Your banned for a very big reason. It all started when you tried that new breakfast omlette at the diner. From there, you managed to take over South Dakota and Paraguay in an iron-fisted rule that sent both once-proud civilizations into the ruins of despair and failure. Once the Girl scouts began to realize you were the one to blame, they sent their assassins after you: Fathers who work in the factory where they assemble wheelchairs for the disabled. Once you killed all the fathers, the disabled had no wheelchairs to use, and the National Administration for Elderly Rights (NAER) could no longer take to the sidelines. They set war on South Dakota, radiating it with their plutonium denture-cream and AgentOrange-brand canes. As they began their descent on Paraguay, you began to grow weary of their overwhelming power, and began growing prunes on the outlying area to buy some time as you devised a way to bring the homeless into the fight. As you were trying to convince them, they pounced on the diner where you once, long ago, got the new breakfast omlette, which by now was very slimy and discolored. As they force-fed you your 54-year old omlette, you could only think of what would happen if you hadn't been banned for changing your breakfast.