Here we sum all quest that not working or have a way around to make them completed.
If you have a quest that is not working for you please report in this thread.
Quest that does not work for anyone. Fortunately, we are here at Armorgames and this is not common.
Building Rush: Big-Rig Wrecker Quest not working anymore.
Quote from Tasselfoot on Apr 20, '15 at 1:35pm:
Going to get in touch with the dev. Thanks!
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Quest that for most not work but can complete by some
Quest that for most work but can not complete by some
Quest that works but only a few reports of not working or Quest that only work with a way around.
Sum Points: Quest not working? Back to Main Menu and they should be completed in seconds. --------------
Chibi Knight, Kingdom Rush, Kingdom Rush Frontiers: 33% bug, for some users this quest is not working, Armorgames is trying to fix this, for most people this quest is working normal! 15th may 2015 - 3-Day quest should work for everyone now!