ForumsGamesE3 - Bethesda

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E3 what a year. Bethesda, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony, Nintendo and Square Enix. Let me sum it up. all 3 sleep deprived days..... i will hurt the man who managed Bethesda's and Sony's time.

Bethesda: So, first: Doom.... man this game is bloody... bloody. We saw limbs being ripped off. The classic chainsaw, double barrel shotguns and blood..... lots of blood. Graphicly i think the game looks good, good for a shooter like that. Gameplay wise..... it's Doom. It's good old Doom.

Then Dishonored 2. We only saw a CG trailer but from what we see we can play as Emily + Corvo Attano so there is that. The game is set in the southern hemisphere (as we can see). So not much on that. But there will be a "Remastered Edition" of The original Dishonored. I think you should know i don't really like these "Remastered Editions" Unless there is a good reason. Like The Last of Us. Many people never got a chance to play it on the PS3 since they were on the Xbox 360. Now they changed from Microsoft to Sony, they never got a chance. And The Last of Us was Critically Praised. But Dishonored did come out in 2012. So there's that.

Battle Cry.... meh. I guess it's a TF2 kinda deal. We never saw much of that.

Elder Scrolls Online: So, we get more regions to explore and saw a Dark Brotherhood easter egg. Again, not much.

Elder Scrolls Legends: Oh i wonder what card game inspired this? Although i guess Zenimax are just trying to explore?

Fallout 4: WOW i need to bullet point these things.

1. Character creation changed
2. Your character does talk, full script and everything.
3. Mods are coming to Xbox One (we will discuss this)
4. Massive open world
5. Coming November 10 (WHY NO OCTOBER 24!!!)
6. There is a Mobile game out now called Fallout Shelter. You manage the vault, it looks al-right.

Now..... Mods.... coming to Xbox One... and not Playstation? We know that the relationship between Bethesda and Sony with the..... Skyrim incident.
So.... how is this going to go?

Maybe we will see more at Quake Con but who knows?

Microsoft is next, i need to go to bed.

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