ForumsForum GamesEvil's Totally brand new Card Game (Suggestions :D)

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2,613 posts

So, if you know me, or have been on AG for at least a year, you should know, that I am an avid forum gamer. The only thing I do more that make forum games is quit them. So, today were going to discuss a new Card game, by yours truly! And, if you really know me, then you'll know this is my 5th attempt at it! Wow! Anyhow, I came up with this decent idea while playing a completely different card game, and I want to try it out. The main reason my card games have been failing is simple: You cant turn-by-turn post what happens, its like watching someone text each other a chess game (Knight to d5) and takes much too long for ANYTHING to get done, first 20 pages were about 3 games. GG NO, RE. So! What did the soopa aweshum Evilsweetblock come up with THIS TIME to bring me lots of entertainment? Good question! The answer is: Nothing I'll tell you, yet. So, today we are here to speed along the process of making said Card game (You have NO IDEA how hard it is to make an FG log...) By letting our viewers/players/contenders/whatever help decide new cards! Cards I like will be added! Card suggester will receive a free copy! Person with the most accepted card suggestions will have their very own Unique card BASED off them! I know, I know, Much excitement, Such awe, So fantastic prize, wow. Anyway, let me explain how the formatting with go, So you can start digging out useful gems for my game!

The Format is simple, we have three basic stats: Attack, Control, and Health.
~Attack is how much damage a creature does, pretty self-explanatory.
~Control is how much it costs to add to your army, out of a pool of 100. (Some tourneys will do 200-300), the highest Control cost being 50.
~Health is its life, also pretty self-explanatory.

Above this, We have the name (I.E. Evilsweetblock the Tired Forumer) and its race (Evil Death Monster), then below it a picture. No, you cant see the picture, and no, there is no picture, its all in your imagination. Under that we have Rarity and Core, lets explain those:
Rarity - Ranked from lowest to high - Common(W), Uncommon(G), Special(B), Rare(Pu), Epic(Y), Legendary(O), Unique(P) the letters symbolize its color, White, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Pink. Promotional (Promo) cards are basically the rare shiny versions of cards that cost more, like Foils from MTG or Golden Cards from Hearthstone.
Core - Core is the 'set' the card is from, it wont play any key factors UNLESS the game gets real popular and stuff. All Cores should be 'Alpha'

Rarity Chart: (Points are based on Attack and life total + Abilities - Control)
Common = 10-30 Points
Uncommon = 40-80 Points
Special = 50-100 Points, at least on ability
Rare = 90-150 Points
Epic = 120-200 Points, at least one ability
Legendary = 250+ Points
Unique can have any number of points to a max of 500, but there is only one copy of the card in each Core.

So, now that we have explained the Format, heres the format:
Race: (From a pool of Six; Human, Elf, Beast, Unholy, Orc, Elemental)
Rarity: Choose one, I'll change as needed
Core: Should be Alpha

Real-quick Race help:

Humans - Basically anything Human; Moderate Attack, Low HP for Low-Moderate Control, includes lots of tank stuff, Can use traps/Machinery

Elf - Same as Humans, anything Elf-y; Moderate Attack and HP for Moderate Control, includes lots of ranged stuff, Can use traps

Beasts - The biggest category, anything Beast-y; This really ranged from anything, Rabbits to Dragons, so no specific stuff

Unholy - Demons, Zombies, Necromancers, stuff like that; High Attack, Low HP, Low-High Control

Orc - Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Those kinds of guys fall under this category; Low Attack, Low HP, Extremely Low Control, Uses Dashing, attacking before anyone else.

Elemental - Elementals are the rarest class, usually extremely resilient and powerful; High Attack, Extremely high HP, Extremely high Control, allows use of Spells

  • 33 Replies
3,165 posts

It seems fun, I'll think I'll join. But some classes are a bit OP. For example, everyone may choose the elementals.

5,291 posts

It'd help to have an example of each rarity's cards. I don't know how to determine that for now, so i will fill it randomly.

