just write a sentence and keep it going
He then hacked my profile and tried to destroy it but luckily,
he is just a new player and cannot hack anybody!
However, he gained 1500 points in one day by...
the time he went to sleep in his dream
In the dream he was about to fall off of the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!!!
and Super man was lazy.(Forgot to add that too)
i was saying that he dreamt about gaining 1500 ap a day
anyway since no 1 repliedso batman came
and batman saved him but batman died so he went to jail
in jail, he didn't keep his soap on a rope so he became gay!
And then Chuck Norris showed up and got in a gay tussle with him, until...
Chuck Norris' Heart exploded from the gay experience and his pure joy, and then Itachi came and beat the saliva out of everyone...
unfourtanately their saliva stuck to him and he ended up a gooey pile on the floor...
then a copper comes along and explodes from laughing too much
sup danny wtf u onna bout sentence ganme lol iu dont get it
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