just write a sentence and keep it going
they found krin in just a few minutes. but instead of a battle they just get th foods from the fridge and started watching zombie fight 1 & 2
They stop watching after krin arrives home and beat up krin saying you son of abitch
(mat this is weird they are 2 krins??)the 2 krins beat each other into a bloody pulp. harry and sonny recorded this and make it into a movie(again..)
(fine get rid of the part i said when krin arrives home) but when they finish the movie they beat up kri ok?
(ok man peace up!!)krin is a bloody pulp. sonny called veradaux for assisting him to his home.harry once again is alone.
so he gets old and becomes emo but goes on a quest for the youth potion
with his friend the goat and the pig. they continue the conquest for the potion and taking over the world once more.!!!
what do you guys have against krin? krin is awsome. /"\\ (0_o) /"\\/"\\ (0_o) /"\\ KRIN /"\\ (0_o) /"\\ /"\\ (0_o) /"\\
(to uber: i don't know???. i know krin is great and he is the best(for me). )
who's krin?i'm lost in this converse O.o
okay back to the story some blakc hole in space sucks them in while you were traveling around.
you inslted krin I refuse to take part in your idiotic little game.
and also, you swear too much for a 12 year old.
well, that case aside, you still swear too much for a 12 year old.
I'm flagging that...
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