Name: Lady Parciel
Race: Human
Rarity: Epic
Core: Alpha
Attack: 35
Control: 30
Health: 80

Name: Recruit
Race: Human
Rarity: Common
Core: Alpha
Attack: 10
Control: 10
Health: 25

Name: Swordwielder Elf
Race: Elf
Rarity: Special
Core: Alpha
Attack: 40
Control: 30
Health: 50

Name: Croner, the Marksman
Race: Elf
Rarity: Special
Core: Alpha
Attack: 30
Control: 25
Health: 50

Name: Magic Hound Grel
Race: Beast
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 80
Control: 50
Health: 60

Name: Frost Dragon
Race: Beast
Rarity: Epic
Core: Alpha
Attack: 60
Control: 40
Health: 60

Name: Necromancer Phaser
Race: Unholy
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 75
Control: 40
Health: 55

Name: Demonspawn
Race: Unholy
Rarity: Common
Core: Alpha
Attack: 20
Control: 10
Health: 15

Name: Gogg, Goblin Archer
Race: Orc
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 45
Control: 20
Health: 65

Name: Merchant Orc
Race: Orc
Rarity: Uncommon
Core: Alpha
Attack: 15
Control: 5
Health: 30

Name: Elemental Ferold
Race: Elemental
Rarity: Unique
Core: Alpha
Attack: 80
Control: 50
Health: 90

Name: Zebs, the Stone Golem
Race: Elemental
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 5
Control: 50
Health: 150

i tried to make two for each race

may edit

1,279 posts

Sorry... I forgot about it...

2,613 posts

Every race/class has its own advantages/disadvantages.
For example, Humans have machines like Cannons and Ballistics, which will undoubtedly be powerful but will require something to use, but Humans are also somewhat weak without them. Low tier orcs (Goblins, Rabbles, etc) have virtually no Control cost (5 is lowest) but are incredibly weak, Elementals are exceptionally powerful, but can only attack at certain times and cost very high Control. However, all decks/races will have advantages and disadvantages, but they'll all have powerful types and weak types as well, so its all somewhat even.

Rarity Chart: (Points are based on Attack and life total + Abilities)
Common = 10-30 Points (ex. Wolf, 10 Attack, 20 Health)
Uncommon = 40-80 Points (ex. Crusade Recruit, 30 Attack, 50 Health)
Special = 50-100 Points, but with at least 1 ability (ex. Head Goblin, 20 Attack, 20 Health, summons three 10/0/10 Goblins on death)
Rare = 90-150 Points (ex. Dragon Youngling, 60 Attack, 80 Health)
Epic = 120-200 Points, but with at least 1 ability (ex. Crusade General, 80 Attack, 100 Health, Summon one Crusade Recruit on Death)
Legendary = 250+ Points (Ex. Elder Drake, 140 Attack, 180 Health)
Unique can have any number of points to a max of 500, but there is only one copy of the card in each Core.

Forgot about what?

5,291 posts


Where do i put this?

2,613 posts

Under Health, also: Everything is a multiple of 10, except control.

5,291 posts

let's tweak muh suggestions then
I will use (Atk+HP+Abi-Con) for counting points.

Name: Lady Parciel
Race: Human
Rarity: Epic
Core: Alpha
Attack: 40
Control: 30
Health: 80
Ability: Increases all other "Human" raced cards in deck by 10 Attack.

Name: Recruit
Race: Human
Rarity: Common
Core: Alpha
Attack: 10
Control: 10
Health: 30

Name: Swordwielder Elf
Race: Elf
Rarity: Special
Core: Alpha
Attack: 40
Control: 35
Health: 40
Ability: Reduces damage taken by 10 for each hit. Cannot go below 10 damage.

Name: Croner, the Marksman
Race: Elf
Rarity: Special
Core: Alpha
Attack: 30
Control: 30
Health: 50
Ability: Can hit twice for a small chance, the second shot dealing 20 damage.

Name: Magic Hound Grel
Race: Beast
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 130
Control: 50
Health: 90
Ability: Summons one Apprentice Hound(50/0/30) on play.

Name: Frost Dragon
Race: Beast
Rarity: Epic
Core: Alpha
Attack: 130
Control: 40
Health: 130
Ability: Attacked enemy have a small chance of not attacking for one turn.

