ForumsWEPRRand Paul

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Rand Paul announced he is running (Dr. Mr Moderators: I am not advertising or endorsing as far as I know, if you think I am, then specify please) as a candidate for the 2016 Presidential Elections in the USA. What do you guys think of Rand Paul?
Brief summary: he announced Tuesday that he is running as a presidential candidate for the 2016 Elections as a Republican candidate.

Personally, I support Rand. Although he is often seen as having libertarian views (I'm for laissez-faire styled government and laissez-faire economics), I think he's the best candidate for the GOP/Republican Party, although Ted Cruz is also a popular choice. In CPAC, Rand Paul placed in first on the straw poll.

What do you guys/y'all think?

  • 32 Replies
2,825 posts

As a social liberal/liberal socialist, I detest him and his policies, but to less of an extent than a lot of the other GOP, because although I find him entirely irrational, he at least appears reasonable, and would rather devolve more powers to the states to avoid backlash from anyone who his beliefs offend.

14,745 posts

I think all politicians have a bad habit... not keeping promises. They often start with the best of intentions, but soon become infested by the poisonous ways of dealing with everyone's personal agenda. In order to keep everyone happy, they twist their own beliefs as they see fit in order to keep their seat and continue to work in this pat-on-the-back, handshake to keep the opposition close, say one-but think the other, smile as if your trying to swallow a bowling ball and promise-but fail to deliver enviroment that they call politics...

I believe chosing a person to vote for is like chosing between evil and more evil. Since one can not speak about politics without voting (that's essential to me), I always end up going to the voting district and sign a red dot to a person's name I don't know and don't trust, but at least... I can talk about politics and have a clear conscious that I voted. That is... if I want to talk about it of course...

I don't know why I wrote this post, as I clearly distrust everything related to politics and therefor am never to be seen in these threads, or the WEPR for that matter... I guess I wanted to rant a bit? Heh... there...

79 posts

@MrDayCee That is true, they don't keep promises. The GOP haven't fulfilled their promise of a freer market, instead things have gone the opposite direction of a freer market. In politics, you're basically voting for the lesser of two evils.

9,462 posts

I find in the current environment every front running Republican to be down right detestable. It also seems they are bidding to outdo each other in that regard as well. Rand Paul is no different.

Also with the problem of being in the back pockets of corporations, the Republican party is probably the worst you will find in this regard. Not that the Democrats aren't also this way, but when it comes to considering what the people have to say the democrats still will do this on rare occasion. Whereas this is no found at all among Republicans.

I recall seeing a meme that said we should stop calling these people Conservatives, seeing as they aren't conserving anything. We should instead call them Regressives, as they want to drag us backwards.

79 posts

@MageGrayWolf Then why has Wall Street backed Obama and Clinton? In fact, the richest people are usually democratic elites.

9,808 posts

Is this the guy running as a republican that is actually a libertarian? Or is that Cruz?

79 posts

@pangtongshu Rand Paul is the one some people are calling a libertarian because of his (lack of) foreign policy.

9,808 posts

Ok well is he the one feigning republican ideals or no

13,055 posts

Republicans didn't invent corruption but they turned it into a science.
They have no respect for American people and they glady bend over to corporations which make them anti-Americans and unpatriotic.
Democrats are trying to catch up with Republicans but they are the best of the
worst or the lesser evil so I guess I'll vote for Hillary. I wish Democrats had a more interesting candidate though.

2,825 posts

I think The Simpsons summed up US politics the best:

Signs at the Republican Convention: ''We Want What's Worst For Everyone'' and ''We're Just Plain Evil''. Everybody cheers

Signs at the Democratic Convention: ''We Hate Life And Ourselves'' and ''We Can't govern''. Everybody is angry.

79 posts

@SSTG I have to disagree with you big time there, especially since all of Wall Street backed Obama in 2008 and 2012. There's also the estimate of $2 billion being spent by Hillary on her campaign.

