ForumsForum GamesThreads of an RPG

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I wanted to make a quick to tutorial about the different kinds of threads an RPG can have. I will start by talking about the three most basic threads. Game Threads, Character Creation Threads and Interest Checks. I will then briefly explain some other threads that aren't used as often such as Construction Threads and Archive Threads.

Game Thread

This is the most basic thread. Every RPG has one, most small and medium sized RPGs have only this. The Game Thread is for the actual gameplay of the RPG this is where the player will post "I turn left and head to the mysterious smoke." And the GM will say "You head to the smoke and see that its a goblin camp!" Most of the magic of an RPG happens here and when your RPG dies this thread should have the most pages.

Character Creation Thread

This is for RPGs that have a character creation process that will take a couple posts back and forth between the player and GM before they are ready to play. This thread is pretty simple, your player creates his character on this thread and when he finishes he moves it to the game thread and begins the RPG.

Interest Check

This is for people who have an idea for an RPG but don't know if anyone will play. Here you post Information about your RPG such as the setting and/or a prototype character sheet. If enough people say they will play you post your next thread which could be a Character Creation Thread, a Construction Thread, The Game Thread or whatever.

Here is a brief explanation of some less common RPG threads.

Construction Thread

This is for big RPGs that take a while to be made. You can post updates on how your RPG is doing and/or ask for suggestions for a skill or something.

Archive Thread/Info Thread

This is for big RPGS that have a lot of information. You can post less important information here like status effects or whatever.

Well thats it for now I would love to hear feedback and criticism.

  • 4 Replies
7,024 posts

Great, so far, but you forgot to add one more: the Battle thread. It is basically comprised of info that can go into other categories but most of the time, doesn't. The thread where the actual battles take place. This is most common for RPGs that require some preparation and strategy when it comes to playing your turn. Battle threads are often required when it comes to RPGs with multiple major status modifiers (when the battle system is based on the modifiers in its near-entirety). Mostly, a battle thread simplifies things even to simple RPGs as it allows the GM quick updates by viewing the player's battles separately and instantly. On the contrary, if not present, the updates may take far more scrolling back and forth and switching pages, as well as keeping multiple tabs of your main thread open, due to the fact that players who are not in combat post in between (or because they are engaged in a different conflict themselves).

I recommend it to nearly every battle-oriented RPG-maker.

2,555 posts

@DoomBreed Could you link me to a battle thread? I'm not sure I understand exactly what it is.

2,555 posts


So IC thread is just a different name for the game thread right?

So does the player create their character in the OOC thread?

379 posts

@nivlac In my experience with serious role play and RPGs, yes. Occasionally some brain storming in the Interest Check, but for the most part checking what's okay for a character and the posting/approval of a character happens in the OOC. Never in the IC if an OOC is available, because it is not guaranteed that the character will be approved. Of course, Armor Games forum RP and RPGs tend to be a lot more simplified, so it's entirely likely to skip the OOC thread and just label sections of your post OOC when needed.

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