ForumsWEPRUS police, don't shot me!

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Out of curiosity. Would one get shot in the US if someone did the exact same thing there?

Also my question. What would it take to get shot by the US police?

  • 22 Replies
1,303 posts

Your scenario only makes sense if the number of people in each class always stayed the same and the races were spread out equally through all of them. That's not true.

No, my scenario makes sense in every situation. Unless you of course implying that only colored people are low class. Taking into the consideration that the UK is a nation that consist of minority, your logic is debunked. Unless (I repeat) that you imply that only colored people are low class.

That's not true. Economic immigrants are coming to the US with almost nothing and wind up living in low income neighborhoods filled with crime. Their children then grow up in an environment where a life of crime is often the only way to make sure you aren't constantly victimized and so they become criminals. This is a cycle of behavior that drastically increases crime rates in low income neighborhoods and makes it extremely difficult for anyone to escape. It affects schools causing even intelligent children to have trouble learning, it affects jobs and savings as people are constantly having possessions stolen, and it creates an area where police hesitate to go because of the danger making it that much easier to commit crimes.

So the US is turning completely healthy people into criminals. While Europe turns traumatized people from war zones into healthy people. I am glad you yourself admits that the US system got a huge problem. I am sorry to say it, but comparing US with Europe will make US look like a third world country. I be honest with you, US is like Afghanistan, just richer. Even your violence culture is the same...

Name it and solve it.

US is not my country, so I have no obligation to name or solve its problem

You started this thread with a video of a British man being yelled at by British police because he had a comb that looked like a knife and he intentionally misled them into believing it was a weapon. One of those police officers even threatened to tase him. Do you have any reason, other than the video's title, to believe that would result in a person being shot in the US? What exactly is the problem US police have that causes crime rates to be so high? If you even know enough to find that problem, what's your solution? Last question, what right do you have to criticize the US for its crime problems when the UK has more than 10% of its population behind bars while the US doesn't even have 4% of its population incarcerated? The UK even has close to the same number of capital crimes and resulting executions according to the comparison you linked on page 1. If you look at the number of prisoners and executions compared to national population the UK is actually a lot worse than the US.

I started this thread and showed a police who was chill in engaging a problem. While the US police first reaction is to shot people. They don't even shot 1 bullet, they shot the whole round to make sure the person is dead... What worse is the fact that American people are desensitized by innocent people getting killed. ''well he moved his finger, so its normal to kill the guy''. One have to be butt naked and have hands up in the air, while having his cheeks spread to make sure no bomb is hidden there, for the police to not have an excuse to shot one.
In Europe the police have to be in a life and death situation to even think about pulling the gun... In Denmark the police killed a terrorist only after the terrorist started spraying with his machine gun against the police. Even then, the public was angry over that the police killed him.
By the way, you have to check the statistic again, because it says otherwise.

139 posts

@DSM "shot" is the past tense of the word. Instead, you should say "shoot" or "shoots" in the present tense.

I started this thread and showed a police who was chill in engaging a problem. While the US police first reaction is to shot people. They don't even shot 1 bullet, they shot the whole round to make sure the person is dead... What worse is the fact that American people are desensitized by innocent people getting killed. ''well he moved his finger, so its normal to kill the guy''.

You seem to be generalizing that all British officers are peaceful and all US officers are violent. Your argument would be more compelling if you offered statistics to support your position (or perhaps further explained the Nation Master links you provided on the previous page).
5,129 posts

i'de like to add to DSM that usa cops are trained to shoot people in vital organs (body or head). while european cops are trained to shoot legs.

comparing US with Europe will make US look like a third world country.
as long they can pretend to have money and not the larges debt in human history. they will never see this themselves
359 posts

No, my scenario makes sense in every situation. Unless you of course implying that only colored people are low class.

I'm not implying any such things, but that doesn't change the facts. And the fact is that in any racially diverse nation, the racial minorities are far more likely to wind up in the low - low-middle class range, the same range where crime is far more prevalent.

