just write a sentence and keep it going
then Freddy went into the city and terrorized everyone...
When a kitty cuted it to death.
then the kitty got randomly radioactified,grew really big, and and went on a rampage...
in China. he killed all the people in China besides alittle girl named Toyauki Kimoshuowki.
somehow the cat was very scared of the little girl, maybe because it wasn't really a girl.
and when he found out it wasn't a little girl he
he got scared of the imposter
But decided to fight back.
He won, and walked back!
then walked back into a hole....try writing longer posts so it doesnt seem like spam
as he cried for help!!
but no one came to help him
suddenly something appeared.
and it was..... his face!!!!!!!!!!!
but it was covered in blood and mold...
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