ForumsForum GamesOverlord (Normandy RP)

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June 6, 1944. The tide is turning. The Allies have launched the largest amphibious assault in history. Join these great men is this great endeavor. Lead your men to glorious victory, or be the grunt fighting it out. Take part in D-Day.

Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: (US, Britain, FFI, Exiled Allies, Canadians)
Rank: (see below)
Insert rank card here but leave blank


Corporal, sergeant, or lieutenant/leftenant


  • 13 Replies
1,930 posts

Name: Gene Solomon
Age: 20
Bio: I'm an easy mannered guy who's strong love for his country and self-pride made me the ideal soldier. I was studying at university when war broke out. Like most of my friends, I joined the war effort. Thrown into the Army, I quickly got acclimated to Northern Africa. I fought through Africa and earned the rank of Corporal. Now I'm here. In a boat. About to step food in France.
Appearance: 6 foot with an average build. I keep my hair neatly combed back and gelled. I have a thin, well-kept pencil mustache as well.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Britain
Rank: Corporal

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private

14 posts

hey guys

1,930 posts

ummmm hi? do you have a second account or something?

14 posts

yes and htis is it
my other isn't working so i am going to use this one

1,930 posts


14 posts

Name: Gene Solomon
Age: 20
Bio: I'm an easy mannered guy who's strong love for his country and self-pride made me the ideal soldier. I was studying at university when war broke out. Like most of my friends, I joined the war effort. Thrown into the Army, I quickly got acclimated to Northern Africa. I fought through Africa and earned the rank of Corporal. Now I'm here. In a boat. About to step food in France.
Appearance: 6 foot with an average build. I keep my hair neatly combed back and gelled. I have a thin, well-kept pencil mustache as well.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Britain
Rank: Corporal
Weapon: Sten Mk. II 30/30
Location: off sword beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 34th Rifle, 3 battalion, B company, CP A
rifle (x7) healthy, eager, fresh
MG (x1) healthy, eager, fresh

You sit in the landing craft, glancing over your squad. You hear the waves lapping on the side of the craft, making it feel calm and tranquil. A man to your left is humming "God Save the Queen". You clear your throat to speak to your men. You say...

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (see above character for description)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

Your boat nears the beach in silence. The only sounds are the other men breathing. As you check your weapon over a third time, you hear Captain Pierce shout, "Murray? Get up here!"

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

"Sir!" I half shout as I move up to the Captain.

14 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

"There you are. I have a special job for you."

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

"Is that so Captain? Thought we promised no special treatment?" I say with a half laugh.

14 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), skyes-fairbane knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

"Very funny. Now, on to the job. One of our specialists is out with a nasty case of the flu. I wasn't informed of this until now. You are one of the best fighters I have ever seen. So, you will be taking his place. Give me that combat knife of yours to me. You need a real weapon." He takes your weapon and hands you a special knife.

1,930 posts

Name: Gene Solomon
Age: 20
Bio: I'm an easy mannered guy who's strong love for his country and self-pride made me the ideal soldier. I was studying at university when war broke out. Like most of my friends, I joined the war effort. Thrown into the Army, I quickly got acclimated to Northern Africa. I fought through Africa and earned the rank of Corporal. Now I'm here. In a boat. About to step food in France.
Appearance: 6 foot with an average build. I keep my hair neatly combed back and gelled. I have a thin, well-kept pencil mustache as well.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Britain
Rank: Corporal
Weapon: Sten Mk. II 30/30
Location: off Sword beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), combat knife, extra mags (10), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 34th Rifle, 3 battalion, B company, CP A
Cpl. Jones: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Cpl. Tare: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. Albright: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. Horton: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. Georgeson: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. McCormick: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. Williams: Rifle healthy, eager, fresh
Pvt. Carmichael: MG healthy, eager, fresh
Sgt. Matthews: SMG healthy, eager, fresh

I shout over all the noise, "Alright boys, when we hit the beach, we hit it hard. Maintain your intervals and don't do anything stupid. We won't be able to engage the enemy until we've pretty much cleared the beach. Keep in mind: they can certainly engage use. Sergeant will tell us our primary objectives!" I say as I face Sgt. Matthews.

(Can I separate each soldier in the unit section. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Corporals don't necessarily command squads, Sergeants do.)

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Murray
Age: 22
Bio: A young Irish man born in the south of the country joined the war effort to feed his family, at first he trained and worked with the British in the North to get him battle ready but on the cruse over he became, adopted, into one of the Canadian units. This certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Canadian officer owed Sean his life as he nearly fell from the ship from England, that and the fistfight Sean won against his British superior after the word culchie was thrown around. They promised to continue paying his family every month as long as he fought like they did, he was happy to do it too, he knew the Canadians were underrated on the battlefield.
Appearance: 5' 11" and 12 stone Sean is lean and fast, plenty of muscles cover him from the many years in the fields. He has fair brown hair with a full grown beard covering his face. Green eyes watch while his casual smile keeps everyone in a good humor.
Date: June 6, 1944
Nation: Ireland (Canadians)
Rank: Private
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle no. 5 Mk. 1
Location: off of Juno Beach, Normandy
Inventory: canteen (full), skyes-fairbane knife, extra mags (10), mills bombs (2), kit (mess kit, personal items, etc.)
Status: healthy, eager, fresh
Unit: 21st Assault, 1 battalion, A company, CP C

"Ah you and me know that's just Irish luck." I say with another grin, I take the knife, "Well, isn't this something nice, I'm sure a Kraut would like to see it up close what do you think Captain." I say a full smile on my lips, "So, what's the strings with this nice knew knife Captain?" I say fractionally more serious.

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