@Ferret I tried to post a comment on R2D21999's profile, but apparently I have been blocked by Armor Games. I assume this is a glitch, right?
Maybe its spam block? Just change your comment a little bit a try again.. :P
@09philj Is this still happening? It's possible that R2D21999 shut down his comments?
@Ferret I haven't tried for a couple of days. (I did also try messaging you, Ferret, but it didn't work.) Hold on a minute...
"We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by Armor Games." Same as before.
@09philj Unsure, could you try another browser? Here is what I see when I post as your account...
No problems.
@Ferret Chrome didn't work. Tried Firefox, didn't work. Tried IE, didn't work.
Cleared cookies on Chrome, didn't work.
@Ferret Still not working. I suspect it's Disqus' fault, though.
@09philj I'm wondering if you IP banned or something at this point.
@09philj Looks like that's what happened. I've removed your ban, but I suggest being very careful in the future with what you post.
@Ferret That sounds plausible. Don't worry, I'm sure it can be fixed. Go Ferret! o(^ ^ )o
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