Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
random_player_of_ag is banned because I get bored of writing his name and he's a random player of Armorgames
RPOAG is banned for being random!
Riou is banned for NOT beign random.
~ANNOUNCEMENT!~Dear internet user,Your account on a game-based website called ArmorGames.Com namely "random_player_of_ag is" banned once again after recovering. How sad.Have a nice day once again. :P-MTH
MTH is banned for having a longer name, with a shorter acronym than RPOAG
RubberyChicken, you're banned. Why? It's because never on my life I have ever heard of a rubber chicken..LOL.. :PSo get outta here and stuff.
MTh is banned for ,once again thinking, that he is some kind of mod.
RPOAG is banned for not letting me ban the fool named MTHBy the way, never call me a rubber chicken, always RubberyChicken, yes, it has to be captialized in that way or else I will have to post this on all of my posts.
RubberyChicken is banned because he banned me for not letting him ban MTH
RPOAG is banned because I don't want to go down this path but will.
Rubberychicken is banned cause he is rubbery
killingman is banned for being racist towards RubberyCicken for being rubbery.
the_manta is banned because he or she have a squirell on his/her armatar
Ezartudor is banned for not respecting animals that support me.
RubberyChicken is banned because I want to ban him.
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