As for lesser of two evils, I would have to say it's the Republican Party. Though, as for lesser of two evils, it's ultimately opinion, though we could come up with tallies.

Here's a few points that go against Hillary Clinton that we all know about:
-Watergate Scandal
-Private email server (supposedly goes against transparent government, though we all know we lack a transparent government)
That's just three (I picked three because that's a "lucky" number).

13,055 posts

Here's a few points that go against Hillary Clinton that we all know about:
-Watergate Scandal
-Private email server (supposedly goes against transparent government, though we all know we lack a transparent government)
That's just three (I picked three because that's a "lucky" number).

Here we go again with this stupid Benghazi obsession.

Who shut down the government lately?
Who voted against any bill stopping corporate criminals from giving themselves tax break when they moved their companies oversees?
Who wrote (traitors) to the leader of Iran saying they would reject everything that Obama worked so hard to achieve?
Who voted against a bill that would stop insider trading?
Who totally ignored the majority of Americans asking for a simple gun control that would prevent some psycho from getting a gun?

Should I continue?

Republicans are running the country to the ground because most of them are spineless losers bending over to corporations and rich parasites who try to contribute as less as possible by finding ways not to pay their fair share of taxes?

79 posts


Here we go again with this stupid Benghazi obsession.
Who shut down the government lately?
Who voted against any bill stopping corporate criminals from giving themselves tax break when they moved their companies oversees?
Who wrote (traitors) to the leader of Iran saying they would reject everything that Obama worked so hard to achieve?
Who voted against a bill that would stop insider trading?
Who totally ignored the majority of Americans asking for a simple gun control that would prevent some psycho from getting a gun?

Should I continue?

1. Men were tortured, rapes, and murdered.
2. Status quo, and I am libertarian, in favor of a laissez-faire government.
3. Again, I am laissez-faire, socially and economically.
4. You really want the USA to sell extremely powerful weapons of mass destruction to Iran so they can threaten their Sunni rivals?
5. Again, I am laissez-faire.
6. We already have simple gun control. For example, we cannot have full auto and we must have a conceal carry permit as well as pass other tests depending on the area.
7. Yes, continue on with speaking about freedom.

And, you forgot to cover that I brought up Watergate. Also, I should've mentioned hypocrisy: she claimed to be bankrupt a while back, and yet has a net worth of $21m (

Republicans are running the country to the ground because most of them are spineless losers bending over to corporations and rich parasites who try to contribute as less as possible by finding ways not to pay their fair share of taxes?

Republicans are not running the country to the ground. The flaw of the liberals goes down to their core philosophy: "Man is evil in natural state and therefore needs a strong central authority to protect people from themselves." Liberal polices in America do not work because their philosophy is paradoxical -- evil people ruling over evil people to protect evil people from themselves while the evil rulers are somehow not evil despite being believed to be evil?

And, as for fair share of taxes, small business are being destroyed by these taxes, such as my Uncle's small business (small restaurant). I am a firm believer in a fair, flat tax rate. "You reap what you sow." I am in the lower income class, and I am not complaining about the massive amounts of wealth people have that they have earned unless they inherited the wealth, but I do look down upon those who inherited their wealth.

My stances:
Laissez-faire on domestic issues
Laissez-faire on economic
Laissez-faire on most foreign

2,825 posts

The thing about US politics that confuses me most is all of the people claiming Obama is a socialist, when he clearly isn't. Is there something in his generally conservative policies I'm missing? Or is US politics usually so far right (and it's people so disinterested in the outside world) that anything less right than the Republicans seen as being lunatic far left?

9,462 posts

Then why has Wall Street backed Obama and Clinton? In fact, the richest people are usually democratic elites.

I didn't say the Democrats were immune. They are also bought. They do however from time to time on rare occasions listen to the people where as the Republicans do not.

As for lesser of two evils, I would have to say it's the Republican Party. Though, as for lesser of two evils, it's ultimately opinion, though we could come up with tallies.

I fail to see how.

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