ForumsForum GamesThe Wanted List | Game thread

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16,585 posts

In this thread, users will do transactions, picking sides, speeches, declaration of battles.
Rules & Discussion will be held in the discussion thread.

Bribe Sheet

(user): $(amount)
(user): $(amount)
(user): $(amount)

The Wanted List (Example)
- @nichodemus - $41,703 ($36,703+$5000)
- @Patrick2011 - $23,502 ($22,302+$1200)
- @Chryosten - $21,230 ($20,230+$1000)
- @MattEmAngel - $18,499 ($15,499+$3000)
- @JACKinbigletters - $16,426($13,426+$3000)
- @Doombreed - $13,750 ($8750+5000)
- @akshobhya - $13,207 ($9657+$3550)
- @Loop_Stratos - $12,691 ($7691+$5000)
- @red303 - $9154 ($7804+1550)
- @Saphire - $7659 ($4659+$3000)
- @apldeap123 - $6150 ($4950+$1200)

Next Battle (Example)
Tuesday, 29th of December. Good luck!

  • 68 Replies
7,024 posts

Either you join the side that is losing which promised you 250 if it wins, or you join the winning side which has promised you 300 if it wins. Simple as that.

And here is the other thing. If you were to ally yourself to someone powerful, would you pick someone with $27000 worth, or someone with $36000?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'll promise the world to you guys, then back pedal when I win. Works for politicians.

16,585 posts

If I win, I promise more. If I lose, I'm keeping my promise about the $250.

9,363 posts

Give me some hard numbers to get my head around.

7,572 posts

I don't know about you guys, but from what I've seen so far, Legend seems to care more about those who are loyal to him than our King. From what I've seen, he knows what it takes to help his followers. Based on how he's using his money, he knows that to win, you must support your followers, and I like that. So far, he's already pledged to give us $250 and more if we are victorious. Contrary to what Doom said, I feel Legend could benefit the lower class much more than our current King can. For these reasons and more, Im sticking with Legend.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Yeah sure, win or lose, $300 on the table.

7,024 posts

Well, looks like everyone is waiting before voting just to see who will they side with in the end, hoping to have better hopes of joining the winning side. Looks like I have to start.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Vote for me, or the terrorists' will use your skulls for salad bowls!

16,585 posts

$350 for the first three people who sided with me on the win. Plus the the $250 I promised to the first two win or not.

@Patrick2011 Join me! and together, we can create an empire. Think farther ahead, if you join me, and we win a second time together in a row, I'll give you $500 for every win after.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

You know what, I'm just gonna give away all that I win. Split equally amongst all who side with me.

Not really sure about the point of this game though. The more I see it, it just seems like bidding, and not the activity boost which was the main purpose of the game as I see it. It feels like the game is just going to split into two directions, one based on gold worth, the other based on haul worth.

5,063 posts

As @SirLegendary has said here -

This is useful if you want people on your side. You don't have to be the King or the Challenger to bribe either.

I am now proposing to form the Wanted List Alliance, called as The Alliance in short.

I am going to explain here how it all works -

Working of the Alliance

The Alliance basically is a collective body of users who collectively vote for one person i.e., either the King or the Challenger based on the collective opinion of all members of the Alliance. Every member of the Alliance will get assured advantages in some form or the other (mainly in the form of Haul Worth). The Alliance will follow many principles and is very systematic.

The Alliance Fund

In order for the Alliance to function smoothly, the Alliance Fund will be set up. As of now, I request @SirLegendary to reduce $500 from my Haul Worth and add it to the Alliance Fund. It also serves as a reserve of money to run the Alliance. All transactions that take place using this Fund will be completely transparent. Any transaction that has to take place using this fund should have approval from me. This fund shall also be used to reward the members of the Alliance. This Fund shall not be misused at any point of time for any purpose.

The Voting Process

Any person who is a member of the Alliance and not the King/Challenger will have the power of voting by default. Whenever a Battle takes place, a person from the Alliance can vote for either the Challenger or the King in the Voting Thread along with the reason for the same. The voting through the Alliance will close 2 days before the Battle. I will then count up the number of votes for each user and the majority of votes received will decide the person whom the Alliance shall vote for. The person who has the maximum number of votes will get the support of ALL members of the Alliance. For example, if there are 8 people in the Alliance and 5 wish to vote for the Challenger, due to the majority, all 8 votes will go to the Challenger and the Challenger shall gain the support of all members of the Alliance and all Members shall agree to this and no disputes shall arise for voting to the person who has lesser number of votes in the Alliance. The Members shall agree to this rule by default while joining the Alliance. While voting in the Official Voting Thread, every member should mention that they are voting in the Alliance and not individually for any person. The Alliance shall declare to whom it is supporting in that Battle at the most, one day before the Battle and this decision shall be taken only by me, abiding all principles of the Alliance and shall stand as the final decision. As said, all Members' worth can be added to the person to whom the Alliance decides to vote for. Since the Alliance works on the principles of majority in this regard, all Members are requested to bear with this rule. In case there is a tie of votes inside the Alliance, a deciding vote will be cast by me based on the reasons given by the Members while voting in the Official Thread earlier and this shall decide the person as to whom the Alliance shall vote for. Once a person becomes a Member, he/she cannot vote for a person individually and can vote for the person only through the Alliance. Remember! The reason that you give for choosing a particular person will play a prominent role. The decision once taken by the Alliance with regard to voting a person will stand only for that Battle. Every major decision to be taken by the Alliance may also have to include the process of Voting, open to all Members in this case.

