You awake in a new world, 7 actually, with no clue what has happened to your original life. All you know is that in each world, there are these things known as dream knives, which are said to destroy dreams forever. Your current goal is to end these dreams and get back to your life, but you have no clue what awaits you when they end.
Hello, I'm Eliakith, and above is a rough draft for the plot of a new co-op single player RPG. It will consist of at max three players per character sheet. Because I'm not the best at describing, let me show you a character sheet:
Current player:
Current realm:
Battle style:
Exhaustion: 0%
Sanity: 50%
Health: 50/50
(This next part depends on realm. This part includes skills, inventory, experience, etcetera.)
Realm pockets (current 3. 3x all-all [20% fail rate]): none
So let me explain some of this. Three players would share one character across seven "realms". Each realm would have its own plot line, its own part of the character sheet, and its own way to gain a dream dagger. When a player goes to sleep or passes out, you'd enter the next realm in the cycle. Your sanity goes up (good) when you destroy a dream. When you die in a dream without using a dream dagger, two more are created, and your sanity goes down (bad). The realm pockets can be created using
Items in specific realms, or found in specific locations, but either way, they are the only way to use items from one world in another.
And that's about it... For now. I'm open to suggestions and feedback, but I'd like to see 3-5 players interested in this before I start working on the main body.
P.S. The submit button on the new topic page needs moved.
@Loop_stratos , the three players will decide amoung themselves to decide a couple of things on the BASE character sheet; specifically, Name, age, and battle style (NOT class). That's it. The rest is determined by the realm (or dream) you are in.
@Silver199 , after your first play of each day, you can decide which player plays in what realm. All players can communicate in the thread, but only the current player decides the action.
We have enough people! Expect the thread to be up either tonight or tomorrow after noon.