
7,024 posts

Armor Save successful. No damage taken

Enemy Armor saves (2nd Floor)failed.
Roll again for 1st floor and for criticals in the second floor:
1stFloor = 37
2ndFloorCrits = 7

Ascendant to the left is killed. The rest double down, you have reloaded. One of your liberators is reloading now.
What do you do?

Your choice

37 = 1stFloor
7 = 2ndFloorCrits
7,024 posts


No 2nd floor critical hits
5 succesful armor saves by the Marked on the first floor.
Roll for criticals (1st floor)
1stFloorCrits = 16

16 = 1stFloorCrits
7,024 posts

No critical hits: total damage:

40 on the 1st floor, 20 on the second

5,291 posts

Name: Ominion
Age: 22
Bio: Wishes for everything needed to have peace. Will do anything required for it, for unknown reasons.
Faction: The Liberators
Weapons: Light Machine gun, Knife
Items: -
Skills: Accuracy, Heavy Armor
Health: 135/135
Purpose: 0/20

(Wait... the C) option is this

C) Have someone else suppress him so that you can fire with your superior accuracy along the rest of the team (40 shots +10 with accuracy + 7 from Suppression). The teammate that used suppression will have to reload next turn

(No shots? Or is it that you have yet to roll dices?)

7,024 posts

@Loop_Stratos Just haven't rolled the dice yet. It takes too long to update this (2 hours) so I break it up. Also, thanks for pointing it out anyway! Due to a lot of things to update and to roll for and the time it is taking, I might make a mistake! So everyone, please read the posts and if you find a mistake, please tell me! Thanks

9,363 posts

28 shots: Roll to hit: 6 - Reroll - 3+ 20d6=60 8d6=21
Suppression: Roll to hit: 6 - Reroll - 4+ 7d6=30

60 = 20d6
21 = 8d6
30 = 7d6
9,363 posts

Suppression failed.

8 = 3d6
9,363 posts

Liberator x5
Health: 80/80 (x4), 65/80 (x1)
Weapons: LMG and Knife
Cover: Low cover

Ascendant thug x4
Health: 30/75 (x1), 50/75 (x1), 75/75 (x2)
Weapon: Assault Rifle
Cover: Low cover (x1), High Cover (x3) Lasts 1 turn.

"Someone suppress the three enemies, kill the last ascendant!" I say firing on the left ascendant.

C) Climb a container to your right. Poses the same dangers as option A, but you can jump down after they leave and reach the warehouse from the other side (the door Corax entered) if they are 1 turn away. This will allow you to take a better look at the weapons and be closer to the liberators when evacuating, but you will be fired upon when the ascendant patrol arrives.

7,024 posts

@JACKinbigletters I rolled your dice in the update post for your previous choice. Left ascendant is killed. Also, Suppression doesn't fail altogether. It just may fail to cause damage. Would you like to roll your own dice or should I roll them (not now, generally)?

9,363 posts

You see I would prefer to do it myself but I will more then likely forget every once in a while so it would be smoother and make everything faster if you do it. I did see the dice rolls but I wasn't sure what they were for.

7,024 posts

@Gogotank and @Lowco1 please post your choices.

7,024 posts

@Gogotank and @Lowco1, last time I remind you. Please post your choices, or you will be disqualified.

1,035 posts

Name: Orion
Age: 32
Bio: He hated peace, he loved blood. He joined the blood Disctiples.
Faction: Blood Disctiples
Weapons: Sword and Axe.
Items: None
Perks: Combo
Axe Mastery.
Health: 130/130
Purpose: 0/20

B. Lets move out and find another entrance.

Showing 61-75 of 104