ForumsWEPRFunny, but reality

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I'd advise you to edit the OP of this thread if you want to start a discussion about it. Maybe add some questions, ask a mod to change the title, post a couple of sentences at least.

Other than that, the satire in this video could use some more work in my opinion.

697 posts

I'm Agreed too , a video doesnt show what you created this thread in the first place , might as well put something related to it

470 posts

Was the point to show that both Muslims and Southerners are horrible people? "Women should be in the kitchen cooking, and cleaning" doesn't really make me feel sympathetic to either of them. That's my biggest quarrel with the Middle East; They treat women like ****.
I didn't think Southerners were were like that though. In fact, I'v met many southerners, and if you weren't courteous to a woman, they would beat you up themselves. Aside from the accent, they're very polite people.
I have no opinion on the guns, aside from the fact that they shouldn't exist.
As for the immigrants, I agree they shouldn't be coming into our country ILLEGALLY. Hey immigrants, our front door is wide open, all you have to do is knock. Should we round up the immigrants that already came into our country illegally and deport them? Only if the system is well thought out and nobody gets harmed/abused/neglected. If that's the case, sure. But before deporting them give them the option to become legal citizens.
I think religion should stay out of politics and especially our schools. That's what I like about Bernie Sanders, he completely abstains from even mentioning religion.
Then they go back to women bashing. Why should a woman be ashamed of her body? It's the men who are being perverts if they get turned on by a woman's legs showing. On that note, what's wrong with sex if it's consensual and done with protection? Sure, I don't support prostitution, but they seem to be implying that any woman who has casual sex is a *****.

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