ForumsGamesCommentary Reporting Agency

1 1684
71 posts

I have noticed something. There are a great number of posts that break the commentary guidelines, the majority of which seem to go unnoticed. I have been trying to flag as many of them as I can, so that the moderators will notice them, but I am one person, and I can not flag every bad post. I am simply asking for other people to join the Agency in flagging those posts. So, come, and join!

  • 1 Reply
716 posts

If you see users who post things that are against the rules, you can report them to any of the moderators. Remember to provide a link to the user or comment you're reporting so that the moderators can find it more easily.

I did some research using the forum search on the flag button since I was not entirely sure what it does. According to old threads asking about flagging, it does or used to only report the comment to admins, not mods, so admins can see flagged comments, but moderators cannot. These threads are from 2009 or earlier, though, so that might have changed since then.

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