Post four appropriate pictures, and I will try to make something funny out of them. I'm bored. I need a challenge.
Ok sure. 4 appropriate pictures... @Koshionos , do you have any other specifications? Theme? Anything?
Is this challenging enough: ?
You have 2 challenges!
What sort of hideous mayhem is this? This should be moved to the Tavern.
It'll be a work of art when i'm done.
@SpaceSkeleton... boy, that was tough. What do you think?
It is funny.
@FishPreferred, I'm rather pleased with this:
How is this then?
Animal challenge!
Haha This is awesome @Koshionos! I'm loving it!! Keep it up!!
@R2D21999, the most difficult thing is managing such small pictures
Truly you are the photoshoop master
@HecticHermit, one channels his inner rabbit, the other channels the almighty Ferret...
Hmm... @Gantic vs @Ferret?
Thread is locked!