@EE201501 Are you on the wrong account maybe? I don't see any Cursed Treasure 2 Quests on your account. Also, which link were you playing Cursed Treasure 2 on?
Thank you for the quick reply !
I went:
- http://armorgames.com/
- Strategy
- http://armorgames.com/play/14412/cursed-treasure-2
- waited for the ad
- loading game
- Start
- Start one more
- Login: EE201501 + my Password
- Continue
- There was a saved game in slot 1
I had all progress items for the green towers (top section) and very few from the two other towers and played somewhere at the end of argania or the beginning of gorelan. I had all sites until then achievd as brillant, but no night mode at all.
After talking with the team here, we think you may have been playing offline - which clearing cache/cookies or anything else may have cleared your save game. The reason we think so is you have no Quests associated to Cursed Treasure 2, which if you played online you would.
@EE201501 Yeah, I'm pretty sure this isn't your primary account. That explains everything really. So we need to locate your primary. Any ideas if you have other accounts?