ForumsGamesSuggestion For New Valthirian Arc

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8 posts

Hi everyone!

We are Agate Studio, a game developer from Indonesia.

We are pleased to announce that we are going to create a new Valthirian Arc game!

Valthirian Arc is a simulation RPG where you play as the principal of an academy in a magical fantasy country of Valthiria. You are in charge of teaching Valthiria's future heroes on how to swing a sword or cast a magic for the first time!

These are our previous games, check it out!

Here are the screenshots from Valthirian Arc 2:

Based on those games, we need your suggestion & feedback to make our new game more fun and interesting. If you have any ideas please let us know. We will do our best to make it the best Vathirian Arc ever!

To get more information about Valthirian Arc game, please visit our fanpage or subscribe to our website

  • 16 Replies
206 posts

I'm sorry but I'm bringing the hammer down on you.

1. Agate sounds a lot like Agito from the Final Fantasy franchise.
2. It honestly looks like you ripped of Final Fantasy Type-Zero
a. Similar Cover
b. Similar uniforms
c. Similar Lore emblems
3. The characters look similar to to Type-0's characters.
4. Plot is similar to RWBY's plot. Yes, your summary and pictures gave away that much.
5. You do realize I can make the same game but in q=rpg%20maker%20academy%20school%20ga&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=&ajf=70">RPG Maker in about 2 months and actually make it so it's not just point and click right?

I don't want to be that guy that's just smash and bash, I do think the game has potential. What I'm trying to get at is the game should be more unique.

8 posts


Thank you for your feedback. We are Agate Studio, not Agito lol XD

We inspired by many game, and Final Fantasy is one of them. Valthirian Arc & Valthirian Arc 2 is an simulation, strategy and building RPG, but Final Fantasy is action RPG. We still have much to learn to make a great game like Final Fantasy Zero

1 posts

I think, in the new Valthirian Arc game, You are the helper of the principle but you enroll there. I don`t know how to put this in words but... I will just start again. You create your own character, enroll in the academy, and you do the same thing that the principle does but you are not the principle. Also, I would enjoy sub-classes and the ability to customize how your new heroes would look before they enroll. The ability to roam and talk freely would be nice to. But even if you don`t take any of this into trying out, I know it`ll still be an awesome game, can`t wait to play it. ^_^

8 posts

Hi, thank you for your ideas. So, we play as the principle assistant right? And then, what will principal do if his/her task was taken by us? XD

6,257 posts

More variety in the models of students and characters, I guess. I don't want my warrior guy looking exactly like my other warrior guy, I'd rather it have a semblance of uniqueness for each different student.

Maybe voice acting, if you can manage. Only for certain parts or cutscenes, and only if you can manage though.

59 posts

It seems armorgames is one of the only sites that does not have valthrian arc 2

8 posts

More variety in the models of students and characters, I guess. I don't want my warrior guy looking exactly like my other warrior guy, I'd rather it have a semblance of uniqueness for each different student.

Maybe voice acting, if you can manage. Only for certain parts or cutscenes, and only if you can manage though.

This idea is surely fun! We'll see what we can do about it!

It seems armorgames is one of the only sites that does not have valthrian arc 2

unfortunately yes. But, you can search it in google. It will be fun if you can play Valthirian Arc 1 & 2. You will know where is the different between VA 1, 2 and the new one

1 posts

can wait for it to come out :3

8 posts

======= UPDATE =======

Thanks for your support! Today we are going to confirm that Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant will be developed through a Kickstarter campaign! The Kickstarter campaign date may vary on either October 12 or October 13 depending on your timezone.

Since the release of Valthirian Arc II, we’ve been asked by many to create the third installment to the series. Since few months ago, we’ve received tons of great suggestions and ideas for expanding the gameplay and bringing it into bigger audience.
We believe that fans are the driving force which has shaped this game from the very start. You are truly the foundation of the Academy. So we decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to improve the game further and create more awareness for a bigger market. With your help the new Valthirian Arc is going to happen! At next posts, we will discuss about improvements planned for the new game, so you will learn more about it.

We want to create this Valthirian Arc to be the BEST Valthirian Arc in the series! If you share that dream, this is your chance. Let’s create the new Valthirian Arc together!

8 posts

Hi everyone!

This is it, the Kickstarter campaign is on!

Please help us to share to this good news. Let’s do it together! Valthirian Arc needs your support!

30 posts

o.k now that shows me that this game is for money, not player experience (aka fun). original post was at Jul 14, '15 at 4:18am but 2 game lunch at Apr 9, 2010 (google it), what this tells me is that you had 5 years to build Valthirian Arc Red Covenant with all the profit that you made from armor games, newground, kongregate, silvergames, and so on. however you didnt, you just release them on the sites on different years for no apparent reason. now you want money for a game that has been forgotten for 5 years.

your crazy man.

38 posts

I wouldn't be too cynical in regards to Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant's development.

You are correct about the launch of the original Valthirian Arc game on the 9th of April 2010, but you failed to mention the sequel, Valthirian Arc 2, releasing on the 21st of December 2013. This would mean that the latest iteration, Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant, would not have taken 5 years to develop, instead it would have taken only 2 years and 11 months (estimated delivery for the game being October 2016. This time period is significantly less than the five years stated and brings the development period closer to the industry 2-3 year norm.

But of course, this game is an indie game (a game developed by an independent and small team), which could mean that the game doesn't require the excessive 3 years Agate Studios is asking for. However, simply because the game's development period is not typical of indie games, does not mean the game is bad without a positive player experience. What is common among indie developers is that they have other commitments outside of the video-game development stage. They are everyday people who may work on their games casually whilst working part-time or permanently for another company.

Speaking about income, there is no guarantee that Agate Studios has indeed made profits from their previous two Valthirian Arc games. They have not posted any revenue/cost figures of any of their success or failures. There is simply no way of telling whether they indeed made a profit. This calculation is further made complex by the nature of typical indie game development. Indie developers often work on their games at home on their home computer. Would you calculate the indie developer's cost involving the cost of their daily life?

Charging a price for a game is perfectly acceptable, even if predecessors were flash games. Everyone is entitled to charging a price on goods and services they create, especially video games. If you are against this, then you must be against the pricing of Kingdom Rush and Crystal Story II on Steam. Though yes in these two cases, they have free flash alternatives, but in the defence of Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant, it is a brand new game.

Valthirian Arc, in my opinion, has not been forgotten. At the time of this post, their kickstarter campaign, only moments ago, began and has 155 backers, pledging $3,534 of the required $40,000 with 30 days remaining. In addition, recent media articles have been created from notable websites such as Siliconera. Furthermore, the game's Steam Greenlight page has been getting attention, with dozens of comments within the first day of appearing. All of these facts, to me, do not show Valthirian Arc being a forgotten series. Instead, it shows a resurgence in popularity from a period of inactivity, a cycle that is prevalent in every video game series.

8 posts

Hi Everyone,

Just for your information. Now, Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant has reach 6k in second days. Support us on Kickstarter to make a new Valthirian Arc… Together we can

8 posts

Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant has finally been Greenlit on Steam!

Our kickstarter campaign is still running so if you like our game you can support us at

33 posts

The first is so oldschool, imo

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