ForumsGamesSonny 2-twin guardians and yosuke battle for psychological(+ zone 6 and 7)

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9 posts

OK. We all know that zones 6 and 7 are where psychos shine the brightest bcos of that -100% combo but most people try different things for the twin guardians and yosuke battle. YOU GUYS ARE DISREGARDING A VERY AWSOME ABILITY OF PSYCHOS!!!
Anyway, I'll start by telling you the abilities that you should unlock and place on your ability will. You'll be able to unlock these all with 34 ability points or at lvl 28(maybe bcos there's still 2 left in my lvl30 accnt.
Ability wheel: psychopath form; traumatize or electrical storm; high voltage X2; shock coma X2, retrogade
Now, here's what most of you missed: ULTIMATUM
well, you probably know how to do the 1 hit combo (high votage-->high votage-->shock coma-->shock coma-->high voltage-->retrogade)
just use that combo for all the battles in zone 6
have lots of vit(android armor, blast shield) and some speed, somewhere around 200 if possible.

OK, now for the main purpose of the guide:
Twin guardians: easy but kinda long, not as long as defensive battles though. first, stun-lock the south guardian and keep on hitting the north one til his shield runs out, use psychopath form and/or electrical storm when you're running out of focus, sneak in a few hits on the south guardian too. when the north guardian's shield breaks or is close to breaking use a retrograde on the south guardian while there is only 1 turn left on shock coma then traumatize if you took it. After that do the -100% combo then use ultimatum. W8 for a few turns until the cooldown of one of your shock comas is at 2 then use the -100% combo. Omedetou gozaimasu. anata wa kachima****a(sorry, just wanted to try my japanese)


  • 7 Replies
9 posts

Oh I almost forgot, use felicity and vera for the twin guardians fight. They're effs can be kinda dangerous for your combo but it's gonna take way less time, maybe. Idk that's what I did

1 posts

OK. We all know that zones 6 and 7 are where psychos shine the brightest bcos of that -100% combo but most people try different thing for the twin guardians and yosuke battle. YOU GUYS ARE


7,024 posts

There are always different ways to do it. Always things to use. Ultimatum kills you pretty fast due to overdrive in this case. You should have time to kill him, but I think just using traumatizes and shock comas suits you just fine.

As for Yosuke, aside from the combo, the best way to do it if you want to try it differently is with the Implosion combo, since Yosuke's shield does not affect DoT and HoT. So you just use this:

Shock Coma - Epiphany - Insecurity - Dark Echoes - Implosion

You can stick a traumatize before Dark echoes, because Imposion will amplify the effects of the shock coma, so you can't just use it again, it will ruin the whole combo. Or, like you pointed out, you could just use Ultimatum before Epiphany to survive. But don't think it is going to be long anyway.

All in all, nice of you to point out, but that way requires re-specing anyway. The point of most guides is to do it with a specific build, and adhering to this build means not re-specing unless it is absolutely necessary (it is a different build if you re-spec anyway). And since Ultimatum could not be in Shadow Support Psycho or Psycho Shocker (it just doesn't have a place), why bother?

9 posts

some guides actually tell you to focus lock(not letting him use ability that requires focus) the enemy for 99 friggin turns.....

7,024 posts

It is the cold hydro, but if you've read beyond the first post,you know that other solutions have been found, like re-specing to a hybrid hydro and applying DoT effects on him while he is locked

9 posts

yes, that's what I did. I'm just implying that some people actually sat down and waited for those 99 turns to finish

7,024 posts

Well, when you are testing, you will sometimes beat enemies the hard way. For example, I took more than 99 turns to beat Felicity in Zone 1 with a poison bio. I took about 75 turns after she casted serious business and at least 40-50 before. Did I consider an easier way? Sure. Was it viable? Not with what I intended to do.

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