Bribing the Alliance

The King/Challenger can bribe the Alliance and once the amount is announced by the briber, the amount shall be added to the Alliance Fund and the person who donates more, shall have an advantage in case of ties of votes during the Alliance Voting process and shall also receive more support from the Alliance. This will last only for that Battle. If in case the Members find proof of the Unlawful activities of the King/Challenger if any(I personally don't think this would happen) the Alliance shall withdraw support for that person during that Battle. All bribes given to the Alliance are non-refundable and shall be used lawfully and transparently to run the Alliance. If a person bribes the Alliance, it will not be considered as a personal bribe to any Member and the whole amount shall not be given to a single person but shall be given out as Rewards to all Members who are eligible. A person who bribes the Alliance more, shall be supported by the Alliance for only one Battle. The person who gives more to the Alliance shall receive bonus votes based on the amount given and by the agreement by all Members.

Advantages and Rewards for being a part of the Alliance

Every member who joins the Alliance will be eligible to individual bribing as decided by the King/Challenger, individually. Since the Alliance shall give out one vote on the whole, If that person wins that Battle, all Members should be eligible for the reward of $2000 as announced. If the other person whom the Alliance did not vote for, wins, the Members are not eligible for the $2000 reward even though a small minority of Members voted for him/her in the Alliance voting as the whole Alliance would be siding the other person(in this case) unless the winner(whom the Alliance would not have voted for) decides to give a part of the rewards either to the Alliance Fund or any other user, individually. If a Member is given money by a person individually, the Alliance shall not interfere in the process unless required and any other Member shall not complain against this unless it is not happening under the Laws.

Every person who joins the Alliance shall receive a reward of Haul Worth.

The Alliance Fund is open to all players of the 'The Wanted List' to contribute. Once a contribution is made, it is non-refundable. The Contributor shall become a shareholder of the Alliance Fund if he/she is a Member of the Alliance. Every time the Alliance Fund receives Contributions, a small percentage shall be rewarded to every Contributor depending on the cumulative amount of donations made to the Alliance Fund and the both are directly proportional. As the number of Contributors increase, the percentage of amount given out as Rewards shall also decrease.

If any person introduces a new person to the Alliance and the new person agrees to it, the person who introduces the new person shall receive a one time reward of Haul Worth.

Any person who positively contributes to the Alliance shall be given Rewards if eligible.

A Member shall be supported by all other Members of the Alliance.

Only a Member is eligible to state that he/she is a part of the Alliance in any Reply he/she gives to the Wanted List thread(s).

Every Member is eligible to get Monthly Bonuses which shall be given out as rewards of Mini-Contests held inside the Alliance every month. More details regarding this shall be coming out soon.

General Agreements

- All Members at the time time of joining shall agree that I, @akshobhya shall run the Alliance, handle the finances and the Alliance Fund, handle the process of Rewarding the deserving/eligible Members and take care of disputes that may arise, within the Alliance.
- All Members at the time of joining shall agree to follow ALL Forum Rules and AG Rules which is not an exception to any Member.
- All Rewards shall be in a 'Rounded Off' Form. If a Contributor contributes a very small amount, chances are that he/she shall not receive much(or nothing) back as the rewards are rounded off.
- All disputes shall be handled by me until it is small. As it gets large, the Moderators may come in.
- All queries regarding and related to the Alliance shall be asked only to me.
- A King/Challenger shall not be involved in the Alliance Process.
- A King/Challenger shall not receive the parts of contributions made to the Alliance Fund if he/she is offering a bribe even though he/she is already a contributor.
- A bribe does not make a King/Challenger a Contributor.
- The Reward amount is decided by me, akshobhya, depending on the availability of funds and the eligibility of the person to be awarded
- All rewards given by the Alliance are non-disputable.
- This Alliance shall be completely functional from the Second Official battle between the King and Challenger of 'The Wanted List' Thread.

The Alliance Members List

1. @akshobhya.

The Alliance Fund

As on 19/December/2015 - $500.

The Alliance Fund Contributors' List

1. @akshobhya ($500) (100% Contribution; 10% of other contributions made shall be rewarded instantly)

12,319 posts

@Patrick2011 Join me! and together, we can create an empire. Think farther ahead, if you join me, and we win a second time together in a row, I'll give you $500 for every win after.

I just voted for you in the vote thread, and $500 per win sounds good.

16,585 posts

Hey guys,

Bribe sheet has been made. Once you post a bribe sheet, you can't take it back.

16,585 posts

@akshobhya: $350
@red303: $350

as promised.

Edit: waiting for the win @patrick2011

16,585 posts

Battle of December 21, 2015 results:

@Nichodemus (King):

Total = $84,037


Total = $65,894

Winner: Nichodemus

All those on nichodemus' side earns +$2000. Scoreboard will be updated after this post.

Showing 16-30 of 68