Name: Necromancer Phaser
Race: Unholy
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 90
Control: 40
Health: 70
Ability: Summons three The Risen(10/0/10) each turn.

Name: Demonspawn
Race: Unholy
Rarity: Common
Core: Alpha
Attack: 20
Control: 10
Health: 20

Name: Gogg, Goblin Archer
Race: Orc
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 60
Control: 20
Health: 90
Ability: Hits the enemy and the enemies' adjacents(the enemies in the side of the enemy).

Name: Merchant Orc
Race: Orc
Rarity: Uncommon
Core: Alpha
Attack: 10
Control: 5
Health: 50

Name: Elemental Ferold
Race: Elemental
Rarity: Unique
Core: Alpha
Attack: 160
Control: 50
Health: 180
Ability: Attack increases by 20 everytime it attacks.

Name: Zebs, the Stone Golem
Race: Elemental
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 10
Control: 50
Health: 300
Ability: Every other cards that is in the deck gains 30 more Health, excluding itself.

3,165 posts

Oh, ok @evilsweetblock, I thought that having high control was helping you. But hiw can I join? I find it very fun!

912 posts

Name:Merin,Magist of Taquinian Adjikistan
Race: Elemental(if that involves Mages)
Rarity: Anything higher than Special,perhaps.
Core: Should be Alpha
Abilities:Can steal any card from the opponent at the cost of (insert value here) health/one of your cards.
This is an idea derived directly from my real-life tcg,called Element Lost, that`s getting popular in my school.Also some references to the books I`m writing.
EDIT:I put a more reasonable control to mu tastes.Hope you like.

493 posts

Name: alexander of rome
Race: human
Rarity: uncommon
Core: Alpha
Attack: 150
Control: 125
Abilities: ( you fill this in )

5,291 posts

Because i feel like it, a legend for each race.

Name: Balt, Trap Master
Race: Human
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 90
Control: 40
Health: 160
Abilities: Summons Trap (10/0/10, Deals 20 damage to attacker) each turn.

Name: Elf King Ubreine
Race: Elf
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 120
Control: 50
Health: 120
Abilities: Increases all Elf's Attack and Health by 30

Name: Hammer, Deceiveing Dragon
Race: Beast
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 100
Control: 50
Health: 150
Abilities: "Heals" All enemies, damaging them by 20.

Name: Undead Priest Chronos
Race: Unholy
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 30
Control: 40
Health: 170
Abilities: Heals a random, damaged ally for 50 health.

Name: Knot, Veteran Troll
Race: Orc
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 180
Control: 50
Health: 180

Name: Vence, Archmage Master
Race: Elemental
Rarity: Legendary
Core: Alpha
Attack: 180
Control: 50
Health: 90
Abilities: Burns enemy to deal 20 damage each turn, Shocks random enemy for 30, can freeze enemy, making it skip a turn.

If it's not obivious, i am bored.

3,165 posts

Ok, I'll make one for myself.

Name: Deron, Nature Dragon
Race: Beast
Rarity: Epic
Core: Alpha

You'll fill the others, right? Or do I have to?

2,613 posts

Everyone who posted, thanks so much for contributing! Remember, maximum control is 100 in a standard game, and 200 in large Tourneys. Also, to answer some questions: GoGotank, You fill that stuff in, as this is a Suggestions thread, :P

Shoeminor: I made a card game once, made 20$ off of it before we had to move.

Loop: These ideas are great, but a few of the abilities are a little OP, I'll edit them as I see fit, if thats fine with you, plus I think they're pretty good :P

And anyone else who made some sort of anything, thanks PM me any questions and I'll answer them, or post them here and I'll answer them still. Might release a promo card for everyone that posted at least one suggestion, but I haven't been having the time to think of cards, my folks are doing...

Spring Cleaning
(Yes, Bold italic quotes are needed for the dreadedness of this.
Also, were going to a MTG tourney on next Saturday, so I'm pre-occupied with learning the different decks too.
5,291 posts

Loop: These ideas are great, but a few of the abilities are a little OP, I'll edit them as I see fit, if thats fine with you, plus I think they're pretty good :P


It's not like i can properly balance stuff.

2,613 posts

Sorry if I offended you?

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