ForumsGamesREAL mmorts games

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how many times has it been now, that a strategy mmo has appeared here on AG claiming to have RTS game aspects only to be revealed as a based builder or have turn or tick based combat and not rts combat?

is it rts combat when units take turns attacking each other? no (this is turn based combat)

is it rts combat when units move a space then wait a couple seconds, move a space and repeat? no (this is tick based)

out of all the tactics mmo's i've seen on this site over the years only ONE has ever had games that have BOTH the base building aspect of a RTS game AND actual real time combat where all units are on the move and actively acting against each other.

i can not thank you enough, KIXEYE, for being the ONLY mmo tactics developer that i have EVER seen make an actual rts mmo. correction, at least 2 such mmo's. theres battle pirates and then theres VEGA conflict, both of which can be found here:

all other mmo's claiming to be rts that i've seen over the years have been pay-to-win, false advertising on the rts part or both.

does anyone know of ANY other games similar to kixeye's (that doen't constantly bother you for money, not that kixeye's do. they don't strike me as overly annoying in that regard) they'd like to share?

sick of all this bs and false claims.

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