Taking into the consideration that the UK is a nation that consist of minority, your logic is debunked

This makes no sense. The UK is a group of islands where 92% of the population is white. How could the entire nation be a minority?

So the US is turning completely healthy people into criminals.

Completely healthy compared to what? East Asian nations where women are still frequently treated as servants? Latin American nations ruled by cartels more powerful than most European nations? African nations torn apart by rampant disease, frequent wars, and semi-regular attempted genocides? Those are the areas of the world most economic immigrants are coming from when they move to the US, legally or illegally. It's not like every person comes to America with a college education and a passion for some productive and lucrative career. This isn't new information either, Emma Lazarus had it imprinted on the Statue of Liberty.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

US is not my country, so I have no obligation to name or solve its problem

You couldn't even name the problem. You sit there criticizing a country you've never been to and you can't even define what it is that makes it a bad country.

I started this thread and showed a police who was chill in engaging a problem. While the US police first reaction is to shot people.

No, it isn't. You have no proof of that. You've shown nothing to indicate that is true. Now you're just blindly slinging mud around. If you actually want to discuss US law and police procedure I'd be happy to do so. I live here, I've seen this country at its absolute worst and know the system well enough to discuss it intelligently. But all you're doing is insulting something you know nothing about.

By the way, you have to check the statistic again, because it says otherwise.

Whoops, I was looking at the total crimes numbers as the total in prison. Still doesn't change the capital punishment rates I mention earlier in which the UK has a statistically negligible difference from the US's.

i'de like to add to DSM that usa cops are trained to shoot people in vital organs (body or head). while european cops are trained to shoot legs.

US cops are trained to shoot to kill for 3 reasons. 1) An injured person can still fire a gun and the safety of police officers and nearby civilians is considered more important than the life of a criminal with a gun. 2) Shooting someone in the leg has a high chance of hitting the femoral artery and causing a slow death by exsanguination. This is considered an inhumane death, so instead officers are taught to kill quickly and efficiently thus minimizing pain. 3) Shooting is a last resort for police officers and no normal human genuinely wants to kill someone. Even trained soldiers have a tendency to subconsciously miss on purpose to avoid killing.

5,129 posts

you can't even define what it is that makes it a bad country.

i just dont wanna get a week ban again. i'm busy playing this game lately, and i wont be able login and keep going when i get that ban. =) (once i start about usa's bad side, i often take it a step to far to make my point.. =) )
1,303 posts

It is waste of time to discuss these stuff. One doesn't know freedom and peace until the person experience it. Lived their entire life in a violence environment/country, they'll never know what wonders a peaceful environment does.

I end this conversation with this: You cant solve a problem, until you realize you one.

Don't get offended by my posts. They aren't meant to offend anyone, but rather to make awareness on issues on hand that should be solved for your own good. It is our duty as human beings to create an environment where we all can live peacefully with each other.

359 posts

It is waste of time to discuss these stuff. One doesn't know freedom and peace until the person experience it. Lived their entire life in a violence environment/country, they'll never know what wonders a peaceful environment does.

You don't know the environment. You've made that very clear by your reliance on rhetoric and general lack of evidence.

Don't get offended by my posts. They aren't meant to offend anyone, but rather to make awareness on issues on hand that should be solved for your own good. It is our duty as human beings to create an environment where we all can live peacefully with each other.

When someone who has never been here sits at his computer insulting my country of course I'm going to feel offended. You don't really know anything about the US. I challenged you to define the problem and you couldn't do that. How can you say there's a problem if you don't know what it is? How do you expect anyone to fix the problem when you can neither point it out nor offer a solution? As I've said, I've seen this country at its worst and I can discuss this countries problems in detail. Not only can I discuss them, I can trace them back to their origin and come up with potential solutions. Until you can do the same you just come across as some mindless kid from another country belting out the same liberal nonsense you've been told like it was so obvious it could be seen from space. I didn't take that garbage from the Occupy nutjobs and they're from the US.

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