ForumsForum GamesNew [T.O.M.E] The Terrain of Magical Expertise

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Hello and welcome to the Terrain Of Magical Expertise! This virtual reality game takes your thoughts and processes them in-game instantly, making it the most sought after video game title in the world! You create a entirely unique character, and get setup into 1 of six classes; fighter, spell-caster, swordsman, animalistic, morphological, and mechanical. After you have been sorted through, you may set up techniques based on the Libeira system, a program that makes sure everyone of similar level has a fair chance against each other. The world is divided up into 3 regions; Sanctuary, Mech-city, and Lavendera. Sanctuary is a place made for social networking, quest receiving, and party forming. Lavendera is a place devoted entirely to battle, so stay on guard! And finally, Mech-city is the bond between the two, hosting tourneys and quest givers alike! In Mech-city, battle MUST take place on Battle-grids, keeping the surrounding terrain from being damaged. However in Lavendera, battle takes place at any time! Battle-grids are not necessary, but they are the ONLY way to be unaffected by the terrain. Battles on Battle-grids MUST be accepted by ALL contestants. As the game is relatively new, hackers rampage the world, but we are attempting to solve this problem. (btw This is a new forum for it.)
Char Sheet
Desc (If you want, post a picture here otherwise try and describe it):
Moves: Example, Exampleh, Example
HP: ??/??(Starter Health is usually 100/100)
goldStarter gold is 20.)
Inv: Example, Example(x2)
Equipment: Example, Example
Here is My Char sheet
Name: Leon
Desc: I am a serious person. I have Black Spikey hair. I wear Black pants and a Black T-shirt.
Class: Fighter
Specialty: Fire.
Moves: Fire Strike, Fireball, Flame of the Dragon. Flame Wall, Fire breath. Etc ETC.
HP: 100/100
gold: 20.
Inv: Nothing Nothing
Equipment: Unknown(Too lazy to do this).

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Is it just me or is the entire first paragraph is copied from this place?

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