ForumsGamesAnother lost endurance...

25 7063
323 posts

Somehow I have thought, that beating f3 haunting, all traits maxed but hatred (0!) wouldn't be a peace of cake but maybe some kind of tough meat - a little bit of chewing, and all will be fine...
To make a long story short: N O P E

But I told so many stories of success, why not share a story of a pure desaster...

It started so well, the map f3 gave a good setup for a manafarm - So I did a 1024spec managem, did some 1024c on it and it's amps. I ignored all the lag and had up to 78.000 monsters on screen, giving me 8min10sec for 28 in game seconds... 9x speed
As I played with manalock 7, it took some more time till I reached a manalevel I thought it could be enough. 1e39+
I thought it could be enough, but it wasn't... at least it wasn't even close...
Nevertheless, it took place around wave 500+ when my normal u-upgraded killgem was fully occupied with beacons and giants and my hitfarming g2 reached 1,227,606,848 hits (hitlevel 37), so I built my killgem. It was by far not as good as borthel's gem he had at n7 but it was not too bad, either:

Having e55 monsters around wave 550 brought first doubts of winning to my mind...

These doubts got bigger and grew to certainty when I reached wave 670 and I was not able to anger any wave anymore... The monsters already had e67 hp (hp=1e(wave/10) :O )

By this time, I've accepted the fate and sent all. When the wavestones passed by, I wondered more and more what hp got to my sight and I checked the xp-info field if I really had no hatred trait ( I hadn't! )...

The last shadow had e79 hp - but that was a rather low hp for this run...
The last spire showed me unbelievable e94 hp... and that was not the end:
Wave 999 - I froze a little just to see it - had giants.
Cosy giants.
Really cute!
Have a look:

And even that e97 beasts were not the worst. There was a specter with e98 hp...

Well, in the end, that run gave me 4.1e11 xp...

Greetings from The Shire

When someone wants to see the other monsters mentioned in the text - look here:

  • 25 Replies
35 posts

F3 is like the worst field for any kind of endurance, since it has the worst hp progression of all fields. But e97 hp, wow.

37 posts

Wow, it works with Chrome, so:
It's kind of shocking. I mean, hp close to a googol? As much as I like big numbers, but that's discouraging, especially since we are rewarded for beating endurance...

258 posts

It's not even the worst map

omg forums work again...what did I want to say for the past two days...

Scout maps first. At high level a g50 o/blk will make it well into endurance, add yellow when you have to. Check the wave 300, 400 and maybe 500 hp. If it's well over e35 by wave 500 or going more than e7 times higher for 100 waves, you've got an outlier map that will go to e-stupid values (even an e50 mana-cost gem isn't touching e100 hp--and that's a borthel or bilbo run x10 or about 4k waves of laggy mana-farming).

Weird maps that I know of outside the e70-e78 most non compass or finish on glaring maps hit off the top of my head: B3 is like e64 final, W3 is as bad as this one.

56 posts

How do you make such big screenshots? You don't play in the browser, do you?

323 posts

In the end, I can log in again...
I asked Peter as I thought the game was accidentaly in hatred mode... Here is his answer:

e97 hp is legit without hatred
in haunting endurance, we adjusted numbers with a rough estimation so
that looming and glaring endurance is possible to be beaten according to
the current desperation and resourcefulness of hardcore players, and
haunting isn't, because in the past no matter how I made things,
hardcore players proved me wrong on the limits of the game.

So, now I'm curious if that are all maps or only some of them... I just do an endurance run on f2 haunting, wave 241 has giants with e20hp...

I used to load the pure gamefile (with flashvars) from in the browser - sad enough armorgame does not like that way and now the files are protected - if you try it now, you get that "Play on ArmorGames" message. Luckily, I still have a window opened so I can do at least this run in fullscreen.
Another way to play fullscreen is AG's "Ad-free gaming" for 1,49$ per month.
So I hope the steam-edition will be released soon, even if it will not give us the possibility to import save files :O

37 posts

Now that's even more discouraging. I don't really understand that. It sounds like saying "Yeah, I reward people for beating endurance via purple overlay for all three dificulties, but at the same time made sure that nobody will beat haunting endurance"

That doesn't make sense, or did I misunderstand?

323 posts

I guess, that is his last defence for his orb

258 posts

Heh, e75 is out of reach too unless you can gem shrine up a g1 to 1T damage, has he ever played his game? To kill e97 you need e91 damage and a few hours of spell throwing and that's only about a multiple of Avogadro's number or so (e23) more mana than bilbo, borthelcash, etc can get in weeks of laggy farming that they can't do now since they have to play in the armor game page--flash will crash long before they get to the point they were before, let alone the new ridiculous.

323 posts

... laggy farming that they can't do now since they have to play in the armor game page

I fear much more myself than flash - I remember endurance runs when I misclicked on a link (hitting space and click... )

And: A mole of moles of moles of moles - a well dug garden

323 posts

Check the wave 300, 400 and maybe 500 hp. If it's well over e35 by wave 500 or going more than e7 times higher for 100 waves, you've got an outlier map that will go to e-stupid values

Peter knows, what he has done... f2, wave 351: Giants e29 (249 was e20)...

323 posts

OK, f2 haunting ends with 4e77 giants and e78 flying ones...
defeated :/
At least I got 1.05e12 xp --> WL 20042 Yeah!

28 posts

Wow, bilbo. How many of the maps have you collected such huge sums of experience on? What I'm driving at is, where do you think the theoretical cap on level will land (even though a bit of luck is involved). Are you pretty much tapped out?

258 posts

It's just about dealing with lag and time you have. Borthel and I figured level 50k was practical with what he was able to do with some ugly maps, theoretically could hit 100k...but it takes a lot more know-how now than just dropping the address you find in the webpage source to use Flash Projector now (which is insanely less laggy than any browser version I've seen).

Playing on the armor page, level 10k is an achievement.

323 posts

Here is a pic of my stats, sorted by xp - there are 5 more maps with >100bn xp
About the theoretical limit: Don't know, progression is much more friendly than before...

It's true, that standalone is faster, but let me advertise the AG-Adfree feature... That allows playing in fullscreen and I have as much|less lag than before. But I guess, in the long end steam will provide cheaper fullscreen-fun, even when Peter says, that there will be no import-option due to additional maps and incompatibility

28 posts

Jeez, madness.. and yeah, with the Steam release so close (well.. maybe I shouldn't say that out loud), I feel as though I should wait for it instead of progress further in AG.

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