- When you post, flip a coin/s and count. a. If previous post has heads, count up. b. If previous post has a single coin with tails, restart the count. example(1): (previous post flipped one coin and landed heads with a count of 6.) when you post: start with 7. and then flip your coin/s. example(2): (previous post flipped two coins and all landed heads with a count of 5.) when you post: start with 7. and then flip your coin/s. example(3): (previous post flipped three coins and all landed heads with a count of 3.) when you post: start with 6. and then flip your coin/s. example(4): (previous post flipped two coins but one was tails.) when you post: Restart the count due to a tails. 1. then flip your coin/s.
- You can flip up to 3 coins. If just one coin is tails, restart. If 2 out of 2 coins are heads, +2 to the count. If 3 out of 3 coins are heads, +3 to the count.
tip: The more coins you add, the greater the risk of tails.
- If there is a successful count, notify me on my profile. The participants of the count will be added to the scoreboard.
- Count up depending on how many coins we're heads in the last post. NOTE: If just one coin is tails, restart.
:three3) Oh hey, we got past one. Let's hope I actually can get some of my luck back from the beginning of this thread. Coin Flip = HeadsCoin Flip = Heads