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168 posts

Where do you see Earth in 50 years? What while change? What wars will start? What will we explore? What powers shall rule? How qill sociaty grow?

  • 16 Replies
340 posts

For me, it will be worse.

8,256 posts

Where do you see Earth in 50 years?

Still on the same old orbit.

What while change?

What will not change?

What will we explore?

We will definitely see more of space exploration, I also hope we will see much more of our (deep) oceans. Physics will continue making news headlines, and the impetus of our exploration of the human stupidity will be unbroken.

What wars will start? What powers shall rule? How qill sociaty grow?

I am not good at making such predictions. Well, I see potential for several conflicts; among others, the situation in the Middle East will not become better for a long time. I also regard the tensions between Russia and the NATO with suspicion, hoping it will resolve itself over time. As for the powers that will rule, I don't think there will be major breakthroughs/setbacks in the next half decade. Society will become more tolerant, the Internet of Things will spread.
340 posts

Concerning entertainment, Many video games will be banned due to puritanical reasons.

8,256 posts

In fifty years we will also probably have embraced, mostly out of necessity, insect based food and algae based resources.

To fulfill the growing need for proteins insects will replace conventional meat as the number one source, because they are easier to raise and more environmentally friendly. It is also very possible because many people nowadays already regularly eat insects, as far as I know mostly in Asia, Africa and South America. The biggest hurdle will be the "yuck" effect of insects, once that is overcome I see no major problems.

Algae, although they might also take up more place as a food source in the future, will be mostly beneficial as an alternative source for other resources, like fuel for cars and planes. I just read in an article how a company already uses microalgae to produce fuel, and even a food oil as a potential replacement for the pesky palm oil.

5,129 posts

microalgae to produce fuel

this stuff is what the oil companies want after the crude oil is (almost) gone. because it would mean that we keep using the combustion technology for a much longer time.. the longer this technology is the standard will they make money. thats why these products get support from the oil companies.. it will look good with their names since it is nice "green energy" instead of the pesky "fossil fuel" that they actually sell. but they "know" that in on short term it wont work as well without a mix of their product. they do anything to keep things the way they are, and they go pretty far with that aswell.
you wont see a oil company support a technology that changes the combustion formula. but there are to many big electronics companies around these days to keep things in the way the oil companies want. it toke a bit more then a decade, but we see change coming now. (Le Mans 24h was won by a hybrid today.)

but to come back on the algae, i dont believe they will be very useful as fuel in the future, but surely there are other uses for it as they are many variables of chemicals in algae. =)

8,256 posts

but to come back on the algae, i dont believe they will be very useful as fuel in the future,

Algae fuel is certainly useful (if it can propel jets and ships, I consider it useful), the question is rather will there be anything even more useful. Hybrids and electric cars are making their entrance, but for now their use is very limited as their range is short and they rely on a lot of electricity. In the near future I see them as great replacement for traffic within cities. However you gave a good argument for why fuel replacements will not simply fade away: oil companies. Their lobbying, together with the fact that it is easier to adapt the engine to a new fuel than to design all-new engines, will ensure their success at least in the near future, for better or for worse.
16,587 posts

Where do you see Earth in 50 years? What while change? What wars will start? What will we explore? What powers shall rule? How qill sociaty grow?

In 50 years, I think the world will have melted most of it's ice crowding more and more lands because of the rise of water and over population. The thing that will probably change the most is fashion, and I mean it. I also have a feeling that the next war will be between China and other smaller countries fighting for those islands and it will spark world war III, if that's not the most likely cause for WWIII then something else probably will. We will probably explore space a little bit more but probably have the technology to go deeper into the ocean. I'm betting on China? I'm not sure. Also, society doesn't change, perspective on society, or perspective of society on itself does, well perhaps in my opinion.

9,808 posts

For me, it will be worse.

A+ input there boss. I see strenuous effort doesn't hinder you any!


I don't really care much to try and flaunt about how I think the world will or won't turn out. Not much reason to do so; better to act than to hope.

At the very least, I can sleep at night knowing that this SJW-wave is to our generation as the Hippie-wave was to the previous. Soon they will dissipate as the hippies did and life can return back to a calmer and reasonable status quo.

1 posts

This is a very interesting topic, but dont be afraid of overpopullation, global warming or worldwar, especially if you from western countries.
All that what you consider as future are the ideas of the global subjekts. You will finish up in dead end if you folow them.
Do not think global, think worldly.
You should not focus your impression of the future on new innovations and the great inventions. You should think about the people in the future, what will be the main values of society and the different ideologies, what will happen to governments, will or should there even be governments? What will be the collective understanding of people - corporations or nations?
All what you think and do today have an impact on the future, know the consequences of that what you build up today, look at the plan of the future, and decide by your own, if you want to have that future.

600 posts

This is a pretty broad question so I'm gonna focus my post on war. In my opinion, the Middle East is today's &quotowder keg" for war, just as the Balkans were prior to WWI. If anything will cause a third world war, it will be conflict in that region, probably an inevitable escalation of tension between Israel and other Arab nations that the US and other Western countries will get dragged into.

340 posts

At the very least, I can sleep at night knowing that this SJW-wave is to our generation as the Hippie-wave was to the previous. Soon they will dissipate as the hippies did and life can return back to a calmer and reasonable status quo.

I wouldn't say they disappear that easily, miss. All I know is they took gender studies & have a social networking account. Most of them wear glasses with no lenses to look smart (Even though they look like a dork).

5,129 posts

600 posts

But which is more accurate?

359 posts

But which is more accurate?

Neither. We're not getting cars any time soon and apocalyptic events occurring in the next 50 years have about the same probability of me being eaten by a shark^.

*I do not swim often and never in oceans or rivers so those odds are 0%

8,256 posts

But which is more accurate?

The buildings in the first picture are mostly collages of actual towers: the central one most probably depicts the Burj Khalifa, I can also recognize the Shard and the Chrysler building; someone with a better knowledge on architecture will recognize far more, I'm certain. The plaza has nothing futuristic about it, leaving only the flying thingies. They could be commercial drones, which we all know made their entrance recently. They could be flying cars, which are being developed even though it may take a while before we see them actually soaring around (they're more like a cross between a Cesna and a car, anyway, nothing to compare with cars like in The Fifth Element or Star Wars). All in all, the picture looks fancy but seems rather conservative considering what we already achieved.

The second picture is one of desolation, but no cause is apparent; some cities already have smog levels higher than what we see here (like Beijing), though the smog is of course not black. It could be parts of San Francisco after a huge earthquake which is overdue anyway. It could be the result of an atomic bomb, the risk of which is not quite out of the way. Both, earthquake and nuclear strike, have already happened in the past, and now that we have even larger metropoles the result might look even closer to what we see in that picture.

In a way I don't think the pictures above will ever represent a global state, both can come true at the same time. One thing we must not forget tough is that we are at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction due to our activities, some already see humans as an endangered animal as a result of the loss of ecosystems.

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