Alright this is my first time doing this so lets see how this goes!
Your Challenge.
So you the challenged (I'm assuming you are here to be challenged) must write a parody of an epic of a hero that does something. The winner will be the one who has the most comedic and interesting story.
Rules- A writers threshold guardians. 1. You must follow the rules of this site (obviously) 2. The real challenge is that you may only write as much as the message box in the forum will allow! Bet you can't do it. 3. Your grammar must be edumacated. seriously though it needs to be logical. 4. No it does not have to be a parody of a real movie/work of literature (prefer original work). 5. He who steals is a failure.
Judge number one will be me but clearly I'm going to need some help. Whoever wants to be a judge well, first come first serve. Who ever asks first will get to be a judge! I need 2 more so we have a total 3.
Can I team up with another person to write a story?
Yeah you can! Still needs to fit in the box though.
"What is my awesome host going to give me as an award?"
"We'll I'm glad you asked! Your reward will be a... Pat On The Back! Oh Yeah!"
Parody- "a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule"
Epic- "telling a story about a hero or about exciting events or adventures"
I like to think that I'm a non bias person and so will the other judges and if not oh well they're wild cards to begin with. I also do not believe you need to appease me or a judge directly for an interesting or funny story or else no one would win a award because of all the little details.